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♥ Tuesday, November 13, 2007
11:51 PM

New blog! :D



♥ Monday, October 15, 2007
1:44 PM


One week before O Levels, and i've lost all motivation to study.

♥ Friday, October 12, 2007
1:35 AM

I guess since so many ppl share their prelim experience,
I shall just update with a little bit of my recent life.

Prelims was alright i guess,
Met my mum's expectations, (somehow) met my own expectations and met the sch's expectation of me - barely.
I depended on moderation to get my 12 and somehow it doesnt feel that great.
There was a chance i would get a 16, but cos of moderation and sheer tyconess, i got 12.

This is seriously overdue, it's gonna be Os in just a week and im still on my dad's lappie.
(My com broke down on me ._. right before prelims and before o levels. which is good. but my dad has a kickass laptop, so i still havent conquered the temptation.)

My maid went back to Indonesia for 3 weeks, so now im reduced to washing the dishes and washing & folding the clothes with my mum while balancing studying and meeting up with him with occasional surfing on the com.
What a sucky sucky year for me.

Sigh. I lost my chem tb too. (super lucky)
I searched high & low, and deployed my mum and maid to help me but to no avail.
So i got no choice, have to borrow his textbook & rely on my own crappy notes.
Im dead lah for chem. ):

Im gonna try and aim for VJC, but for the first 1 month, with 12 points, there's no way i can get in.
My goal since young was VJC, cos it's near my house and it's just this calling since i was in pri 2.
But most dreams cant be fulfilled for me, so, i'll just try my very best to get in after the 1st one month..
If not, SAJC here i come... ...

Sorry for the depressing post, my mood's around there right now..

and i know you're shining down on me from heaven~

♥ Thursday, July 19, 2007
11:42 PM

nanagoesbananas is on

nothing but useless rambling.
if you are too busy studying, dont bother reading.

Life is stressful;
Each day is chipping away a small part.
Leaving pieces behind,
Shattering your mental self,
And you try scratching the surface to stop the pain.

Four walls closing in on you.
Not being able to escape anywhere - Home, Relationship, Friends, School.
The four walls which you try to climb. But they keep getting higher and higher.
Pushing you down. Enclosing you in darkness.
You try and struggle to climb out of this small area, which is slowly being engulfed.
Try as you might, hands from the bottom pull you down, hands from the top push you down.

You cant escape.
Relieving your stress isnt a right idea either.
It might evoke even more unrest and displeasure.
No more discussion. You try to shut out the voices screaming in your head.
Small silent whispers to the world; Horrible loud shouting in your ears.
They're cornering you. There's nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.
Hide. Anywhere you go it's nothing but a dead end, a dark corner.
No little spaces for you to hide and escape.
For you to just relax, to take a breather.

Even when you sleep, you try to shut it all out from you.
You toss and turn, sweat trickling down,
And to your dismay, even the pills dont work.
Discard all thoughts, try and try again.
In the end erupting in tears.
How useless. You cant even sleep - the simplest thing any human can do.
Eventually the tears weigh your eyelids down,
That prickling sensation is nothing more than what any drug can do.

Falling apart?
For what?

In the end, all you get is a piece of paper.
That's all it takes to survive in society.
Screw your troubles; screw your mental state; screw how "sad" and "emotional unstable" you are.
Nomore pishposh.
Bury your head in the books.
Dig your grave.

♥ Sunday, July 15, 2007
12:36 AM


So far i've spent around $30 on that game alone.
That gay game came out in 2005 but now then most arcades have..
Basket then now im spamming the machine with my money.
Wah piang.
No more arcade games till next month, if not i really dont need to eat lunch anymore.

♥ Sunday, July 08, 2007
5:38 PM

Heyhey everyone!
I went to the gym yesterday, and now my arms, tummy, thighs and random places are all aching. ):
This shows how unfit i am ok!
How to get A for NAPHA?! Roar!!

Anyway, yesterday was at the Xiangying.Huan Xing. CDS concert, and it's really very nice!
I think the first one got alot of underlying meaning,
The second one quite spas,
The third one was damn funny,
The last one has underlying meaning, spas, funny and overall my fave! :D
Good job CDS. ((:

I dunno why now im missing London.
I guess it's just that the lifestyle there is alot more relaxed.
In Singapore you can just kinda feel the pressure surrounding you and everything.
I rmb at Stratford-Upon-Avon, when char and i went out to just loiter around the carpark,
We realized how the angmohs actually came up with such meaningful lyrics for their songs.
At that moment we were staring at the deserted highway,
And we just thought of the song Chasing Cars.
If i lay here,
If i just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world.

I guess now i should either be studying or doing my hmk.
During tuition, my teacher was telling us that even some 6-pointers were rejected from RJC.
To get in, you needed to get straight A1s, have a high post in CCA, and take higher chinese.
Then someone just casually said that SJI was affiliated to CJC.
And the students grimaced.

At that point of time i just kept really quiet cos i couldnt say anything.
Right now, im trying to FIGHT to get into SAJC.
I cant get into anywhere else.
SAJC's my best bet.
But if i cant get into SAJC, i'll go to CJC.
And be looked down upon by society and those high-rankers.
I'd even be looked down upon by some polytechnic students.
Then i realized, im not fighting to be the elite, im fighting to just survive.
This meritocratic system in Singapore really sucks,
Ppl like me really cant live here.

Im worrying my head off now.
Im scared that in the future i wont be able to earn my keep.
I'll be just a HOUSEWIFE and rot my ass off at home. BLEAH.

beyond the trees, above the clouds; i see before me a new horizon

♥ Thursday, July 05, 2007
9:18 PM

Yay! The council dance is finally D-O-N-E!
The steps have all been taught and stuff..
Now it's time for formations! (:

Jiayou 39th Student Council!

39thSMEXCO proudly presents:



Nothing interesting going on in sch now bah i guess..
There are tests almost every single day.
In this week alone we had 5/6 tests.. Which all sucked. Rarrrr.
Next week im gonna be real busy with UK presentation and Council Dance..
Besides the hmk and tests and all the crap that are gonna be thrown to us.

VJC DSA dance audition is on the 23rd..
Stress stress.. Have to choreo two min of your own dance genre. ):
Next time in JC, if i dont manage to get to dance society, im gonna give up on dance in my life already.
Most likely, im gonna join canoeing or girls soccer. :D
Hahhaha. Dont ask me why. I just want to. (:

Prelims and Os are all coming soon sec fours!
We must all perservere for the oncoming hurdles alright. :D
After we finish them then can party.. Yayyyyy!!! (((:

Hahhaha.. Byebye ppl! Have to go and rest now.
Pretty pretty day :D