Sunday, December 31, 2006
Orientation Camp's over.
2006 is about to be over in a few hours.
This year has been very eventful.
I made
ALOT of new friends.
Got myself involved in lotsa stuffs too.
And, as busy as it was, i enjoyed the entire year nonetheless. (:
3CI didnt really know alot of ppl then.
But, over the days, we went thru alot as a class.
After Bonding Camp, the spirit of the class was at its peak.
Soon, after negative comments from the teachers and many many many problems we faced,
The spirit started to go downhill.
Right now, it's not very good.
But, i have faith that in 2007, we can go uphill once more, and go thru our O Levels as one bonded class. ((:
CouncilEven though i never prepared myself to be accepted into the Student Council in sec 3,
But, i've never regretted joining the student council, no matter how busy or stressful i was.
Through council, i managed to make alot of new friends, and got to know more ppl in the other levels.
I got to experience alot of things i never got to in the past, and council pretty much took up all of my time in the holidays.
DanceI became the vice-president of dance, and got to know Minghui and Yaqi alot better.
We sort of became closer, and even though Dance didnt really improve under our reign,
But i understood alot of predicaments our seniors were facing,
And in a way, managed to get some juniors back into dance. ((:
Chiang Rai, prom, camps etc etc..
These year has provided me lots and lots of memories. :D
Anyway, back to NOW.
I lost my voice during Orientation Camp.
The spirit during Orientation was both high and low.
During RARA, it was high.
During Dirty Games/Team Building it was raining, so it became low.
During Campfire, it was pathetically low. This was when i lost my voice. xD
During Water Games/Telematch, it was kinda high.
During Orientation Camp, i had to say Goodbye to someone i just knew this year - Zhixin.
After the campfire, she was trying to run away from everybody in the parade square.
I managed to catch her and hug her.
She "wasnt" crying.. When i hugged her, she started crying and i started tearing.
She's going off to TJC next year, so we're kinda not gonna see her again.
Campfire was emotional, many ppl cried cos of the IP ppl. ):
To Zhixin: Even though i only knew you this year, but you've been a very sweet junior, and i'll never forget you. (: You dont have to be sad either, TJ is only a few busstops away.. We'll still see each other! :D Good luck in JC alright! We'll miss you. -dumdiddlyaway!Throughout the camp, i was seriously tired.
No idea why.
But anyway,
I HAVE 12 UNDONE CHINESE COMPOS.Mr Leaf is gonna kill me next year. GAHHH.
Oh gosh, i've been waiting for one since i was sec one!!!!!
Happy New Year people!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I walked down the hill in the rain just now.
Went into the aircon bus.
Went out.
Went into another aircon bus.
Reached home.
Ate dinner.
Woke up.
Went out with my mum again to do some stuffs.
Came home.
Blocked nose.
Slight fever.
Constant feeling of vomitting.
Im sick.
Monday, December 25, 2006
and a
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!to my sis who turns
19 today!
Sorry for the uber lamo present xDD
2 more years to
For me..
6 more months to
Yesterday i went to the airport to pick up my 2 aussie cousins - Jenvicka and Pauline.
They still look like lil' girls. x))
Pauline has slimmed down and Jen is looking more and more like Zhang Bo Zhi.
My cousin -

I havent taken a pic with her yet.
But seriously, she totally looks like Zhang Bo Zhi.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! (:
I went to church yesterday.
Been almost a year since i went to church.
It was quite nice. Almost the same as last year.
There was a drama, candlelight service, tears, prayer, blah blah.
Then i celebrated Christmas Eve by playing
Okay lah. Won a little bit of money!
I cant wait for ORIENTATION CAMP.
Cant wait to see the
SEC 4s'o7. :D
Starting to play AUDITION le!
I can say sayonara to my hol hmk.
Havent started yet.
So effing S-C-R-E-W-E-D.
Friday, December 22, 2006
These few days have been a blast. (:
Viva Dasant (Dance Camp)Sadly, I missed almost the entire camp. ):
It was super fun cos my juniors were funny! Hahhaa
I was stationed inside the TOWER HALL with JOCELYN (oh gaawwwdd)
I was acting as a crazed ballerina. LOLLL
Minghui had to pei me cos i was super duper scared. xDD
Our 1st group was Jiaying's group. :)
It was fun because even before the games started they were screaming! X)))
2nd group! Poor Shermaine got freaked out and cried. Gosh. So sorry. Hhahaha
3rd group: Annia's group. Not fun one. ):
During Night Games it was raining too. Guess it added to the atmosphere!
Fete De La Danse (Ballet Concert)Rehearsals were super tiring.
But thankfully, the actual thing went quite smoothly.
Oh well.
Hhaha. Hopefully the cameraman didnt capture that scene. LOL.
I received lots of flowers too! (:
I'll get the pictures and post them up soon! :D
3) Dance Farewell
Didnt go. ):
4) Council FarewellDidnt go either. ):
Orientation Training CampIt was a BLAST! (:
I was regarded as a SM during the camp.
I wasnt playing the games anymore.
DIRTY GAMES i was station master for splat!
WET GAMES i was station master for i like to move it move it!
TELEMATCH i was station master for dog and bone!
SHIZILUKOU i wasnt a station master but i pretended to be with Hanlu, Guoxiang and Junle at TM!
The dance was really good too!
We were bopping around like retarded AUDITION ppl during the parts where we didnt need to dance! xDD
Thanks wenbin for the dance! (:
It's been long since i actually ENJOYED a stress-free dance.
On the last day there was registration.
We all slept at around 1+ 2am, and we all agreed to wake up at 0600.
I woke up, and looked around.
I saw Edison, Wong, and Crystal Chan sleeping around me in the AVT.
I was wondering where everybody was.
I looked at my phone, and i was thinking what time it was.
I looked at the clock. 0704.
I stoned there. 0704 didnt click in my head.
I was thinking whether it was 5 something. Dont ask me why.
I stone there. Then, it hit me.
0704??!?!!HOLY SHITTT!!!!!!!!!I woke them up hurriedly, and felt so dumb.
During registration, i repeated the same thing about 60 plus times.
Thanks COUNCIL for making this camp really fun. :D
UPCOMING!6) Orientation Dance Performance
7) Sec One Orientation Camp
8) School Reopening
Everywhere I go, every smile I see,I know you are there, smilin' back at meDancin' in moonlight, I know you are freeCos I can see your star, shinin' down on meGO
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Upcoming events:
1) Viva Dasant (Dance Camp)
2) Fete De La Danse (Ballet Concert)
3) Dance Farewell
4) Council Farewell
5) Orientation Training Camp
6) Sec One Orientation Camp
7) School Reopening
Friday, December 15, 2006
Sorry if i scared some ppl today.
Dont know what came over me.
Thanks Hanlu for comforting me,
Letting my pour out all my troubles to you. (:
Thanks YOU TWO for lending me your voices for Night Games. :D
Anyway, we had council meeting today.
And oh gosh im doing DIRTY GAMES with Willie, Gayle and Weiyang.
I feel sadistic now.
Wenbin also asked me to help him choreo the Mass Dance cos Clarice is away on hol or something during Orientation.
Hahaha. Should be can lah. (:
I met Chin Meng on the bus too.
Im freakin' random now.
Shall go sleep. MY WORRIES AWAY!
Boy the things you do
Keep me strong
Keep me running back to you
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I had a dream again. ._.
In this dream, i dreamt i was lost, and was walking a LONG LONG LONG and BIG BIG BIG walkway.
It's something like the storage places at Harbourfront there.
Then i rmb asking someone i know (but i cant rmb who) how to get to AHS for camp.
I think it was Farewell Camp (WT).
I had this dilemma, whether to go or not go.
I wanted to go to sch to tell Junle i couldnt go (LOL).
Then i saw the MRT. ._.
It was one of the NE stations.
(If im not wrong it's Kovan)
And because i had BUS PASS, i REFUSED to take the bloody MRT.
So didnt go to the MRT station.
I continued walking, and arrived in the concourse steps there.
._. I couldnt find Junle.
Then i saw Aloy, and he asked me, "Nalina! You staying for Night Games not?"
I said no, and he told me that i was in the same grp as one of the sec 4s (use your imagination! tag who u think it is, and if u're right, i'll give you a BIG WET SLOBBERING KISS).
And i decided to stay.
Then i woke up.
Why so many dreams lately? ):
Ballet! (:
Pictures pictures!
I took very little only cos use other ppl cam mah.
Rehearsal! Eunice and me. (:

Me and Eunice again. Hhaha.. Ballet partners! (:



FULL GROUP PIC! pretty colours. :D
I know i look fat compared to the others lah.
Darn it.
when something ends, something begins.
when someone loses, someone wins.
but now, it's just the end of the road.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
bold: things that are true
italics: things that i wish were true
i miss somebody right now.i dont watch tv these days.i wear glasses or contact lenses.i love to play video games.
i've tried marijuana.
i have been in a threesome.
i have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
i believe honesty is usually the best policy.i curse sometimes.i have changed a lot mentally over the last year.i carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
i'm totally smart.i've broken someone's bones.
i'm paranoid sometimes.i would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, f.o.c and scar-free.i need money right now.i love sushi.
i talk really, really fast.i have long hair.i have lost money in Las Vegas.
i have at least one sibling.i have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.i couldn't survive without Caller I.D.i like the way i look.i am usually pessimistic.
i have a lot of mood swings.
i have a hidden talent.i'm always hyper no matter how much sugar i have.i have a lot of friends.i am currently single.i have pecked someone of the same sex.i enjoy talking on the phone.
i practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
i would rather shop then eat.i don't hate anyone.im a pretty good dancer.i'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
i have a cell phone.i believe in God.i watch MTV on a daily basis.i have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
i have rejected someone before.i have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.i have changed a diaper before.
i've called the cops on a friend before.
i'm not allergic to anything.i have a lot to learn.
i love to shop.i've been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
i am shy around the opposite sex.
i have tried alcohol before.i have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.i own the "South Park" movie.i would die for my best friends.
i think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
i have used my sexuality to advance my career.
i love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.Halloween is fun because you get candy.i watch Spongebob Squarepants and i like it.
i am happy at this moment.i have more than just my ears pierced.i walk barefoot wherever i can.i have jumped off a bridge.
i love sea turtles.
i plan on achieving a major goal/dream.i'm proficient in a musical instrument.i've worked at McDonald's restaurant.
i hate office jobs.i love sci-fi movies.
i think water rules.
i went college out of state.
i like sausages.i fall for the worst people.
i adore bright colours.i usually like covers better than originals.i can pick up things with my toes.i can't whistle.
i can move my tongue in waves.i have ridden/owned a horse.i still have every journal I've ever written in.i can't stick to a diet.i talk in my sleep.i try to forget things by drowning them with distractionsi have jazz in my blood.i wear a toe ring.
i have a tattoo.i can't stand at LEAST one person that i work with.i am a caffeine junkie.
i know what cosplaying is.
i have been to over 15 conventions.
i will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
planned on posting videos.
but it just didnt work. ):
go to youtube and check
TRANJI alright!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
i had the weirdest dream last night.
i dreamt i was sitting in a room, full of ppl.
and i was SMOKING.
there was this really really really long brown stick, like a cigar.
except that it was thin.
i dreamt i lit it up, and i sat there smoking.
the rest of my dream was just pretty much me sitting there smoking.
then i rmbed choking, and i woke up.
what a random dream.
oh yes.
something really no link.
i suddenly think GERARD WAY from My Chemical Romance is kinda cute.
i think my brain is now permaenently fried.
Or lend me to *burn. MOOHAHA. xD
*hint hint BEN! coughcough.
Cant really sleep now.
So was kinda searching around the internet for stuffs.
Found this website: www.songmeanings.net
There are not many interpretations of songs, but at some songs, some ppl actually post their interpretations of the song.
Which is kinda nice to hear from another person's point of view.
There was this song by Josh Groban, Vincent (Starry Starry Night),
Which i didnt quite understand.
Then i went online and searched,
It's actually talking abt the artist, Vincent Van Gough and his insane life of art.
Cool right?
Okay u may not find it cool but i do.
Super random. xD
Went around looking for MCR stuff too. (:
Read ppl's interpretations, and read their song lyrics, could really see sincerity and many layers of meanings in their songs.
Strong lyrics. :D
Then, being the freak that i am, saw some pics of MCR.
And realized that Gerard Way was kinda cute.
I was like staring at his pic like a freak.
Then i asked my mum whether he good-looking not.
Me: Mummy. This guy nice not?
Mum: Not nice. *conts watching Doha Games*
Me: Oei you never see properly! He cute lah! Hahah
Mum: Orh. Yah. Cute lorh.
What a sucker.
Oh well.
I just love typing my sis' laptop.
That's why im crapping alot. x))
Oh yes!
Today there was ballet rehearsal and photoshoot.
I got a
BLUE dress.It so clashes with my
RED shoes pls.
But i know i shouldnt complain. (:
We kinda started at 1pm with a briefing.
After that, we went to our various holding areas.
At my area there, there was this DEAD, SQUISHED LIZARD WITH ITS BLOODY GUTS on the floor.
I was freaking out whenever i had to leave the door.
The dress was kinda incomplete without the invisible strap holding it up and the line of sequins on the rim of the dress.
So, when i was dancing, it just kept slipping down.
There were other guys from outside that were watching us too.
Oh gosh, it was just humiliating with our dresses slipping down and us pulling them back up.
Super unglam. x((
And i found out that two of my ballet friends, Eunice and Sy Jia, were pri sch friends with my current sec sch friend Junliang.
Eunice has the pics with her.
So next time i shall upload yeah. (:
Anyway, the entire thing ended around 5pm.
After that, our class had a photoshoot too.
So, we ended at around 6pm.
I was really tired by then, couldnt wait to go home. ):
Oh gosh.
Next week it'll be until 10pm.
Friday, December 08, 2006
I keep forgetting to update abt Student Council Bonding Camp even though it was on the 1st. (:
1st day.Met Minghui early in sch to teach her new choreography.
There was dance on the same day as the camp, so i couldnt go for practice.
Went to sch at 7am. (FREAKIN' EARLY!)
Bonding Camp started at 8am. (:
First, we had to group into groups of 4.
Then, flour and water had to be used to style a group member's hair.
So, the only guy in my group (Zhou Yang), suay suay kena. :D
We did some mohawk thingie on his head. LOL.
After that got runway show. Normal.
Tried to be high but couldnt because i was seriously too tired.
Only when i mixed alot of flour with water, and started spraying ppl did the atmosphere brighten up.
I was chasing ppl around the canteen and concourse which was super fun. xDD
After that, we got split into REAL GROUPS.
My group was called:
HANLU! (and yongsheng but he abandoned us. ):)
We played
Water Games and i got drenched by STUPID DARYL.
Everyone was soaking wet and i had sand in my pants because of Aloy's station.
At his station, we had to slide down the canvas down the slope.
I was kinda scared, because i have a fear of heights.
So Aloy, being the kind soul, offered to accompany me. (:
In the end he got abrasions on his butt. x)) (SORRY!!)
Had to pass chairs, run around the concourse drenched, beg the stupid station masters (haha) for ice-cream sticks.
After that we had something interesting.
Instead of Dirty Games, we had something more like,
I found it more fun because we had to use our brains.
First hall we went to was
The Food Hall.
We tried and tried all the stations, and managed to get to the next one!
The Memory Hall!
That one i cannot make it. HAHAHHAHA
The Skills HallThis was super hard.
We tried for 20+ times and still couldnt get it.
So we went to another hall first before coming back.
The Sports HallGuys and girls had to do diff stuff.
Last part was to play bball with 3 other sec 3s.
At first at th briefing we were told that 3 ppl vs Bryan Toh,
We had to score 3 he had to score 10.
But when we went there they told us it was 3 vs 3.
They had to get 10 we had to score 3.
So, it was..
Zhou Yang, Stefan, Nalina VS
Edison, Victor, Daryl
We went back to the
Skills Hall,
Hanlu was being a crazy person! Hahahha
"Ni jiao xiao yi dian, xiao yi dian! AAAHHH Guan guan! Hao ni tai right leg! Xiao xin xiao xin.. AHHHHH!!! ..."
Yeah. It was pretty much like that almost the entire time. xDD
After that, we had dinner.
And it was
Night Games organised by the sec twos.
Oh gosh.
In every group there was supposed to be 8 ppl.
I found out from Cheryl that my group had 5 sec 3s and 3 sec 1s.
In the end,
WEISHENG and I were in one group.
We had to play EVERY station.
And i was pretty much freaked out.
He was just gung-ho. LOL.
I was
freaking out, then he just approach the "ghost".
Anyway it ended with me in alot of red colouring (which smelled like strawberry),
And "poison red wine" (which was chocolate sauce + strawberry + dunno what thing; found out from miaoqian) on my shirt.
And no plot. HAHAHA
But it was really fun. (:
For the first time i didnt feel so scared during night games and i didnt scream very loudly.
Plus, i consoled Zhixin okay! SHE WAS DERANGED AND I CONSOLED HER.
*proud of myself* xDD
After that, everyone was dismissed.
Sec 3s stayed back for a meeting and after that i went to play piano with Weiyang and Shawn.
._. So funny.
Then i went to talk with Aloy abt some stuff, before going off to Market 85 for supper.
My mum picked me up, and i went home.
Day 2.They had
Amazing Race in the morning.
Starting at 8.30am.
I had ballet at 1pm to 5pm.
So i decided
not to go.
Of course, i informed them beforehand that i wasnt going (:
It was kinda a pity.
Because i have never attended a single Amazing Race.
And i think i just blew my chance of my 1st ever Amazing Race. ):
I had a
Photo Call at ballet.
Which needed me to be in a bun and makeup.
So when i finished ballet i had to go home first and bathe.
I went back to sch at around 6pm.
I was informed that i would be playing a
MEI NU in a skit! (
RU HUA (Yongsheng). ._. Who will
seduce Jay Chou (Guoxiang) and
Fang Wen Shan (Daryl).
In the hall, the sec 3s were practising the dance (investiture dance - take the lead).
So, i was the DJ. Cos i dunno the dance. (:
After that we practised singing songs.
And tabby cried. ._.
We sang:
That's What Friends Are For,
Peng You and
Tong Hua.
3 super emo songs. Hahahaa..
After that, we played soccer in the hall for a while (with a puny lil' ball) and practised the skit.
I had to act "teh". WTHHHHH
At 7pm the
BBQ started.
Me, Chermain, Hanlu and Tabby went to the toilet.
And my nose started bleeding like crazy.
Before that i was rubbing and rubbing my nose cos it was super itchy.
It bled ALOT.
Of all times it had to bleed so much during Bonding Camp.
So sao xing. ):
After my nose stopped bleeding, we went to BBQ.
I had to do PA for the opening dance because i was the only sec 3 not dancing.
So i was alone in the PA box. Hahhaa.
I was so scared i would screw up. LOL.
Later i found out the vol was so loud the speaker almost exploded. OH GOSH.
After that we tried to start the fire, and was super shi bai.
All the other tables fire start liao only our table havent yet.
I was laughing like crazy, trying to liven the mood. (:
Tian Cai Zhi Ye started.
And the groups performed their items.
Were all quite "blah".
Maybe cos the themes were really hard.
Sec 3s had skits too!
We had
Goong (Weisheng, Tabby and Leonard)!
My Lovely Samsoon (Kewei, Hanlu and Wong). As well as
Ru Hua (Me, Yongsheng, Guoxiang, Daryl).
Lastly was
American Idol.
Which was only performed by the sec 3s.
We sang the 3 songs we rehearsed.
And, we had already said that during "Peng You", when there was a long time where noone was singing, Junle would stand up and apologise to the councillors for all the screw-ups.
In the end it just turned out to be a major emo session.
Everyone was seriously crying.
Except me, Weiyang, Shawn, Chengjun etc. (i think there were somemore. but i cant really rmb)
Mrs Goh came to talk to the 3 of us because the rest of them were in the AVT drying their tears.
Some other councillors cried too.
Maybe cause they felt the sec 3s pain, or effort, or apology.
It varies.
After that, the mood livened up,
Some ppl continued crying, pouring out their sorrows.
But most of them split into their comms and started saying what was going wrong and every one seemed to enjoy themselves once again.
Wong and I went to the council room to get our
It's really really really nice. :D
We have PUB TEE! and PUB TIE!
Gosh, how may comms have that? xD
Guys have
Lime Green words and
Lime Green tie.
Girls have
Hot Pink words and
Hot Pink tie.
Cheng Jun was just looking into the sky,
And he realized that there was a circle around the moon.
It was really beautiful. (:
I looked up. and just stared.
And Chiang Rai just flashed back.
Felt like crying.
But didnt.
After that it was just a normal everyone sit down and talk session.
Me, Aloy and Wong went into the AVT to "dance".
Something freaky happened.
Wong: Ni bu yao chao lah! Ta men zai kan dian ying!
Me: Orh! Diu bu qi! Sorry sorry! *laugh*
Aloy: *laugh* *kick a chair (for fun)
He turns around, and accidentally kicks another chair.
His big toe started bleeding like crazy.
He stumbled into the PA box,
Slippers and everything all in blood.
Me: Oh gosh, why like that?
Aloy: I was disrespectful.
Me: Erm. What? Disrespectful?
Aloy: Seriously. You think i kick the chair will bleed until so much one meh? Wont one.
Me: Eh Aloy. Dont scare me. I still need to get out of here one leh.
Victor: No lah. Aiyah, you dumb go kick the chair, of course will cut and bleed lah!
Me: Oh gosh.
I could kinda see that Victor was just trying to not freak me out.
Aloy was scaring me, and Victor knew i was scared.
Gosh. Why am i so hum ji? )):
After that, i just went home.
And that's the end of Bonding Camp 2006!
my first and last bonding camp~
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Everything's going better now.
More relaxed.
Because, i guess i have the backing of my friends.
At least i know im not alone. (:
Gosh. But i feel so bad for not going to 3C chalet. ):
Hopefully tmr i can make it for the BBQ which at night.
I have ballet from 5pm to 8.30pm. (OH GAAWWDDD)
Tired. Stressed. Unrelaxed.
But at least not bad, finished quite alot of the dance today. :D
Proud of Minghui and Yaqi. Hhaha.
(Almost) Finished book 4 of DEATHNOTE! xDD
(I read very slow cos i can only read on the bus. Which is like, half an hour)
Oh well.
I must say that Bonding Camp was quite an ESCAPE for me. (:
Feels good to be accepted (in a way).
Im really tired now.
That's why what im saying doesnt make sense and are in pieces.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
sorry for not updating much guys!
been really busy..
and will continue to be busy until around the
END OF DECEMBERwhich leaves this blog pretty much
continue to tag though!
i'll come back regularly to check the tags! ((:
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Orientation Camp's over.
2006 is about to be over in a few hours.
This year has been very eventful.
I made
ALOT of new friends.
Got myself involved in lotsa stuffs too.
And, as busy as it was, i enjoyed the entire year nonetheless. (:
3CI didnt really know alot of ppl then.
But, over the days, we went thru alot as a class.
After Bonding Camp, the spirit of the class was at its peak.
Soon, after negative comments from the teachers and many many many problems we faced,
The spirit started to go downhill.
Right now, it's not very good.
But, i have faith that in 2007, we can go uphill once more, and go thru our O Levels as one bonded class. ((:
CouncilEven though i never prepared myself to be accepted into the Student Council in sec 3,
But, i've never regretted joining the student council, no matter how busy or stressful i was.
Through council, i managed to make alot of new friends, and got to know more ppl in the other levels.
I got to experience alot of things i never got to in the past, and council pretty much took up all of my time in the holidays.
DanceI became the vice-president of dance, and got to know Minghui and Yaqi alot better.
We sort of became closer, and even though Dance didnt really improve under our reign,
But i understood alot of predicaments our seniors were facing,
And in a way, managed to get some juniors back into dance. ((:
Chiang Rai, prom, camps etc etc..
These year has provided me lots and lots of memories. :D
Anyway, back to NOW.
I lost my voice during Orientation Camp.
The spirit during Orientation was both high and low.
During RARA, it was high.
During Dirty Games/Team Building it was raining, so it became low.
During Campfire, it was pathetically low. This was when i lost my voice. xD
During Water Games/Telematch, it was kinda high.
During Orientation Camp, i had to say Goodbye to someone i just knew this year - Zhixin.
After the campfire, she was trying to run away from everybody in the parade square.
I managed to catch her and hug her.
She "wasnt" crying.. When i hugged her, she started crying and i started tearing.
She's going off to TJC next year, so we're kinda not gonna see her again.
Campfire was emotional, many ppl cried cos of the IP ppl. ):
To Zhixin: Even though i only knew you this year, but you've been a very sweet junior, and i'll never forget you. (: You dont have to be sad either, TJ is only a few busstops away.. We'll still see each other! :D Good luck in JC alright! We'll miss you. -dumdiddlyaway!Throughout the camp, i was seriously tired.
No idea why.
But anyway,
I HAVE 12 UNDONE CHINESE COMPOS.Mr Leaf is gonna kill me next year. GAHHH.
Oh gosh, i've been waiting for one since i was sec one!!!!!
Happy New Year people!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I walked down the hill in the rain just now.
Went into the aircon bus.
Went out.
Went into another aircon bus.
Reached home.
Ate dinner.
Woke up.
Went out with my mum again to do some stuffs.
Came home.
Blocked nose.
Slight fever.
Constant feeling of vomitting.
Im sick.
Monday, December 25, 2006
and a
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!to my sis who turns
19 today!
Sorry for the uber lamo present xDD
2 more years to
For me..
6 more months to
Yesterday i went to the airport to pick up my 2 aussie cousins - Jenvicka and Pauline.
They still look like lil' girls. x))
Pauline has slimmed down and Jen is looking more and more like Zhang Bo Zhi.
My cousin -

I havent taken a pic with her yet.
But seriously, she totally looks like Zhang Bo Zhi.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! (:
I went to church yesterday.
Been almost a year since i went to church.
It was quite nice. Almost the same as last year.
There was a drama, candlelight service, tears, prayer, blah blah.
Then i celebrated Christmas Eve by playing
Okay lah. Won a little bit of money!
I cant wait for ORIENTATION CAMP.
Cant wait to see the
SEC 4s'o7. :D
Starting to play AUDITION le!
I can say sayonara to my hol hmk.
Havent started yet.
So effing S-C-R-E-W-E-D.
Friday, December 22, 2006
These few days have been a blast. (:
Viva Dasant (Dance Camp)Sadly, I missed almost the entire camp. ):
It was super fun cos my juniors were funny! Hahhaa
I was stationed inside the TOWER HALL with JOCELYN (oh gaawwwdd)
I was acting as a crazed ballerina. LOLLL
Minghui had to pei me cos i was super duper scared. xDD
Our 1st group was Jiaying's group. :)
It was fun because even before the games started they were screaming! X)))
2nd group! Poor Shermaine got freaked out and cried. Gosh. So sorry. Hhahaha
3rd group: Annia's group. Not fun one. ):
During Night Games it was raining too. Guess it added to the atmosphere!
Fete De La Danse (Ballet Concert)Rehearsals were super tiring.
But thankfully, the actual thing went quite smoothly.
Oh well.
Hhaha. Hopefully the cameraman didnt capture that scene. LOL.
I received lots of flowers too! (:
I'll get the pictures and post them up soon! :D
3) Dance Farewell
Didnt go. ):
4) Council FarewellDidnt go either. ):
Orientation Training CampIt was a BLAST! (:
I was regarded as a SM during the camp.
I wasnt playing the games anymore.
DIRTY GAMES i was station master for splat!
WET GAMES i was station master for i like to move it move it!
TELEMATCH i was station master for dog and bone!
SHIZILUKOU i wasnt a station master but i pretended to be with Hanlu, Guoxiang and Junle at TM!
The dance was really good too!
We were bopping around like retarded AUDITION ppl during the parts where we didnt need to dance! xDD
Thanks wenbin for the dance! (:
It's been long since i actually ENJOYED a stress-free dance.
On the last day there was registration.
We all slept at around 1+ 2am, and we all agreed to wake up at 0600.
I woke up, and looked around.
I saw Edison, Wong, and Crystal Chan sleeping around me in the AVT.
I was wondering where everybody was.
I looked at my phone, and i was thinking what time it was.
I looked at the clock. 0704.
I stoned there. 0704 didnt click in my head.
I was thinking whether it was 5 something. Dont ask me why.
I stone there. Then, it hit me.
0704??!?!!HOLY SHITTT!!!!!!!!!I woke them up hurriedly, and felt so dumb.
During registration, i repeated the same thing about 60 plus times.
Thanks COUNCIL for making this camp really fun. :D
UPCOMING!6) Orientation Dance Performance
7) Sec One Orientation Camp
8) School Reopening
Everywhere I go, every smile I see,I know you are there, smilin' back at meDancin' in moonlight, I know you are freeCos I can see your star, shinin' down on meGO
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Upcoming events:
1) Viva Dasant (Dance Camp)
2) Fete De La Danse (Ballet Concert)
3) Dance Farewell
4) Council Farewell
5) Orientation Training Camp
6) Sec One Orientation Camp
7) School Reopening
Friday, December 15, 2006
Sorry if i scared some ppl today.
Dont know what came over me.
Thanks Hanlu for comforting me,
Letting my pour out all my troubles to you. (:
Thanks YOU TWO for lending me your voices for Night Games. :D
Anyway, we had council meeting today.
And oh gosh im doing DIRTY GAMES with Willie, Gayle and Weiyang.
I feel sadistic now.
Wenbin also asked me to help him choreo the Mass Dance cos Clarice is away on hol or something during Orientation.
Hahaha. Should be can lah. (:
I met Chin Meng on the bus too.
Im freakin' random now.
Shall go sleep. MY WORRIES AWAY!
Boy the things you do
Keep me strong
Keep me running back to you
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I had a dream again. ._.
In this dream, i dreamt i was lost, and was walking a LONG LONG LONG and BIG BIG BIG walkway.
It's something like the storage places at Harbourfront there.
Then i rmb asking someone i know (but i cant rmb who) how to get to AHS for camp.
I think it was Farewell Camp (WT).
I had this dilemma, whether to go or not go.
I wanted to go to sch to tell Junle i couldnt go (LOL).
Then i saw the MRT. ._.
It was one of the NE stations.
(If im not wrong it's Kovan)
And because i had BUS PASS, i REFUSED to take the bloody MRT.
So didnt go to the MRT station.
I continued walking, and arrived in the concourse steps there.
._. I couldnt find Junle.
Then i saw Aloy, and he asked me, "Nalina! You staying for Night Games not?"
I said no, and he told me that i was in the same grp as one of the sec 4s (use your imagination! tag who u think it is, and if u're right, i'll give you a BIG WET SLOBBERING KISS).
And i decided to stay.
Then i woke up.
Why so many dreams lately? ):
Ballet! (:
Pictures pictures!
I took very little only cos use other ppl cam mah.
Rehearsal! Eunice and me. (:

Me and Eunice again. Hhaha.. Ballet partners! (:



FULL GROUP PIC! pretty colours. :D
I know i look fat compared to the others lah.
Darn it.
when something ends, something begins.
when someone loses, someone wins.
but now, it's just the end of the road.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
bold: things that are true
italics: things that i wish were true
i miss somebody right now.i dont watch tv these days.i wear glasses or contact lenses.i love to play video games.
i've tried marijuana.
i have been in a threesome.
i have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
i believe honesty is usually the best policy.i curse sometimes.i have changed a lot mentally over the last year.i carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
i'm totally smart.i've broken someone's bones.
i'm paranoid sometimes.i would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, f.o.c and scar-free.i need money right now.i love sushi.
i talk really, really fast.i have long hair.i have lost money in Las Vegas.
i have at least one sibling.i have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.i couldn't survive without Caller I.D.i like the way i look.i am usually pessimistic.
i have a lot of mood swings.
i have a hidden talent.i'm always hyper no matter how much sugar i have.i have a lot of friends.i am currently single.i have pecked someone of the same sex.i enjoy talking on the phone.
i practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
i would rather shop then eat.i don't hate anyone.im a pretty good dancer.i'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
i have a cell phone.i believe in God.i watch MTV on a daily basis.i have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
i have rejected someone before.i have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.i have changed a diaper before.
i've called the cops on a friend before.
i'm not allergic to anything.i have a lot to learn.
i love to shop.i've been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
i am shy around the opposite sex.
i have tried alcohol before.i have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.i own the "South Park" movie.i would die for my best friends.
i think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
i have used my sexuality to advance my career.
i love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.Halloween is fun because you get candy.i watch Spongebob Squarepants and i like it.
i am happy at this moment.i have more than just my ears pierced.i walk barefoot wherever i can.i have jumped off a bridge.
i love sea turtles.
i plan on achieving a major goal/dream.i'm proficient in a musical instrument.i've worked at McDonald's restaurant.
i hate office jobs.i love sci-fi movies.
i think water rules.
i went college out of state.
i like sausages.i fall for the worst people.
i adore bright colours.i usually like covers better than originals.i can pick up things with my toes.i can't whistle.
i can move my tongue in waves.i have ridden/owned a horse.i still have every journal I've ever written in.i can't stick to a diet.i talk in my sleep.i try to forget things by drowning them with distractionsi have jazz in my blood.i wear a toe ring.
i have a tattoo.i can't stand at LEAST one person that i work with.i am a caffeine junkie.
i know what cosplaying is.
i have been to over 15 conventions.
i will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
planned on posting videos.
but it just didnt work. ):
go to youtube and check
TRANJI alright!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
i had the weirdest dream last night.
i dreamt i was sitting in a room, full of ppl.
and i was SMOKING.
there was this really really really long brown stick, like a cigar.
except that it was thin.
i dreamt i lit it up, and i sat there smoking.
the rest of my dream was just pretty much me sitting there smoking.
then i rmbed choking, and i woke up.
what a random dream.
oh yes.
something really no link.
i suddenly think GERARD WAY from My Chemical Romance is kinda cute.
i think my brain is now permaenently fried.
Or lend me to *burn. MOOHAHA. xD
*hint hint BEN! coughcough.
Cant really sleep now.
So was kinda searching around the internet for stuffs.
Found this website: www.songmeanings.net
There are not many interpretations of songs, but at some songs, some ppl actually post their interpretations of the song.
Which is kinda nice to hear from another person's point of view.
There was this song by Josh Groban, Vincent (Starry Starry Night),
Which i didnt quite understand.
Then i went online and searched,
It's actually talking abt the artist, Vincent Van Gough and his insane life of art.
Cool right?
Okay u may not find it cool but i do.
Super random. xD
Went around looking for MCR stuff too. (:
Read ppl's interpretations, and read their song lyrics, could really see sincerity and many layers of meanings in their songs.
Strong lyrics. :D
Then, being the freak that i am, saw some pics of MCR.
And realized that Gerard Way was kinda cute.
I was like staring at his pic like a freak.
Then i asked my mum whether he good-looking not.
Me: Mummy. This guy nice not?
Mum: Not nice. *conts watching Doha Games*
Me: Oei you never see properly! He cute lah! Hahah
Mum: Orh. Yah. Cute lorh.
What a sucker.
Oh well.
I just love typing my sis' laptop.
That's why im crapping alot. x))
Oh yes!
Today there was ballet rehearsal and photoshoot.
I got a
BLUE dress.It so clashes with my
RED shoes pls.
But i know i shouldnt complain. (:
We kinda started at 1pm with a briefing.
After that, we went to our various holding areas.
At my area there, there was this DEAD, SQUISHED LIZARD WITH ITS BLOODY GUTS on the floor.
I was freaking out whenever i had to leave the door.
The dress was kinda incomplete without the invisible strap holding it up and the line of sequins on the rim of the dress.
So, when i was dancing, it just kept slipping down.
There were other guys from outside that were watching us too.
Oh gosh, it was just humiliating with our dresses slipping down and us pulling them back up.
Super unglam. x((
And i found out that two of my ballet friends, Eunice and Sy Jia, were pri sch friends with my current sec sch friend Junliang.
Eunice has the pics with her.
So next time i shall upload yeah. (:
Anyway, the entire thing ended around 5pm.
After that, our class had a photoshoot too.
So, we ended at around 6pm.
I was really tired by then, couldnt wait to go home. ):
Oh gosh.
Next week it'll be until 10pm.
Friday, December 08, 2006
I keep forgetting to update abt Student Council Bonding Camp even though it was on the 1st. (:
1st day.Met Minghui early in sch to teach her new choreography.
There was dance on the same day as the camp, so i couldnt go for practice.
Went to sch at 7am. (FREAKIN' EARLY!)
Bonding Camp started at 8am. (:
First, we had to group into groups of 4.
Then, flour and water had to be used to style a group member's hair.
So, the only guy in my group (Zhou Yang), suay suay kena. :D
We did some mohawk thingie on his head. LOL.
After that got runway show. Normal.
Tried to be high but couldnt because i was seriously too tired.
Only when i mixed alot of flour with water, and started spraying ppl did the atmosphere brighten up.
I was chasing ppl around the canteen and concourse which was super fun. xDD
After that, we got split into REAL GROUPS.
My group was called:
HANLU! (and yongsheng but he abandoned us. ):)
We played
Water Games and i got drenched by STUPID DARYL.
Everyone was soaking wet and i had sand in my pants because of Aloy's station.
At his station, we had to slide down the canvas down the slope.
I was kinda scared, because i have a fear of heights.
So Aloy, being the kind soul, offered to accompany me. (:
In the end he got abrasions on his butt. x)) (SORRY!!)
Had to pass chairs, run around the concourse drenched, beg the stupid station masters (haha) for ice-cream sticks.
After that we had something interesting.
Instead of Dirty Games, we had something more like,
I found it more fun because we had to use our brains.
First hall we went to was
The Food Hall.
We tried and tried all the stations, and managed to get to the next one!
The Memory Hall!
That one i cannot make it. HAHAHHAHA
The Skills HallThis was super hard.
We tried for 20+ times and still couldnt get it.
So we went to another hall first before coming back.
The Sports HallGuys and girls had to do diff stuff.
Last part was to play bball with 3 other sec 3s.
At first at th briefing we were told that 3 ppl vs Bryan Toh,
We had to score 3 he had to score 10.
But when we went there they told us it was 3 vs 3.
They had to get 10 we had to score 3.
So, it was..
Zhou Yang, Stefan, Nalina VS
Edison, Victor, Daryl
We went back to the
Skills Hall,
Hanlu was being a crazy person! Hahahha
"Ni jiao xiao yi dian, xiao yi dian! AAAHHH Guan guan! Hao ni tai right leg! Xiao xin xiao xin.. AHHHHH!!! ..."
Yeah. It was pretty much like that almost the entire time. xDD
After that, we had dinner.
And it was
Night Games organised by the sec twos.
Oh gosh.
In every group there was supposed to be 8 ppl.
I found out from Cheryl that my group had 5 sec 3s and 3 sec 1s.
In the end,
WEISHENG and I were in one group.
We had to play EVERY station.
And i was pretty much freaked out.
He was just gung-ho. LOL.
I was
freaking out, then he just approach the "ghost".
Anyway it ended with me in alot of red colouring (which smelled like strawberry),
And "poison red wine" (which was chocolate sauce + strawberry + dunno what thing; found out from miaoqian) on my shirt.
And no plot. HAHAHA
But it was really fun. (:
For the first time i didnt feel so scared during night games and i didnt scream very loudly.
Plus, i consoled Zhixin okay! SHE WAS DERANGED AND I CONSOLED HER.
*proud of myself* xDD
After that, everyone was dismissed.
Sec 3s stayed back for a meeting and after that i went to play piano with Weiyang and Shawn.
._. So funny.
Then i went to talk with Aloy abt some stuff, before going off to Market 85 for supper.
My mum picked me up, and i went home.
Day 2.They had
Amazing Race in the morning.
Starting at 8.30am.
I had ballet at 1pm to 5pm.
So i decided
not to go.
Of course, i informed them beforehand that i wasnt going (:
It was kinda a pity.
Because i have never attended a single Amazing Race.
And i think i just blew my chance of my 1st ever Amazing Race. ):
I had a
Photo Call at ballet.
Which needed me to be in a bun and makeup.
So when i finished ballet i had to go home first and bathe.
I went back to sch at around 6pm.
I was informed that i would be playing a
MEI NU in a skit! (
RU HUA (Yongsheng). ._. Who will
seduce Jay Chou (Guoxiang) and
Fang Wen Shan (Daryl).
In the hall, the sec 3s were practising the dance (investiture dance - take the lead).
So, i was the DJ. Cos i dunno the dance. (:
After that we practised singing songs.
And tabby cried. ._.
We sang:
That's What Friends Are For,
Peng You and
Tong Hua.
3 super emo songs. Hahahaa..
After that, we played soccer in the hall for a while (with a puny lil' ball) and practised the skit.
I had to act "teh". WTHHHHH
At 7pm the
BBQ started.
Me, Chermain, Hanlu and Tabby went to the toilet.
And my nose started bleeding like crazy.
Before that i was rubbing and rubbing my nose cos it was super itchy.
It bled ALOT.
Of all times it had to bleed so much during Bonding Camp.
So sao xing. ):
After my nose stopped bleeding, we went to BBQ.
I had to do PA for the opening dance because i was the only sec 3 not dancing.
So i was alone in the PA box. Hahhaa.
I was so scared i would screw up. LOL.
Later i found out the vol was so loud the speaker almost exploded. OH GOSH.
After that we tried to start the fire, and was super shi bai.
All the other tables fire start liao only our table havent yet.
I was laughing like crazy, trying to liven the mood. (:
Tian Cai Zhi Ye started.
And the groups performed their items.
Were all quite "blah".
Maybe cos the themes were really hard.
Sec 3s had skits too!
We had
Goong (Weisheng, Tabby and Leonard)!
My Lovely Samsoon (Kewei, Hanlu and Wong). As well as
Ru Hua (Me, Yongsheng, Guoxiang, Daryl).
Lastly was
American Idol.
Which was only performed by the sec 3s.
We sang the 3 songs we rehearsed.
And, we had already said that during "Peng You", when there was a long time where noone was singing, Junle would stand up and apologise to the councillors for all the screw-ups.
In the end it just turned out to be a major emo session.
Everyone was seriously crying.
Except me, Weiyang, Shawn, Chengjun etc. (i think there were somemore. but i cant really rmb)
Mrs Goh came to talk to the 3 of us because the rest of them were in the AVT drying their tears.
Some other councillors cried too.
Maybe cause they felt the sec 3s pain, or effort, or apology.
It varies.
After that, the mood livened up,
Some ppl continued crying, pouring out their sorrows.
But most of them split into their comms and started saying what was going wrong and every one seemed to enjoy themselves once again.
Wong and I went to the council room to get our
It's really really really nice. :D
We have PUB TEE! and PUB TIE!
Gosh, how may comms have that? xD
Guys have
Lime Green words and
Lime Green tie.
Girls have
Hot Pink words and
Hot Pink tie.
Cheng Jun was just looking into the sky,
And he realized that there was a circle around the moon.
It was really beautiful. (:
I looked up. and just stared.
And Chiang Rai just flashed back.
Felt like crying.
But didnt.
After that it was just a normal everyone sit down and talk session.
Me, Aloy and Wong went into the AVT to "dance".
Something freaky happened.
Wong: Ni bu yao chao lah! Ta men zai kan dian ying!
Me: Orh! Diu bu qi! Sorry sorry! *laugh*
Aloy: *laugh* *kick a chair (for fun)
He turns around, and accidentally kicks another chair.
His big toe started bleeding like crazy.
He stumbled into the PA box,
Slippers and everything all in blood.
Me: Oh gosh, why like that?
Aloy: I was disrespectful.
Me: Erm. What? Disrespectful?
Aloy: Seriously. You think i kick the chair will bleed until so much one meh? Wont one.
Me: Eh Aloy. Dont scare me. I still need to get out of here one leh.
Victor: No lah. Aiyah, you dumb go kick the chair, of course will cut and bleed lah!
Me: Oh gosh.
I could kinda see that Victor was just trying to not freak me out.
Aloy was scaring me, and Victor knew i was scared.
Gosh. Why am i so hum ji? )):
After that, i just went home.
And that's the end of Bonding Camp 2006!
my first and last bonding camp~
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Everything's going better now.
More relaxed.
Because, i guess i have the backing of my friends.
At least i know im not alone. (:
Gosh. But i feel so bad for not going to 3C chalet. ):
Hopefully tmr i can make it for the BBQ which at night.
I have ballet from 5pm to 8.30pm. (OH GAAWWDDD)
Tired. Stressed. Unrelaxed.
But at least not bad, finished quite alot of the dance today. :D
Proud of Minghui and Yaqi. Hhaha.
(Almost) Finished book 4 of DEATHNOTE! xDD
(I read very slow cos i can only read on the bus. Which is like, half an hour)
Oh well.
I must say that Bonding Camp was quite an ESCAPE for me. (:
Feels good to be accepted (in a way).
Im really tired now.
That's why what im saying doesnt make sense and are in pieces.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
sorry for not updating much guys!
been really busy..
and will continue to be busy until around the
END OF DECEMBERwhich leaves this blog pretty much
continue to tag though!
i'll come back regularly to check the tags! ((: