Sunday, May 27, 2007
Can anyone tell me what these two drinks taste like at all? Apparently it's all a scam!!!!! x)
Hahahhaa.. The drinks inside are for ppl who cant make up their mind aka fickle-minded and for those who are curious to try for the first time.
Luckily i never try.. If not sure be cursing the ppl who created this. (:

Because honestly, the can doesnt state any flavours whatsoever. The ads whole day,
Especially the one with the guy and the inheritance one. DOUBLE LOL. xDD
Saturday, May 26, 2007
an army of marching poohs~results came back yesterday.
luckily my term one results were better..
they pulled my L1R5 up by 2 points.
from 21 -> 19
sigh. at least it's not past 20.
which is the only good thing.
what's the use of a good praise report/testimonial for DSA when noone actually cares abt it?ppl only care abt the damn academic results.urgh. singapore sucks.
cant get into a jc.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Sorry for not updating at all for about a whole 10 days.
Been quite busy after MYEs, especially with council.
Sigh. My MYE results aer quite sucky.
And my dream to VJC is like, shattered already.
Out of reach.
Sigh. Forget it.
Over this one week there were alot of post exam activites..
All almost quite gay. :D
There was
FAMILY DAY, which i didnt blog abt..
That happened almost a week ago.
It was fun - the sec 4s (supposed) last chance to organize a camp.
Everyone did a real great job. :D
Hahhaha.. Kinda missing it now.
There was Mini-Olympiad and all that crap.
Ermm.. These few days got
Career Fair?
And there's the after-school
Directors Of Schools meeting.Sigh. Tired. x(
This holiday im not gonna be in Singapore most of the time..
Ooooh. Got lotsa activities. :D
28th May - ACSI Open House 29th May - Chemistry Tutorial
29th - 30th May - Council Selection Camp
31st May - TJC Dance Concert
1st June - HIGH TEA @ GOODWOOD PARK!; 4C class outing
2nd June - MY B'DAY! :D :D :D :D :D
3rd - 5th June - Council M'sia trip to A'Famosa. 5th - 10th June - Rot; Bum around.
11th - 20th June -
UK TRIP! :D :D :D :D :D
20th June - Dance Prac
21st June - Dance Prac
21st - 23rd June - Bum; Rot around.
24th June -
Char's B'day!
25th June - Sch reopen. ._.
Still have Dance pracs.. And council meetings.
And camps.
Sigh. Sigh. Triple sigh.
Tmr is PTC! :D
Lucky my mummy not going.
Hahhahaa.. Got appointment with Mummy tmr!
Byebye living souls.
let's not kill the karmalet's not start a fightit's not worth the dramafor a beautiful liar
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Hahhaha. Boliaooo. x)
Can take this test thingie if you're bored like me.
And Happy B'day to Estee the Pulchritudinous! ((:
Friday, May 11, 2007
Fun fact:
The name of the 207th richest man in the world is ANURAG DIKSHIT.
Dikshit. *cough* :D :D
The dude has an effed-up name. Lol.
Had CIP today after Lit paper! And i am in
I partnered with Phoebe
thehorrible and we are in charge of levels 10 and 11! :DD
Hahahha.. It wasnt very fun cos there werent alot of residents at home for phoebe to scare them with her horrible presence. x)
I was scaring her with HDB murder and rape stories and she was freaked out!! xDD
Hahaha.. Sorry horrible girl..
I promise not to scare you so much next time. :D
We scared this poor resident woman..
All thanks to phoebe and her
face lovely presence. ((:
*me and phoebe finding doorbell*
Resident: 哇!小孩子,你们把我吓着了!
Resident: 你们还穿得白白的.. 吓死人啊!
Me: ...
Resident: 以后不要吓人了!
Me: Errr. Orh. ...
Should be quite difficult for phoebe, she cant go anywhere without freaking ppl out. xD
Hhahahha.. Suanning mood now. x)
Socks and hengpok kept missing some parts of the HDB block..
It's quite complicated and messy.
Just lucky that the top two floors are totally 通.
Sigh. Feeling blessed.
This is the time to finish what you started.This is no time to dream.Give me your tired and poor and huddled masses.You know they're yearning to breathe free.this is my prayer.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Yay! Im blogging again! :D
MYEs arent over yet.. It's cos tmr is core lit paper - gaypok
So i decided to slack for a while and review my papers. ((:
E MATH PAPER 1 - Cant recall much of it. But i can recall calling my mum and apologizing to her for screwing the paper up, although i cant rmb what happened. Still got Paper 2 on Tues. ._.
