Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I seriously dont wanna stay in council anymore.
It was my mistake to think that anon was ONE PERSON.
It's in fact a whole group of ppl.
And to not complicate things further, there's only one option.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The 2nd passerby, ~ and me are the same person again. xDD
LOL. Same as anon1 - anon100000. (:, thanks for sticking up for me. :DD
Haii.. These two weeks there's gonna be
ALOT of tests.
Dont know why i bother myself with this at all. *rolls eyes*
And yes freddie i agree with you.
Ppl with no balls. Tsktsk.
Thanks alot. (:
even though i everytime shout at you. :DTabby and Willie. (:
Thanks for helping out.TO
Thanks for making my day. :D
It's hilarious to see such tags every single day.
And at the same time, this incident can only reinforce my friends' care for me.
Although, it is disappointing to someone resort to this sort of underhanded and childish means. LOL.
Alright everyone!
Shall go study Bio, Math, Chinese, whatever blah blah tests that are coming up!
Monday, January 29, 2007
TO ANON 1 - 1000000 (anything lah) IN MY TAGBOARD:
LOL!!!!!!YOU'RE JUST ONE PERSON!*points and laughs*
I seriously have no idea which boliao person will go and spam my tagboard pretending to be alot of ppl.
Childish, ignorant, gay, ah-lian, whatever blah blah. xD
But seriously lah, you guys wanna see what he/she wrote?
It's really amusing!
*note: all vulgarities are taken straight from the tagger. i apologize for any traumatizing effects it has on any one reader. (:**notenote: the IP add and the times of the tags. HAHHAHAHHAAanon2 u want us to shoot u?!BANG BANG..29 January 2007,
03:33 [GMT]
try finding a gun first. (:anon1! are you dead? i hope you are fats. i wont be so mean, but why dont you just do us all a favour and shoot yourself. yay!29 January 2007,
03:34 [GMT]
i would if i could, i just cant find a gun. ((:anon3 =X29 January 2007,
03:35 [GMT]
okay. this reminds me of some kid holding the toy gun then playing cops and robbers. x)anon2 UNITE!!!29 January 2007,
03:36 [GMT]
okay, this gets freaky. cos a person actually imagines himself/herself to have alot more ppl around her! OH WOW.anon 4 crap.u dun nid 2 act tough or whatever.if u wanna b shoot,u will b dead by now.we're juz being kind here=
29 January 2007,
03:36 [GMT]
number one, i dont act tough. number two, try shooting me if you want to. i wanna see how a bullet feels in my leg. (:anon 4 crap.u dun nid 2 act tough or whatever.if u wanna b shoot,u will b dead by now.we're juz being kind here=
29 January 2007,
03:36 [GMT]
refer to previous response. :Danon2 sux.29 January 2007,
03:36 [GMT]
agree with...?anon1 feel like biting off your head.29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
bite lah. lol.anon6 sucker. go suck dicks
29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
i havent reached the age limit where oral sex is allowed but you are allowed to go and oral any goose you can find. anon7!u suck man.bet u dun noe dat la SUCKER!29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
anon7 says yo to anon 6 who has the exact same ip add. ._.anon8
like. shut up la. hope you are dead by now. ^^29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
lalalalala im not dead! come shoot me lah. ^^anon3 unite. lol. bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang. =X29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
LOL x100000000anon6 sucker. go suck dicks29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
as i've said, i cant find anyone. ): sad right? anon6 want me to shoot you? so i did. GO AND DIE MAN YOU PROSTITUTE
29 January 2007,
03:38 [GMT]
at least im a prostitute and not some old virgin like someone tagging. (:anon9 two faced banana(:29 January 2007,
03:38 [GMT
WTH IS THAT.anon6 your big boobs and JUMP OFF THE BUILDING
29 January 2007,
03:38 [GMT]
thanks for complimenting on my boobs. (: even though you're not the first one. i jump from your house lah. :Danon 4 b u shld juz freaking kill urself.u shld b feeling bttr that way.being shoot isn't a good feeling u noe.oh yea u shld noe judging by de no.of shoots u've receive
29 January 2007,
03:38 [GMT]
not exactly. i wanna get shot. but, cannot buy gun in singapore. gosh what an idiot.anon000
YEAH lotsa personal probs? u think we care? i don't wanna shoot you! it will spoil my gun! anyway i think the bullet will explode when it sees your face (
29 January 2007,
03:39 [GMT]
eh that's friggin cool! imagine when the bullet come close to your face, then suddenly, BOOM! wah piang. :Danon6 so you think you're SO CUTE. man, giveme a break. you're juz a fucker with big boobs
29 January 2007,
03:39 [GMT]
I AM CUTE. :DD lemme correct you, i am a f**kee, not a f**ker. (: and i have big boobs. sue me. anon6 are an idiot. i think you're not even FIT to be human.
29 January 2007,
03:40 [GMT]
okay. then i can be SUPERIDIOT. :Danon1 fats; are your boobs fake? they sure seem like. where did you had them done?
29 January 2007,
03:40 [GMT]
you wanna know? just stuff tissue paper in lah.anon 6
let's shoot the banana! *bangs*29 January 2007,
03:40 [GMT]
lol no life. shoot banana. that just sounds.. weird.anon6're juz a bitch who enjoys torturing people. fuck off
29 January 2007,
03:40 [GMT]
that's right. totally. who's off? (:anon7
whoots fucker u totally suck la.go and eat ur beloved shit!29 January 2007,
03:41 [GMT]
you want me to eat phoebe? xDDDanon7 fucker u totally suck la.go and eat ur beloved shit!29 January 2007,
03:41 [GMT]
LOLanon 5 she dead yet?? (:29 January 2007,
03:41 [GMT]
hahhaa what a weird question. yes and im here to haunt you? anon9 January 2007,
03:41 [GMT]
._.anon000 lotsa personal probs? u think we care? i don't wanna shoot you! it will spoil my gun! anyway i think the bullet will explode when it sees your face (
29 January 2007,
03:42 [GMT]
lol no innovation. no improvement. tsk tsk.anon 4 u wanna commit suicide dun jump off de building.i scared whn u jump ur big fat boobs will hit ur face n explod
29 January 2007,
03:42 [GMT]
at least i have big boobs. (: and btw, jumping off a building isnt the only way to commit suicide. :Danon7 i dun wan to shoot u in ur FACE.coz the sight of it makes me PUKE.29 January 2007,
03:42 [GMT]
oh alright. shoot me in my big humongous breasts then.anon6 ok ok im sorry, but oh wells, i just cant stand you. do change unless you want your friends to leave you one by one
29 January 2007,
03:44 [GMT
leave lah. seriously. i dont really care. cos right now i know where my priorities stand, unlike some immature biatch who spams ppl's blogs. (:anon000 there. you're so fat you don't need internet cause you're WORLD WIDE! x)29 January 2007,
03:45 [GMT]
HEY THAT'S COOL LEH! HAHHAAHHAHHA that's really funny!...
do change your "speak your love" to "speak your hate"
29 January 2007,
03:49 [GMT]
speak lorh. xDIt's amazing how many tags a person can leave at ONE tagboard at a time space of 16 min.
I mean, how does he/she do it? OH GOSH.
The person MUST have alot of hate for me. (:
www.doyoursocialstudies.blogspot.com(: GIVE ME HIGH MARKS!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Im so tired of ppl judging me for who they think i am.If they think i dont deserve whatever i have now,I say: TOO BAD. LIVE WITH IT.I too am unsatisfied with lotsa stuff.What else can i do?
Shut my trap and just live life the best i can.And FYI, i have alot of things troubling me now too.If you have "personal problems", it seems as though ONLY YOU have personal problems and noone else does.Alot of things require self-sacrifice, and that is the thing that Singaporean youth dont have anymore.Shoot me for all you like.Shoot me IN MY FACE.Dont go behind my back and make it awkward for my friends to break it to me.Esp Tabby and Bryan Toh.None of them wanted to tell me, for fear that i will feel "sad".The only kind of "sadness" i feel is for those who are ignorant, and dont think abt the entire picture.I admit, i am sad after hearing this. But i knew that this issue would come up sooner or later.I knew it would be hard to be accepted. I knew it when i entered.I tried. I tried my best. All that i could.If i couldnt be accepted as part of your family, that only proves something.That this isnt as perfect as it looks.It's nothing but a facade, a fake, a mask put on to show the school that you all are perfect.Acceptance is not easy, esp after so many years of bonding and suddenly this nobody breaks in and starts criticising on things that she doesnt know alot abt.I didnt expect to be accepted straight from the beginning, neither did i expect to establish bonds with all of you.All i wanted to do was see from an "outsider's" opinion. IS THAT WRONG? If you think that is not the right way of seeing things, i say it is the PERFECT way of looking at you.If you treat me like an "outsider", then all the more golden my opinion is.FYI, I ACTUALLY DontGiveAShit.Why should i have bothered in the first place?I could actually be less stressed and be less irritated.But NOOOOO. I had to get myself involved in this.Call me stupid. But i do things for the interest of the group, not for myself.I dont even know why i care for everything right now.I should just go and leave everything to die in the shitplace.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Cause the hardest part of this, Is leaving you.):My life's screwed up now.
