Friday, June 22, 2007
Here's a poem for you all while i go off for chalet. :D
In case you cant read it:
The flower of my eye
Is none other than the LILY.
Queen of the Teochews
Superior to the 'Hi-chews' (chewing gum)
Hair so silky
Skin so milky!
Ever so beautiful
always make me full
Far surpasses elegance
sexy figure of substance!
Strong in times of danger
Scary when in anger.
Nevertheless still gentle
Always still a flower.
This was where they were when they wrote that poem:

They were sitting on that stone wall there.
Sighh. Good times. ._.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
BACK FROM UK!!!!!Lol. Did anyone miss me?
The 10 days were quite enriching..
Quite gay..
The sceneries were really gorgeous,
The castles were really magnificient,
And the air was really chilly.
The food was sucky though. xP
Haiii. I miss home ssssoooo much!!
The 13 hour flight home was really horrible too.
But in UK, it was like really really fun.
With all the
shopping, bus trips, hostel stays, place-visiting, poem-writing etc.
Glenn wrote like, 4 poems?
Most of them quite G-Y-A. x)
On the 1st night at the hostel Ms Koh received 6/7 complaints
in one single night. xD
It was funny luhh. But we kena lectured in the morning. Hahhaha!
Time to update myself on current singapore affairs and COMPLETE MY HMK.
So far, the movies i wanna watch are:
Fantastic Four
Surf's Up
Ratouille (?? Ra-ta-too-ee)
I Know Who Killed Me
My prelims are gonna die liao. Hahahha!
Bye guys, update soon on UK trip (with pics hopefully).
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Zi-highing now.. Cos i finally watched
Now my
trilogy is complete!!!!! ((:
Leaving for UK at 9pm tmr!! :D
Who wants to send me off?
Hahahha x)
Flight details:
Meeting time: 2100
Time of flight: 2255
Place: Terminal One Row Five
for those ppl who wanna send their friends off. :D
anybody want me to buy anything for them?
leave a note
and i'll consider yah? xDD
Friday, June 08, 2007
In about 2 - 3 days, i'll be leaving for UK already.
Sigh. For a long long long time..
These two days have been like, hmk, hmk and more hmk. ):
Finished two emath papers.. But im still rushing like crazy..
No time to indulge in the Pokemon craze some ppl are getting into. x)
And i still dunno how Hengxin is so pro to finish Pokemon so fast!!!
When i was in Pri 4 i took like, one year with the help of a Guide Book (OHMYTIAN)!
And up till now, that cartridge hasnt been completed yet!
I rmb im still stuck in that godforsaken Elite 4 Cave!
Then i rmb i dont want play liao. Lol. Gave up
FOREVER... ...
MUST STUDY!No more Pokemon till after Os. :DD
Im gonna apply for DSA to
SAJC.As for
VJC, i guess, im gonna KIV it first.
Sigh. Dunno why, but when i see the attachments needed, i just feel like giving up almost immediately. ):
SAJC can accept me.. *fingers crossed*
So at least i can secure my JC life. For now. :D
~say goodbye~!!EXCEPT FOR 39TH SMEXCO!!This is now dedicated to the
22 members of the
39th SMExCo who went to
A'Famosa! :D
Dedication time!! (:
CHERMAIN - Bathing partner! (: Hahaha.. Our "hand" method is practical yeah? And you're not fat girl! You're skinny like a funky monkey! :DD Hahaha.. Love you!
CLARICE - CLARICE!(: I miss your bimboticness! Hahha.. Thanks for accompanying me on the bus trips, and sorry i keep pangsehing you,
dont be angry k? Hahhaa.. I love you loads girl! :D
CRYSTAL - Dajie! Hahhaa.. Your highness is super contagious! :D I forgot to tell you that you look very pretty in pictures! And in real life also(: Hahaha.. Thanks for making this trip enjoyable! (:
HANLU - Hanlu! Thanks for being a dajie to me during this camp.. Caring for me and stuff, especially on the 2nd night. Thanks girl.. Love you! :D
horsey girl! (: Thanks for making this trip extra enjoyable! :D Especially since you
let us ride your horse friends provide another suanning platform.. Hahaha.. Sorry.. Dont get angry k? I still think you're very pretty! (:
WONG - DA MA! :D Thanks for providing me with advice and caring for me in Waterworld.. Hahhaa.. I felt a sense of being taken care of when im with you.. You're like my mummy! (: Love you loads.. Take care of that motion sickness! :D
QUEEN KING!:D Hahhaa.. What can i say? I guess, you're the closest guy friend i have in this camp.. I also got to know you alot better. (: Take care of your leg and rock on! Hahaha.. Let us continue choreo and teaching when sch reopens yeah? Thank you so much dude! :D
BRYAN TOH - Tikopek. Hahaha.. Thanks for providing the horny funny jokes and caring for me on the 2nd night. Even though you could go with the others and get high, you chose to stand with me and pei wo low. Thank you alot alot alot! :D And next time i shall thrash you in pool! Hahaha.. This is not the last... ...
CHENGJUN - Hey dude.. I guess i kinda understood your character the most throughout this camp.. I always thought you were very dao, but now i know that you're actually very warm and caring, and you
love okay let's scrap that. :D Thanks for your supersupersuperleng jokes on the 2nd night.. Hahaha.. Esp the siumai and tsunami one. Thank you dude.. For caring for me like an elder brother. (:
DARYL - I didnt really talk much to you during this camp, maybe cos you were always slping? Hahahha just kidding! (x Darlie Foo! Thanks for providing the really pretty picture and all the other forms of entertainment. :D Thank you alot!
EDISON - PIRANHABOY! Hahhaa.. It's always so fun to poke fun at you.. Especially abt E.Ts and piranhas. :D Apparently that has become our main form of communication yeah? You ahh.. Better not anyhow run around anymore! Very hard to find you one leh.. Like a little boy. Sigh. Thanks ahhh ahboy! xD
GLENN - HORNY SUCKER. Sighhhh. Dude.. Stop being so horny horh! Hahhaa.. Let's have heart-to-heart talks in the future okay dude? Enjoy your company alot! Thank you for the entertainment in the bus, YEAH! :D
GUOXIANG - Your zhaopai smile is like, the best ever? Hahhaha.. That forced, fake smile. x) Thanks for providing entertainment, and suanning me at any opportunity you get. Aaahhh sucker. :D But still, thank you! (:
JUNLE - MR PRESIDENT! And the guy always hanging out with the seven girls. You're like a jiemei to all of us already yeah! :D Hahhaa.. Thanks for handling practically EVERYTHING for us, and taking care of the 23 sec fours. Without you, i think we'd all be lost. Thank you for everything dude! Much loves! ((:
KEWEI - Silamngeow! You never talk alot in these 3 days horh! I know you like to crap alot one!!! x) Hahhaa.. Always sleeping at the back of the bus, dont be anti-social! You know we all like to suan you right? Lol.. Thanks for being there dude! :D
LEONARD - Hey L! (: Thank you for encouraging me on the 2nd night, i rmb you trying your hardest to cheer me up! Thank you alotalotalotalot! :D And i still rmb you during Family Day.. Hahha.. Always being there although you were scared too! Thank you dude! ROCK ON!! :D
SHAWN - Hey shawn! I know you were ssoooo unwilling to take that pic with me horh? Hhahaha.. You and kewei, always sleeping at the back of the bus. Sighhh.. MUST TALK MORE! AND HIGHHHHHHH SOMEMORE! :D Hhahaha.. Thank you for the memories dude! (:
VICTOR - JINFU! Dunno why im like so used to calling you that already.. And you respond somemore! Hahaha.. Dunno why i treat you like a little brother le.. Maybe cos you're skinny? (x I like your laughter, super gay! Lol.. Thanks for offering me your seat in the bus, so GENTLEMAN! xDD Hahahhaa.. Thank you so much dude! Really appreciate you being there! :D
WEISHENG - Your gayness never fails to surprise me. My impression of you is that you're super cool and suave, but actually you're just gay. LOL. Dajie say you hunky neh! Must be proud horh.. Hahhahah gaypok! See your blog, my eyes burn. Thanks for being around, and stay hunky, pls dont be G-Y-A le! x)
WEIYANG - TANK!!!!!!! Lol.. I agree with Aloy, you're shuaier than Tank. And why they call you Tank, i have no idea. But thanks for being my Chinese counterpart, otherwise i also dunno got such thing called "Hua Wen Ge". Hhahaha! And listen to more English songs!!!! Even "When You Say Nothing At All" also never hear before! HOW CAN? Hhahaha.. Thanks dude! (:
WENBIN - BITCHHHHHH!!!!!! You are like super bitchy can? Hahhaha.. And thanks for offering to be my bolster when i was feeling down. :D Thank you so much, and i really appreciate this friendship with you, dude! (: Hahahha.. Stay bitchy k? xD And i rock. So do you. But i still rock more. :DD
WILLIE - Willie Owww. I dunno why i never talk to you alot during this trip lehh.. Usually i got alot to crap to you one. Hahhaha.. But it's ok. :D I shall crap more to you in school.. And i shall take more pics with you too. Your smile is quite, non-existent. x)) Lol..
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Back from Malaysia
First of all, i'd like to thank everyone for making my 16th bday unforgettable. :D
SMSes: Mingpok, Char, Tabby, Socks, Shuhong, Hanlu, Molestine, Edmond, Vera, Phoebe, Zoe, Candice, Yuna, Huiling, Joween, Xuan Ming and Yapok! ((:
Thanks guys for the birthday wishes! Appreciate all of them. :D
In the morning had the sec four councillors and jiajie sing a birthday song for me in the council room.. Thanks guys for rmbing my birthday! I love you all! :D
Went out with the special someone for the whole day..
And had dinner at NYDC with special ppl.
Mummy, kor, jie, aaron, and bryan. :D
I got the best presents ever.

The next day, straight away set off for malaysia in the morning.
Didnt have time to say goodbye. to him):
And now im back!
Lol. So fast horh?
Overall the activities i did there were:
1st day - Zi-highed on bus. Ate brunch at Yongpeng 11am. Slept on bus. Review at conference room. Studied physics with a flying ball. Checkin. Dinner. Watched TV. Slept at guys' bungalow with Glenn and Chengjun in the same room (BUT DIFF BED) cos girls' bungalow was noisy.
-end of Day One -
2nd day - Breakfast. Rode horses (MISTY AND GALAXY! OHMYTIAN). Ate lunch. Went to Waterworld. Bathe. Eat dinner. Went to Cowboy Town. Koped games from the arcade. Watched a parade. Went to Lady Annabelle Karaoke where we played pool till we slept. Woke up. Went back to bungalow. Ate snacks. Slept.
-end of Day Two -
3rd day - Woke up. Had breakfast at this fly-infested gay place. Rode on bus. CAMWHORED LIKE SIAO. Had very nice lunch. SHOPPING AT MAHKOTA! :D. Sat on bus. CAMWHORE LIKE SIAO AGAIN. Slept. Woke up. Zi-highed. Reached Singapore. Said goodbye.
- end of Day Three -
To the sec four councillors of 2007:
Thank you guys for making my year in council so worthwhile and enjoyable. Although i havent been with you all through all four years or three years, but the two years i've been in it were one of the best things that i have ever experienced. Council is work, council can be hateful at times, but the friends i made there are those that i will never forget. On the 2nd night when i suddenly quietened down, i really appreciate those who helped me get my mood back. Alot of you all were concerned abt me, and i guess, that's when you realize that there are ppl out there who really care abt you although you're not related to them in any way. And the hardest part of forging this bond is when we all have to split up and go our separate ways in just a few more months. I havent been in council for very long, and yet, all of you can make me feel so welcomed. I thank you all sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I LOVE YOU GUYS ALOT.
Let's have a pretty pic! :D

and another pretty pic! ((:
setting off to UK in FIVE days~ )):
pretty pic:

Sorry Daryl, but i burst out laughing when i saw this pic. Classic.
P.S, dont be angry! x) Hahahha..
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Happy Birthday to me!!!

credits: http://stickgal.blogspot.com
Friday, June 22, 2007
Here's a poem for you all while i go off for chalet. :D
In case you cant read it:
The flower of my eye
Is none other than the LILY.
Queen of the Teochews
Superior to the 'Hi-chews' (chewing gum)
Hair so silky
Skin so milky!
Ever so beautiful
always make me full
Far surpasses elegance
sexy figure of substance!
Strong in times of danger
Scary when in anger.
Nevertheless still gentle
Always still a flower.
This was where they were when they wrote that poem:

They were sitting on that stone wall there.
Sighh. Good times. ._.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
BACK FROM UK!!!!!Lol. Did anyone miss me?
The 10 days were quite enriching..
Quite gay..
The sceneries were really gorgeous,
The castles were really magnificient,
And the air was really chilly.
The food was sucky though. xP
Haiii. I miss home ssssoooo much!!
The 13 hour flight home was really horrible too.
But in UK, it was like really really fun.
With all the
shopping, bus trips, hostel stays, place-visiting, poem-writing etc.
Glenn wrote like, 4 poems?
Most of them quite G-Y-A. x)
On the 1st night at the hostel Ms Koh received 6/7 complaints
in one single night. xD
It was funny luhh. But we kena lectured in the morning. Hahhaha!
Time to update myself on current singapore affairs and COMPLETE MY HMK.
So far, the movies i wanna watch are:
Fantastic Four
Surf's Up
Ratouille (?? Ra-ta-too-ee)
I Know Who Killed Me
My prelims are gonna die liao. Hahahha!
Bye guys, update soon on UK trip (with pics hopefully).
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Zi-highing now.. Cos i finally watched
Now my
trilogy is complete!!!!! ((:
Leaving for UK at 9pm tmr!! :D
Who wants to send me off?
Hahahha x)
Flight details:
Meeting time: 2100
Time of flight: 2255
Place: Terminal One Row Five
for those ppl who wanna send their friends off. :D
anybody want me to buy anything for them?
leave a note
and i'll consider yah? xDD
Friday, June 08, 2007
In about 2 - 3 days, i'll be leaving for UK already.
Sigh. For a long long long time..
These two days have been like, hmk, hmk and more hmk. ):
Finished two emath papers.. But im still rushing like crazy..
No time to indulge in the Pokemon craze some ppl are getting into. x)
And i still dunno how Hengxin is so pro to finish Pokemon so fast!!!
When i was in Pri 4 i took like, one year with the help of a Guide Book (OHMYTIAN)!
And up till now, that cartridge hasnt been completed yet!
I rmb im still stuck in that godforsaken Elite 4 Cave!
Then i rmb i dont want play liao. Lol. Gave up
FOREVER... ...
MUST STUDY!No more Pokemon till after Os. :DD
Im gonna apply for DSA to
SAJC.As for
VJC, i guess, im gonna KIV it first.
Sigh. Dunno why, but when i see the attachments needed, i just feel like giving up almost immediately. ):
SAJC can accept me.. *fingers crossed*
So at least i can secure my JC life. For now. :D
~say goodbye~!!EXCEPT FOR 39TH SMEXCO!!This is now dedicated to the
22 members of the
39th SMExCo who went to
A'Famosa! :D
Dedication time!! (:
CHERMAIN - Bathing partner! (: Hahaha.. Our "hand" method is practical yeah? And you're not fat girl! You're skinny like a funky monkey! :DD Hahaha.. Love you!
CLARICE - CLARICE!(: I miss your bimboticness! Hahha.. Thanks for accompanying me on the bus trips, and sorry i keep pangsehing you,
dont be angry k? Hahhaa.. I love you loads girl! :D
CRYSTAL - Dajie! Hahhaa.. Your highness is super contagious! :D I forgot to tell you that you look very pretty in pictures! And in real life also(: Hahaha.. Thanks for making this trip enjoyable! (:
HANLU - Hanlu! Thanks for being a dajie to me during this camp.. Caring for me and stuff, especially on the 2nd night. Thanks girl.. Love you! :D
horsey girl! (: Thanks for making this trip extra enjoyable! :D Especially since you
let us ride your horse friends provide another suanning platform.. Hahaha.. Sorry.. Dont get angry k? I still think you're very pretty! (:
WONG - DA MA! :D Thanks for providing me with advice and caring for me in Waterworld.. Hahhaa.. I felt a sense of being taken care of when im with you.. You're like my mummy! (: Love you loads.. Take care of that motion sickness! :D
QUEEN KING!:D Hahhaa.. What can i say? I guess, you're the closest guy friend i have in this camp.. I also got to know you alot better. (: Take care of your leg and rock on! Hahaha.. Let us continue choreo and teaching when sch reopens yeah? Thank you so much dude! :D
BRYAN TOH - Tikopek. Hahaha.. Thanks for providing the horny funny jokes and caring for me on the 2nd night. Even though you could go with the others and get high, you chose to stand with me and pei wo low. Thank you alot alot alot! :D And next time i shall thrash you in pool! Hahaha.. This is not the last... ...
CHENGJUN - Hey dude.. I guess i kinda understood your character the most throughout this camp.. I always thought you were very dao, but now i know that you're actually very warm and caring, and you
love okay let's scrap that. :D Thanks for your supersupersuperleng jokes on the 2nd night.. Hahaha.. Esp the siumai and tsunami one. Thank you dude.. For caring for me like an elder brother. (:
DARYL - I didnt really talk much to you during this camp, maybe cos you were always slping? Hahahha just kidding! (x Darlie Foo! Thanks for providing the really pretty picture and all the other forms of entertainment. :D Thank you alot!
EDISON - PIRANHABOY! Hahhaa.. It's always so fun to poke fun at you.. Especially abt E.Ts and piranhas. :D Apparently that has become our main form of communication yeah? You ahh.. Better not anyhow run around anymore! Very hard to find you one leh.. Like a little boy. Sigh. Thanks ahhh ahboy! xD
GLENN - HORNY SUCKER. Sighhhh. Dude.. Stop being so horny horh! Hahhaa.. Let's have heart-to-heart talks in the future okay dude? Enjoy your company alot! Thank you for the entertainment in the bus, YEAH! :D
GUOXIANG - Your zhaopai smile is like, the best ever? Hahhaha.. That forced, fake smile. x) Thanks for providing entertainment, and suanning me at any opportunity you get. Aaahhh sucker. :D But still, thank you! (:
JUNLE - MR PRESIDENT! And the guy always hanging out with the seven girls. You're like a jiemei to all of us already yeah! :D Hahhaa.. Thanks for handling practically EVERYTHING for us, and taking care of the 23 sec fours. Without you, i think we'd all be lost. Thank you for everything dude! Much loves! ((:
KEWEI - Silamngeow! You never talk alot in these 3 days horh! I know you like to crap alot one!!! x) Hahhaa.. Always sleeping at the back of the bus, dont be anti-social! You know we all like to suan you right? Lol.. Thanks for being there dude! :D
LEONARD - Hey L! (: Thank you for encouraging me on the 2nd night, i rmb you trying your hardest to cheer me up! Thank you alotalotalotalot! :D And i still rmb you during Family Day.. Hahha.. Always being there although you were scared too! Thank you dude! ROCK ON!! :D
SHAWN - Hey shawn! I know you were ssoooo unwilling to take that pic with me horh? Hhahaha.. You and kewei, always sleeping at the back of the bus. Sighhh.. MUST TALK MORE! AND HIGHHHHHHH SOMEMORE! :D Hhahaha.. Thank you for the memories dude! (:
VICTOR - JINFU! Dunno why im like so used to calling you that already.. And you respond somemore! Hahaha.. Dunno why i treat you like a little brother le.. Maybe cos you're skinny? (x I like your laughter, super gay! Lol.. Thanks for offering me your seat in the bus, so GENTLEMAN! xDD Hahahhaa.. Thank you so much dude! Really appreciate you being there! :D
WEISHENG - Your gayness never fails to surprise me. My impression of you is that you're super cool and suave, but actually you're just gay. LOL. Dajie say you hunky neh! Must be proud horh.. Hahhahah gaypok! See your blog, my eyes burn. Thanks for being around, and stay hunky, pls dont be G-Y-A le! x)
WEIYANG - TANK!!!!!!! Lol.. I agree with Aloy, you're shuaier than Tank. And why they call you Tank, i have no idea. But thanks for being my Chinese counterpart, otherwise i also dunno got such thing called "Hua Wen Ge". Hhahaha! And listen to more English songs!!!! Even "When You Say Nothing At All" also never hear before! HOW CAN? Hhahaha.. Thanks dude! (:
WENBIN - BITCHHHHHH!!!!!! You are like super bitchy can? Hahhaha.. And thanks for offering to be my bolster when i was feeling down. :D Thank you so much, and i really appreciate this friendship with you, dude! (: Hahahha.. Stay bitchy k? xD And i rock. So do you. But i still rock more. :DD
WILLIE - Willie Owww. I dunno why i never talk to you alot during this trip lehh.. Usually i got alot to crap to you one. Hahhaha.. But it's ok. :D I shall crap more to you in school.. And i shall take more pics with you too. Your smile is quite, non-existent. x)) Lol..
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Back from Malaysia
First of all, i'd like to thank everyone for making my 16th bday unforgettable. :D
SMSes: Mingpok, Char, Tabby, Socks, Shuhong, Hanlu, Molestine, Edmond, Vera, Phoebe, Zoe, Candice, Yuna, Huiling, Joween, Xuan Ming and Yapok! ((:
Thanks guys for the birthday wishes! Appreciate all of them. :D
In the morning had the sec four councillors and jiajie sing a birthday song for me in the council room.. Thanks guys for rmbing my birthday! I love you all! :D
Went out with the special someone for the whole day..
And had dinner at NYDC with special ppl.
Mummy, kor, jie, aaron, and bryan. :D
I got the best presents ever.

The next day, straight away set off for malaysia in the morning.
Didnt have time to say goodbye. to him):
And now im back!
Lol. So fast horh?
Overall the activities i did there were:
1st day - Zi-highed on bus. Ate brunch at Yongpeng 11am. Slept on bus. Review at conference room. Studied physics with a flying ball. Checkin. Dinner. Watched TV. Slept at guys' bungalow with Glenn and Chengjun in the same room (BUT DIFF BED) cos girls' bungalow was noisy.
-end of Day One -
2nd day - Breakfast. Rode horses (MISTY AND GALAXY! OHMYTIAN). Ate lunch. Went to Waterworld. Bathe. Eat dinner. Went to Cowboy Town. Koped games from the arcade. Watched a parade. Went to Lady Annabelle Karaoke where we played pool till we slept. Woke up. Went back to bungalow. Ate snacks. Slept.
-end of Day Two -
3rd day - Woke up. Had breakfast at this fly-infested gay place. Rode on bus. CAMWHORED LIKE SIAO. Had very nice lunch. SHOPPING AT MAHKOTA! :D. Sat on bus. CAMWHORE LIKE SIAO AGAIN. Slept. Woke up. Zi-highed. Reached Singapore. Said goodbye.
- end of Day Three -
To the sec four councillors of 2007:
Thank you guys for making my year in council so worthwhile and enjoyable. Although i havent been with you all through all four years or three years, but the two years i've been in it were one of the best things that i have ever experienced. Council is work, council can be hateful at times, but the friends i made there are those that i will never forget. On the 2nd night when i suddenly quietened down, i really appreciate those who helped me get my mood back. Alot of you all were concerned abt me, and i guess, that's when you realize that there are ppl out there who really care abt you although you're not related to them in any way. And the hardest part of forging this bond is when we all have to split up and go our separate ways in just a few more months. I havent been in council for very long, and yet, all of you can make me feel so welcomed. I thank you all sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I LOVE YOU GUYS ALOT.
Let's have a pretty pic! :D

and another pretty pic! ((:
setting off to UK in FIVE days~ )):
pretty pic:

Sorry Daryl, but i burst out laughing when i saw this pic. Classic.
P.S, dont be angry! x) Hahahha..
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Happy Birthday to me!!!

credits: http://stickgal.blogspot.com