SOCIAL STUDIES - If i rmb correctly i think it was quite okay.. I think i forgot a factor for SEQ or something. Hopefully Aloy taught me the right answering skills.. If not i'll be so screwed. xD
CHEMISTRY PAPER 2 - I thought it was pretty easy. Got some damn diffcult and gay ques if i dont rmb wrongly. But other than that i think it was managable.
HIGHER CHINESE - Serious gayness. The question all ask around the same thing one! How the -toot- are you supposed to see which is which? Dammit. I feel aslp also.. Dunno why chinese has this tranquilizing effect on me.
ENGLISH - Never really had problems with english. The passage was quite cool too. :D The vocab - what is "
nice"? ...
BIOLOGY - MCQ was fine. But when it came to paper 2 i was feeling woozy cos i hadnt eaten anything since morning. Somemore the hall was so cold!! I started feeling numbed and my hands refused to obey my brain. In the end i kinda gave up on the last few questions, my brain just didnt want to work anymore. Blahhh.. Im just praying that i dont fail.. At least just pass.. Sigh.
A MATH - I thought it was kinda okay.. But the numbers come out all weird weird one!!! x( The questions if diff is really diff; if easy then it's like D-U-H. Hopefully will do well, but dont really have alot of confidence. ):
HISTORY - STRUCTURED RULED LAH! Hahahaha.. SBQ was quite okay.. But i dunno what to write for parts (c) and (d), especially (d). Compare all the freakin' sources. ._. SEQ cos Ms Za help us le.. So it was okay. Pretty confident of this paper. ((:
E LIT PAPER 2 - This is my most screwed up paper. Period.
2 more to go!
This year the MYEs seem to pass really quickly. Which is a good thing.
Just kinda sad that i didnt prepare much for it.. All
REALLY last min chiong one..
Just ask the ppl who i disturb every morning in the council room..
Hahhaa.. Whole day just kachiao them only. x)
Thanks to all the smart-arses who helped me through this MYEs! (:
Lol.. Without you all i think i'd be EXTREMELLLY SCREWED. :D
Hahhaa.. Last min cramming of facts into my head in the morning before the papers.
The Mids have their effects on all of us.
For me:
1) fatigue - slp at like 12 and wake up at 4 to study (last min studying)
2) stoneness - due to fatigue
3) headache - read too much book
And the most impt thing!
According to the criterion of skincare..
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Can anyone tell me what these two drinks taste like at all? Apparently it's all a scam!!!!! x)
Hahahhaa.. The drinks inside are for ppl who cant make up their mind aka fickle-minded and for those who are curious to try for the first time.
Luckily i never try.. If not sure be cursing the ppl who created this. (:

Because honestly, the can doesnt state any flavours whatsoever. The ads whole day,
Especially the one with the guy and the inheritance one. DOUBLE LOL. xDD
Saturday, May 26, 2007
an army of marching poohs~results came back yesterday.
luckily my term one results were better..
they pulled my L1R5 up by 2 points.
from 21 -> 19
sigh. at least it's not past 20.
which is the only good thing.
what's the use of a good praise report/testimonial for DSA when noone actually cares abt it?ppl only care abt the damn academic results.urgh. singapore sucks.
cant get into a jc.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Sorry for not updating at all for about a whole 10 days.
Been quite busy after MYEs, especially with council.
Sigh. My MYE results aer quite sucky.
And my dream to VJC is like, shattered already.
Out of reach.
Sigh. Forget it.
Over this one week there were alot of post exam activites..
All almost quite gay. :D
There was
FAMILY DAY, which i didnt blog abt..
That happened almost a week ago.
It was fun - the sec 4s (supposed) last chance to organize a camp.
Everyone did a real great job. :D
Hahhaha.. Kinda missing it now.
There was Mini-Olympiad and all that crap.
Ermm.. These few days got
Career Fair?
And there's the after-school
Directors Of Schools meeting.Sigh. Tired. x(
This holiday im not gonna be in Singapore most of the time..
Ooooh. Got lotsa activities. :D
28th May - ACSI Open House 29th May - Chemistry Tutorial
29th - 30th May - Council Selection Camp
31st May - TJC Dance Concert
1st June - HIGH TEA @ GOODWOOD PARK!; 4C class outing
2nd June - MY B'DAY! :D :D :D :D :D
3rd - 5th June - Council M'sia trip to A'Famosa. 5th - 10th June - Rot; Bum around.
11th - 20th June -
UK TRIP! :D :D :D :D :D
20th June - Dance Prac
21st June - Dance Prac
21st - 23rd June - Bum; Rot around.
24th June -
Char's B'day!
25th June - Sch reopen. ._.
Still have Dance pracs.. And council meetings.
And camps.
Sigh. Sigh. Triple sigh.
Tmr is PTC! :D
Lucky my mummy not going.
Hahhahaa.. Got appointment with Mummy tmr!
Byebye living souls.
let's not kill the karmalet's not start a fightit's not worth the dramafor a beautiful liar
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Hahhaha. Boliaooo. x)
Can take this test thingie if you're bored like me.
And Happy B'day to Estee the Pulchritudinous! ((:
Friday, May 11, 2007
Fun fact:
The name of the 207th richest man in the world is ANURAG DIKSHIT.
Dikshit. *cough* :D :D
The dude has an effed-up name. Lol.
Had CIP today after Lit paper! And i am in
I partnered with Phoebe
thehorrible and we are in charge of levels 10 and 11! :DD
Hahahha.. It wasnt very fun cos there werent alot of residents at home for phoebe to scare them with her horrible presence. x)
I was scaring her with HDB murder and rape stories and she was freaked out!! xDD
Hahaha.. Sorry horrible girl..
I promise not to scare you so much next time. :D
We scared this poor resident woman..
All thanks to phoebe and her
face lovely presence. ((:
*me and phoebe finding doorbell*
Resident: 哇!小孩子,你们把我吓着了!
Resident: 你们还穿得白白的.. 吓死人啊!
Me: ...
Resident: 以后不要吓人了!
Me: Errr. Orh. ...
Should be quite difficult for phoebe, she cant go anywhere without freaking ppl out. xD
Hhahahha.. Suanning mood now. x)
Socks and hengpok kept missing some parts of the HDB block..
It's quite complicated and messy.
Just lucky that the top two floors are totally 通.
Sigh. Feeling blessed.
This is the time to finish what you started.This is no time to dream.Give me your tired and poor and huddled masses.You know they're yearning to breathe free.this is my prayer.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Yay! Im blogging again! :D
MYEs arent over yet.. It's cos tmr is core lit paper - gaypok
So i decided to slack for a while and review my papers. ((:
E MATH PAPER 1 - Cant recall much of it. But i can recall calling my mum and apologizing to her for screwing the paper up, although i cant rmb what happened. Still got Paper 2 on Tues. ._.
SOCIAL STUDIES - If i rmb correctly i think it was quite okay.. I think i forgot a factor for SEQ or something. Hopefully Aloy taught me the right answering skills.. If not i'll be so screwed. xD
CHEMISTRY PAPER 2 - I thought it was pretty easy. Got some damn diffcult and gay ques if i dont rmb wrongly. But other than that i think it was managable.
HIGHER CHINESE - Serious gayness. The question all ask around the same thing one! How the -toot- are you supposed to see which is which? Dammit. I feel aslp also.. Dunno why chinese has this tranquilizing effect on me.
ENGLISH - Never really had problems with english. The passage was quite cool too. :D The vocab - what is "
nice"? ...
BIOLOGY - MCQ was fine. But when it came to paper 2 i was feeling woozy cos i hadnt eaten anything since morning. Somemore the hall was so cold!! I started feeling numbed and my hands refused to obey my brain. In the end i kinda gave up on the last few questions, my brain just didnt want to work anymore. Blahhh.. Im just praying that i dont fail.. At least just pass.. Sigh.
A MATH - I thought it was kinda okay.. But the numbers come out all weird weird one!!! x( The questions if diff is really diff; if easy then it's like D-U-H. Hopefully will do well, but dont really have alot of confidence. ):
HISTORY - STRUCTURED RULED LAH! Hahahaha.. SBQ was quite okay.. But i dunno what to write for parts (c) and (d), especially (d). Compare all the freakin' sources. ._. SEQ cos Ms Za help us le.. So it was okay. Pretty confident of this paper. ((:
E LIT PAPER 2 - This is my most screwed up paper. Period.
2 more to go!
This year the MYEs seem to pass really quickly. Which is a good thing.
Just kinda sad that i didnt prepare much for it.. All
REALLY last min chiong one..
Just ask the ppl who i disturb every morning in the council room..
Hahhaa.. Whole day just kachiao them only. x)
Thanks to all the smart-arses who helped me through this MYEs! (:
Lol.. Without you all i think i'd be EXTREMELLLY SCREWED. :D
Hahhaa.. Last min cramming of facts into my head in the morning before the papers.
The Mids have their effects on all of us.
For me:
1) fatigue - slp at like 12 and wake up at 4 to study (last min studying)
2) stoneness - due to fatigue
3) headache - read too much book
And the most impt thing!
According to the criterion of skincare..