I dunno how to actually "unload" the stress and tell the ppl around me what's bugging me.
I want to, but i cant.
And this is my greatest burden.
Who can understand what im going through?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Thanks Mike for helping me make that. (:
Anyway, today i said
goodbye to a friend of mine.
JEANINE. ):She's going off to Australia to study for 5 years to get her degree.
See ya soon JEANINE! Nice knowing you.. Even though it was for a really really short while.
Gonna have to get used to not bullying you in ballet class. x((
Kinda in a good mood today.
I resisted the pain in my pointe shoes while playing audition and owning ppl in 7 rounds. xDD
Here's another thing that Mike made for me.

Yeah you know Mike.
He loves to lie. :D
Friday, January 19, 2007
Woke up with a bloody headache.
Decided not to go to sch today.
Oh gosh. It's boring staying at home.
Listening to "
Gloomy Sunday" now.
Hopefully i wont go jump to my death. (:
I think i missed alot in sch today.
For one, there's hist hmk to be handed in.
I scared later Ms Zarinah deduct my marks. :(
Secondly, there's dance.
Alot of unsettled things. x((
DOUBLE-BOO.Haii. Troubled by alot of stuffs now.
What a sad day.
GLOOMY SUNDAYSunday is gloomy, the hours are slumberless.
Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless.
Little white flowers will never awaken you.
Not where the dark coach of sorrow has taken you.
Angels have no thought of ever returning you.
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you?
Gloomy Sunday.
Gloomy Sunday,
With shadows I spend it all.
My heart and I have decided to end it all.
Soon there'll be prayers and candles alit I know.
Let them not weep, let them know that I'm glad to go.
Death is a dream, for in death I'm caressing you.
With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you.
Gloomy Sunday.
Dreaming! I was only dreaming.
I wake and I find you asleep onto my heart there.
Darling I hope that my dream hasn't haunted you.
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you.
Gloomy Sunday.
Absolutely Gloomy Sunday.
Gloomy Sunday.
In what way will ppl go suicidal over this song?
Dont get it.
Im tired now. ):
Shall go slp early.
Tmr still got Bio tutorial.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sometimes I wish he was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet-
Lips Of An Angel by
Going for a MALAY COURSE on Thursday.
Was quite excited cos i thought my friends were gonna be attending the class with me.
In the end, all my friends who applied for the malay course were all in SSS.
So im stuck in the malay course ALL BY MYSELF. )):
Haiii. Nothing exciting now.
Exciting enough?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Been feeling quite down recently.
Bugged with alot of questions and problems.
Somehow it just feels so empty and hollow.
And everything seems so monotone right now.
Im getting sick of my life.
Someone save me.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Im totally lovin' sec 4. ((:
1st of all, our classroom is on the 2nd level!
2nd, our teachers rock!! :D
*a math circular measure test tmr! time to study! :)
O level is like, so this year.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Thanks Benny for lending me THE BLACK PARADE CD to burn! ((:
It's the only thing that's making me happy now.Yeah. Been pretty down in the dumps lately. )):
Time to cheer up and do hmk.
Gosh, i hate being sec 4.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I've never felt so insulted in my life.
After watching "Night At The Museum", i went off to Dunman Food Court (at Joo Chiat) to eat dinner with my parents.
I went to order Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee and Char Kway Teow.
Then, the uncle at the stall said,"Wo ji de ni! Ni shi zai na bian lai de! (i rmb you! you come from there one!) *points somewhere*"
I turned around, and realized it was Joo Chiat walk.
He kept staring lecherously.
Then i realize that he was pointing towards an effing
I was so insulted. And disgusted.
Somemore Joo Chiat is famous for its prostitutes.
So. Urgh.
Forget it.
Monday, January 01, 2007
i wonder if you knowif my mum's in Tokyoand my dad's in Hokkaidoand we all go fly dodo~ thanks alot kor for the SPASTIC songHAPPY NEW YEAR! (:Sorry to those ppl i declined going out with for countdown and stuff..
Didnt wanna leave my mum alone at home..
But i guess im free tmr! x))
Anyway, more abt Orientation Camp!
The CLUSTERS we called
APUS (eh-pes)
DRACO (dra-co)
PAVO (pay-vo)
VOLANS (vo-lens)
There were individual cluster cheers..
But i only know
Apus' cheer cos i was in the AFC (Apus Fan Club).
Sha sha sha sha shou!Why are we so pro?This is Apus show!Others can go home!(taken from VS/VJC)Draco one was something like this..
I say you say i say DRA!I say you say i say CO!I say you say i say DRACO, DRACO DRACO DRACO.. DRACO.. DRACO...(
sing the last line like Ole, Ole Ole Ole..)Pavo one little bit the long.. Cannot remember..
I just know got alot of funny actions.
AND! The last line is..
Pavo, WOO! Pavo, WOO! Pavo Pavo, WOOOO~!xD
Volans one lagi long.
Something like
we can fly and we can swim.. Blah blah blah. Cant rmb.
Nonetheless i had alot of fun bonding with the 39th SMExCo.
After all, i missed out on 2 and a half years with them. (X
The Mass Dance during the camp was kinda wasted.
I mean, Wenbin and Aloy took alot of time to choreo the dance and simplify alot of actions.
In the end, even though Wenbin and I took only 1 and a half hours to teach the entire dance to the entire cohort of sec ones, (with of course the massive help from the OGLs),
They werent dancing it during the campfire.
It's understood cos they couldnt catch the steps..
But, it still kinda made us sad and slightly depressed during the campfire. ):
The sec ones this year were also not well-mannered.
First of all, during supper, after one of them finished their milo, they wanted another cup.
So you know what he said?
"More Milo."After that Crystal Chan just poured another cup for him.
I was pissed off at him, i mean, couldnt he use the word
Me: Crystal, are you his maid?Crystal: Huh? No lah.Me: Then why you pour for him even though he never say PLEASE?Crystal: Aiyah, i dont mind.Oh gawd i swear i could just slap that boy right in the face.
2nd incident.
During Night Games, i was in the same station with Weisheng, Wenbin, Faustina, Gayle and Yongsheng.
OG 24/26 (i think) came to our station.
Me, Weisheng and Wenbin were sitting there acting like ghosts.
Wenbin wasnt moving, while i had my hair over my head and was rocking to and fro.
Weisheng was just standing there.
Afterwards, the group came up, and they started touching Wenbin's hair.
They were obscenely rude too.
One guy was saying, "I throw egg at them see whether they move not! HAHAHHAA"
Later he said to his friend, "I pay you $10 you beat up this guy *points to wenbin* for me."
They were also going to touch me, and i swear, if they did,
I would just lunge straight for their throats.
When they left, Weisheng started shouting at them to enter the toilets.
HAH! That's when they became humji.
Blah blah blah.. They didnt dare..
Dunno what.. Then they left.
Next grp.
OG 28.
There was this really KP guy.
He was jumping around like noone's business and trying hard not to act scared.
Afterwards, when i told him that ONE PERSON HAS TO GO INTO THE TOILET,
He actually pointed to the girls in his grp and said, "Jiu shi ni le."
Then i replied, "NO. I WANT A BOY TO GO IN."
There were only 2 boys in that grp.
And he looked to his friend.
LOL. I was jeering him in my heart.
Afterwards, Weisheng got really pissed with him.
He said, "I give you 5 seconds, you either get your bloody ass into the toilet or you bloody hell get out of my sight."
That guy was still AP.
Oh gosh. Weisheng was furious.
In the end, we just decided to let the matter drop.
Didnt really care anymore.
While waiting for the grps to arrive, we were dipping our fingers into hot candle wax.
You know something, it actually feels great.
It has this slight ticklish biting sensation in the beginning, later it starts to harden, and that's when the fun begins.
But seeing the wax dry on your fingers is uberly cool too. ((:
I am what Yongsheng calls -
Oh well.
There's alot of stuff that happened during Orientation Camp.
Internal conflict, struggles, late night meetings, PA morning calls, cock-ups, nice food (not sarca, it was nice), tears, laughter, fatigue, strepsils etc.
Overall, i enjoyed it very much. ((:
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I seriously dont wanna stay in council anymore.
It was my mistake to think that anon was ONE PERSON.
It's in fact a whole group of ppl.
And to not complicate things further, there's only one option.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The 2nd passerby, ~ and me are the same person again. xDD
LOL. Same as anon1 - anon100000. (:, thanks for sticking up for me. :DD
Haii.. These two weeks there's gonna be
ALOT of tests.
Dont know why i bother myself with this at all. *rolls eyes*
And yes freddie i agree with you.
Ppl with no balls. Tsktsk.
Thanks alot. (:
even though i everytime shout at you. :DTabby and Willie. (:
Thanks for helping out.TO
Thanks for making my day. :D
It's hilarious to see such tags every single day.
And at the same time, this incident can only reinforce my friends' care for me.
Although, it is disappointing to someone resort to this sort of underhanded and childish means. LOL.
Alright everyone!
Shall go study Bio, Math, Chinese, whatever blah blah tests that are coming up!
Monday, January 29, 2007
TO ANON 1 - 1000000 (anything lah) IN MY TAGBOARD:
LOL!!!!!!YOU'RE JUST ONE PERSON!*points and laughs*
I seriously have no idea which boliao person will go and spam my tagboard pretending to be alot of ppl.
Childish, ignorant, gay, ah-lian, whatever blah blah. xD
But seriously lah, you guys wanna see what he/she wrote?
It's really amusing!
*note: all vulgarities are taken straight from the tagger. i apologize for any traumatizing effects it has on any one reader. (:**notenote: the IP add and the times of the tags. HAHHAHAHHAAanon2 u want us to shoot u?!BANG BANG..29 January 2007,
03:33 [GMT]
try finding a gun first. (:anon1! are you dead? i hope you are fats. i wont be so mean, but why dont you just do us all a favour and shoot yourself. yay!29 January 2007,
03:34 [GMT]
i would if i could, i just cant find a gun. ((:anon3 =X29 January 2007,
03:35 [GMT]
okay. this reminds me of some kid holding the toy gun then playing cops and robbers. x)anon2 UNITE!!!29 January 2007,
03:36 [GMT]
okay, this gets freaky. cos a person actually imagines himself/herself to have alot more ppl around her! OH WOW.anon 4 crap.u dun nid 2 act tough or whatever.if u wanna b shoot,u will b dead by now.we're juz being kind here=
29 January 2007,
03:36 [GMT]
number one, i dont act tough. number two, try shooting me if you want to. i wanna see how a bullet feels in my leg. (:anon 4 crap.u dun nid 2 act tough or whatever.if u wanna b shoot,u will b dead by now.we're juz being kind here=
29 January 2007,
03:36 [GMT]
refer to previous response. :Danon2 sux.29 January 2007,
03:36 [GMT]
agree with...?anon1 feel like biting off your head.29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
bite lah. lol.anon6 sucker. go suck dicks
29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
i havent reached the age limit where oral sex is allowed but you are allowed to go and oral any goose you can find. anon7!u suck man.bet u dun noe dat la SUCKER!29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
anon7 says yo to anon 6 who has the exact same ip add. ._.anon8
like. shut up la. hope you are dead by now. ^^29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
lalalalala im not dead! come shoot me lah. ^^anon3 unite. lol. bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang. =X29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
LOL x100000000anon6 sucker. go suck dicks29 January 2007,
03:37 [GMT]
as i've said, i cant find anyone. ): sad right? anon6 want me to shoot you? so i did. GO AND DIE MAN YOU PROSTITUTE
29 January 2007,
03:38 [GMT]
at least im a prostitute and not some old virgin like someone tagging. (:anon9 two faced banana(:29 January 2007,
03:38 [GMT
WTH IS THAT.anon6 your big boobs and JUMP OFF THE BUILDING
29 January 2007,
03:38 [GMT]
thanks for complimenting on my boobs. (: even though you're not the first one. i jump from your house lah. :Danon 4 b u shld juz freaking kill urself.u shld b feeling bttr that way.being shoot isn't a good feeling u noe.oh yea u shld noe judging by de no.of shoots u've receive
29 January 2007,
03:38 [GMT]
not exactly. i wanna get shot. but, cannot buy gun in singapore. gosh what an idiot.anon000
YEAH lotsa personal probs? u think we care? i don't wanna shoot you! it will spoil my gun! anyway i think the bullet will explode when it sees your face (
29 January 2007,
03:39 [GMT]
eh that's friggin cool! imagine when the bullet come close to your face, then suddenly, BOOM! wah piang. :Danon6 so you think you're SO CUTE. man, giveme a break. you're juz a fucker with big boobs
29 January 2007,
03:39 [GMT]
I AM CUTE. :DD lemme correct you, i am a f**kee, not a f**ker. (: and i have big boobs. sue me. anon6 are an idiot. i think you're not even FIT to be human.
29 January 2007,
03:40 [GMT]
okay. then i can be SUPERIDIOT. :Danon1 fats; are your boobs fake? they sure seem like. where did you had them done?
29 January 2007,
03:40 [GMT]
you wanna know? just stuff tissue paper in lah.anon 6
let's shoot the banana! *bangs*29 January 2007,
03:40 [GMT]
lol no life. shoot banana. that just sounds.. weird.anon6're juz a bitch who enjoys torturing people. fuck off
29 January 2007,
03:40 [GMT]
that's right. totally. who's off? (:anon7
whoots fucker u totally suck la.go and eat ur beloved shit!29 January 2007,
03:41 [GMT]
you want me to eat phoebe? xDDDanon7 fucker u totally suck la.go and eat ur beloved shit!29 January 2007,
03:41 [GMT]
LOLanon 5 she dead yet?? (:29 January 2007,
03:41 [GMT]
hahhaa what a weird question. yes and im here to haunt you? anon9 January 2007,
03:41 [GMT]
._.anon000 lotsa personal probs? u think we care? i don't wanna shoot you! it will spoil my gun! anyway i think the bullet will explode when it sees your face (
29 January 2007,
03:42 [GMT]
lol no innovation. no improvement. tsk tsk.anon 4 u wanna commit suicide dun jump off de building.i scared whn u jump ur big fat boobs will hit ur face n explod
29 January 2007,
03:42 [GMT]
at least i have big boobs. (: and btw, jumping off a building isnt the only way to commit suicide. :Danon7 i dun wan to shoot u in ur FACE.coz the sight of it makes me PUKE.29 January 2007,
03:42 [GMT]
oh alright. shoot me in my big humongous breasts then.anon6 ok ok im sorry, but oh wells, i just cant stand you. do change unless you want your friends to leave you one by one
29 January 2007,
03:44 [GMT
leave lah. seriously. i dont really care. cos right now i know where my priorities stand, unlike some immature biatch who spams ppl's blogs. (:anon000 there. you're so fat you don't need internet cause you're WORLD WIDE! x)29 January 2007,
03:45 [GMT]
HEY THAT'S COOL LEH! HAHHAAHHAHHA that's really funny!...
do change your "speak your love" to "speak your hate"
29 January 2007,
03:49 [GMT]
speak lorh. xDIt's amazing how many tags a person can leave at ONE tagboard at a time space of 16 min.
I mean, how does he/she do it? OH GOSH.
The person MUST have alot of hate for me. (:
www.doyoursocialstudies.blogspot.com(: GIVE ME HIGH MARKS!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Im so tired of ppl judging me for who they think i am.If they think i dont deserve whatever i have now,I say: TOO BAD. LIVE WITH IT.I too am unsatisfied with lotsa stuff.What else can i do?
Shut my trap and just live life the best i can.And FYI, i have alot of things troubling me now too.If you have "personal problems", it seems as though ONLY YOU have personal problems and noone else does.Alot of things require self-sacrifice, and that is the thing that Singaporean youth dont have anymore.Shoot me for all you like.Shoot me IN MY FACE.Dont go behind my back and make it awkward for my friends to break it to me.Esp Tabby and Bryan Toh.None of them wanted to tell me, for fear that i will feel "sad".The only kind of "sadness" i feel is for those who are ignorant, and dont think abt the entire picture.I admit, i am sad after hearing this. But i knew that this issue would come up sooner or later.I knew it would be hard to be accepted. I knew it when i entered.I tried. I tried my best. All that i could.If i couldnt be accepted as part of your family, that only proves something.That this isnt as perfect as it looks.It's nothing but a facade, a fake, a mask put on to show the school that you all are perfect.Acceptance is not easy, esp after so many years of bonding and suddenly this nobody breaks in and starts criticising on things that she doesnt know alot abt.I didnt expect to be accepted straight from the beginning, neither did i expect to establish bonds with all of you.All i wanted to do was see from an "outsider's" opinion. IS THAT WRONG? If you think that is not the right way of seeing things, i say it is the PERFECT way of looking at you.If you treat me like an "outsider", then all the more golden my opinion is.FYI, I ACTUALLY DontGiveAShit.Why should i have bothered in the first place?I could actually be less stressed and be less irritated.But NOOOOO. I had to get myself involved in this.Call me stupid. But i do things for the interest of the group, not for myself.I dont even know why i care for everything right now.I should just go and leave everything to die in the shitplace.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Cause the hardest part of this, Is leaving you.):My life's screwed up now.
I dunno how to actually "unload" the stress and tell the ppl around me what's bugging me.
I want to, but i cant.
And this is my greatest burden.
Who can understand what im going through?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Thanks Mike for helping me make that. (:
Anyway, today i said
goodbye to a friend of mine.
JEANINE. ):She's going off to Australia to study for 5 years to get her degree.
See ya soon JEANINE! Nice knowing you.. Even though it was for a really really short while.
Gonna have to get used to not bullying you in ballet class. x((
Kinda in a good mood today.
I resisted the pain in my pointe shoes while playing audition and owning ppl in 7 rounds. xDD
Here's another thing that Mike made for me.

Yeah you know Mike.
He loves to lie. :D
Friday, January 19, 2007
Woke up with a bloody headache.
Decided not to go to sch today.
Oh gosh. It's boring staying at home.
Listening to "
Gloomy Sunday" now.
Hopefully i wont go jump to my death. (:
I think i missed alot in sch today.
For one, there's hist hmk to be handed in.
I scared later Ms Zarinah deduct my marks. :(
Secondly, there's dance.
Alot of unsettled things. x((
DOUBLE-BOO.Haii. Troubled by alot of stuffs now.
What a sad day.
GLOOMY SUNDAYSunday is gloomy, the hours are slumberless.
Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless.
Little white flowers will never awaken you.
Not where the dark coach of sorrow has taken you.
Angels have no thought of ever returning you.
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you?
Gloomy Sunday.
Gloomy Sunday,
With shadows I spend it all.
My heart and I have decided to end it all.
Soon there'll be prayers and candles alit I know.
Let them not weep, let them know that I'm glad to go.
Death is a dream, for in death I'm caressing you.
With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you.
Gloomy Sunday.
Dreaming! I was only dreaming.
I wake and I find you asleep onto my heart there.
Darling I hope that my dream hasn't haunted you.
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you.
Gloomy Sunday.
Absolutely Gloomy Sunday.
Gloomy Sunday.
In what way will ppl go suicidal over this song?
Dont get it.
Im tired now. ):
Shall go slp early.
Tmr still got Bio tutorial.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sometimes I wish he was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet-
Lips Of An Angel by
Going for a MALAY COURSE on Thursday.
Was quite excited cos i thought my friends were gonna be attending the class with me.
In the end, all my friends who applied for the malay course were all in SSS.
So im stuck in the malay course ALL BY MYSELF. )):
Haiii. Nothing exciting now.
Exciting enough?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Been feeling quite down recently.
Bugged with alot of questions and problems.
Somehow it just feels so empty and hollow.
And everything seems so monotone right now.
Im getting sick of my life.
Someone save me.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Im totally lovin' sec 4. ((:
1st of all, our classroom is on the 2nd level!
2nd, our teachers rock!! :D
*a math circular measure test tmr! time to study! :)
O level is like, so this year.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Thanks Benny for lending me THE BLACK PARADE CD to burn! ((:
It's the only thing that's making me happy now.Yeah. Been pretty down in the dumps lately. )):
Time to cheer up and do hmk.
Gosh, i hate being sec 4.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I've never felt so insulted in my life.
After watching "Night At The Museum", i went off to Dunman Food Court (at Joo Chiat) to eat dinner with my parents.
I went to order Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee and Char Kway Teow.
Then, the uncle at the stall said,"Wo ji de ni! Ni shi zai na bian lai de! (i rmb you! you come from there one!) *points somewhere*"
I turned around, and realized it was Joo Chiat walk.
He kept staring lecherously.
Then i realize that he was pointing towards an effing
I was so insulted. And disgusted.
Somemore Joo Chiat is famous for its prostitutes.
So. Urgh.
Forget it.
Monday, January 01, 2007
i wonder if you knowif my mum's in Tokyoand my dad's in Hokkaidoand we all go fly dodo~ thanks alot kor for the SPASTIC songHAPPY NEW YEAR! (:Sorry to those ppl i declined going out with for countdown and stuff..
Didnt wanna leave my mum alone at home..
But i guess im free tmr! x))
Anyway, more abt Orientation Camp!
The CLUSTERS we called
APUS (eh-pes)
DRACO (dra-co)
PAVO (pay-vo)
VOLANS (vo-lens)
There were individual cluster cheers..
But i only know
Apus' cheer cos i was in the AFC (Apus Fan Club).
Sha sha sha sha shou!Why are we so pro?This is Apus show!Others can go home!(taken from VS/VJC)Draco one was something like this..
I say you say i say DRA!I say you say i say CO!I say you say i say DRACO, DRACO DRACO DRACO.. DRACO.. DRACO...(
sing the last line like Ole, Ole Ole Ole..)Pavo one little bit the long.. Cannot remember..
I just know got alot of funny actions.
AND! The last line is..
Pavo, WOO! Pavo, WOO! Pavo Pavo, WOOOO~!xD
Volans one lagi long.
Something like
we can fly and we can swim.. Blah blah blah. Cant rmb.
Nonetheless i had alot of fun bonding with the 39th SMExCo.
After all, i missed out on 2 and a half years with them. (X
The Mass Dance during the camp was kinda wasted.
I mean, Wenbin and Aloy took alot of time to choreo the dance and simplify alot of actions.
In the end, even though Wenbin and I took only 1 and a half hours to teach the entire dance to the entire cohort of sec ones, (with of course the massive help from the OGLs),
They werent dancing it during the campfire.
It's understood cos they couldnt catch the steps..
But, it still kinda made us sad and slightly depressed during the campfire. ):
The sec ones this year were also not well-mannered.
First of all, during supper, after one of them finished their milo, they wanted another cup.
So you know what he said?
"More Milo."After that Crystal Chan just poured another cup for him.
I was pissed off at him, i mean, couldnt he use the word
Me: Crystal, are you his maid?Crystal: Huh? No lah.Me: Then why you pour for him even though he never say PLEASE?Crystal: Aiyah, i dont mind.Oh gawd i swear i could just slap that boy right in the face.
2nd incident.
During Night Games, i was in the same station with Weisheng, Wenbin, Faustina, Gayle and Yongsheng.
OG 24/26 (i think) came to our station.
Me, Weisheng and Wenbin were sitting there acting like ghosts.
Wenbin wasnt moving, while i had my hair over my head and was rocking to and fro.
Weisheng was just standing there.
Afterwards, the group came up, and they started touching Wenbin's hair.
They were obscenely rude too.
One guy was saying, "I throw egg at them see whether they move not! HAHAHHAA"
Later he said to his friend, "I pay you $10 you beat up this guy *points to wenbin* for me."
They were also going to touch me, and i swear, if they did,
I would just lunge straight for their throats.
When they left, Weisheng started shouting at them to enter the toilets.
HAH! That's when they became humji.
Blah blah blah.. They didnt dare..
Dunno what.. Then they left.
Next grp.
OG 28.
There was this really KP guy.
He was jumping around like noone's business and trying hard not to act scared.
Afterwards, when i told him that ONE PERSON HAS TO GO INTO THE TOILET,
He actually pointed to the girls in his grp and said, "Jiu shi ni le."
Then i replied, "NO. I WANT A BOY TO GO IN."
There were only 2 boys in that grp.
And he looked to his friend.
LOL. I was jeering him in my heart.
Afterwards, Weisheng got really pissed with him.
He said, "I give you 5 seconds, you either get your bloody ass into the toilet or you bloody hell get out of my sight."
That guy was still AP.
Oh gosh. Weisheng was furious.
In the end, we just decided to let the matter drop.
Didnt really care anymore.
While waiting for the grps to arrive, we were dipping our fingers into hot candle wax.
You know something, it actually feels great.
It has this slight ticklish biting sensation in the beginning, later it starts to harden, and that's when the fun begins.
But seeing the wax dry on your fingers is uberly cool too. ((:
I am what Yongsheng calls -
Oh well.
There's alot of stuff that happened during Orientation Camp.
Internal conflict, struggles, late night meetings, PA morning calls, cock-ups, nice food (not sarca, it was nice), tears, laughter, fatigue, strepsils etc.
Overall, i enjoyed it very much. ((: