Friday, September 29, 2006
I promised myself not to blog.
But today has been such a horrible day that it would be a pity not to blog. ):
First things first, i was damn tired the entire day.
Second, i got slapped
INTHEFACE twice by michael cheung siu hay
Then slapped in another
part TWICE by mike using sock's calculator cover.
All these during Bio.
No wonder my knowledge of
EXCRETION didnt increase.
Idiot Michael Cheung Siu Hay.
Then, after that, i went to wait for oral exam.
And the CHILDISH PPL (hahaha joking xD) went to play DIDIDIDIDIU!!
Stupid Hengxin (i think) came up with..
Then all those playing kept aiming me until i laugh like crazy and keep laughing.
And i had a dry and hoarse throat for oral. ):
Before we went into the exam hall,
Only 3C peeps, some 3D peeps, some sec 4 councillors, and my close friends will know.
>.< <- MY FACEUrgh. EMBARASSING EMBARASSING EMBARASSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then i kena miss lily koh for oral exam.
Wah piang she makes my english seem inferior can. ):
Then afterwards YaJing kena a super ASSHOLE teacher who made her cry.
After i went upstairs,
FREDERICK THE MORON come and kajiao me again.
He used Nicholson's book to hit my,
Thank you dearest eloise for helping me. ((:
And thank you Jianwen for promising to crush his -toot- tonight (i dont wanna know
whatever that means)
And thanks alot ah Victor, for laughing at me. ._.
I went to find Char..
And i used her pen to write on my hand.
Now my hand hurts like crazy.
It's like this, stinging feeling which totally sucks. ):
Never kena before leh.
Super suay day.
Go study liao.
Byebye! ))):
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I failed my chem paper. ):
That's for waking up at 4am in the morning.
I still dont have the mood to study.
I really must start tmr. X(
Im feeling so effing useless again. ):
Anyway, today i totally embarassed myself in TM today.
Only Charmaine and I shall know why.
Felt like just burying my tomato red face in a hole.
Tmr im gonna stay in sch and study before going for ballet. (:
Im hardworking! (yah right)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
tonight's final episode of singapore idol kinda sucks.
both jonathan and hady are screwing their songs up quite badly.
to be truthful,
i support... ...

HADY MIRZA!!!My money's on Dearest Hady Mirza. (:
I think his voice is so much better than Jonathan's cos i have no idea what Jonathan is mumbling about. x)
I LOVE Hady's slow songs. (((:
Anyway, today i went to study with Wong and Char.
Studied from 1pm tp 3pm..
Then went to eat.
Then shopping.
Then go my house slack.
Hahaha. What a fruitless studying attempt again.
Im so behind all my
hardworking friends. ):
Scared i wont do well for my EOYs.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
i just couldnt resist NOT putting this up.
hitting the poor croc. ):

cannot get free. awww sad person. x)


looks VERY wrong.
look at his hand. it's practically getting ripped off.

haahaha noob got pwned.
This retard was hitting the croc and the announcer was like "tai tai tai"..
So i think that he got his just desserts.
To watch the video for yourself..
Here's the link.
To watch the video with a theme song..
Here's the link.
To watch a bunch of ppl who SHOULD be eaten alive by crocs.
Here's the link.
In my opinion, only the great Steve Irwin can handle those crocs.
im coming back to the heart of worship~and it's all about youHavent blogged in such a long time.
Superbly tired every single day. ):
Sch has been entertaining these few days.
But the chem test, which i woke up at 4am to study, was effing hard.
Confirm fail. Test all the colours of the rainbow.
Yesterday after sch,
Char and i went to TM to do hmk at the air con
Kopitiam.Then the stupid cleaners kept looking at us cos we didnt buy anything then just stayed there for 3 hours.
Right behind me were Stefanie and Molestine, the disgusting people. xD
Tried to help me for my math papers.. Though they were hard.
Thanks alot guys. :D
Then, edi told me that have to do another proposal for the council tee.
Sigh, back to the photoshop.
Hopefully my 1st one will be accepted..
Cos my 2nd one was really shitty and i knew it.
But i still handed it in. ):
Haii. Havent studied at all.
Just keep doing math.
Hopefully my attention throughout this whole year can help me pass all my subjects.
Cos now the sch say if fail just
ONE paper then the trip to Chiang Rai will forfeited.
That time say
OVERALL FAIL then cannot go Chiang Rai.
Now they change their minds cos of the arsed bridging programme.
Super duper sian.
Here's to my friends in 3C:
Thanks guys, for making me look forward to going to sch every single day.Before the EOYs were coming, you all had too much fun that it was rather irritating.Now, you guys know when to have fun, and when to concentrate..And i really appreciate that. ((:You guys cheer me up when i feel down in class, when i feel like crying cos i keep thinking that i cant make it through my EOYs.Thank you. :)Let's enjoy ourselves after EOYs k?
ENJOYYYYY like crazy!
etc. (:
Dear God,
Please bless each and every one of my friends,
Bless them that they may concentrate and not sleep in class..
That they may understand what they're learning, Lord,
And i pray that they have the willpower and mental strength to divert their attention away from the computer, the tv and all other distracting items and onto their textbooks.
Let them absorb what they are reading and let them be able to do all the questions that they put their mind to doing.
Lord, i pray that every one will support each other in difficult times,
And whatever worries they have be drained away..
Whatever negativity they have will be drained away Lord.
Lord, i know you can do wonders,
Please, bless us all, and work your wonders on all of us.
In Jesus' most precious name i pray,
Meanwhile, i gtg sleep already.
My body clock is pretty screwed up. ):
Good night people! :D
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
amaths test finish already! :DD
trigo this week. (:
settled the hol dance prac already..
and the dance camp will be held between 18-22 dec..
depending on which days the other ccas are having camps also.
shiok sia!
alot of stuffs settled already!
now my biggest headache is still
1) council tee reredesign
2) study for EOYs
i shall talk abt today's sch life to bore the shit out of the innocent. (:
in the morning i had council duty.
and the stupid bus was late, AGAIN.
when i got to sch, i saw nien yuan and junle with their shirts fully untucked.
nien yuan was wearing a
PINK (ZOMG) hairband, no badges,
and they looked like they just walked out of a friggin tornado.
i guess their point was put across rather,
they really looked horrendous.
anyway, after i finished duty and was standing around to wait for dismissal,
i wasnt listening to mr yow say the achievements of the students (as per normal),
and suddenly i heard something like..
"3A, XXX. blahblahblahblah. 3C,
when i heard 3C, i immediately listened carefully to see who got a prize or something.
then i heard "Toh", i thought it was Bryan Toh.
then "Jia Hui".
who t h is JIAHUI?!!
then i heard, "NELEENAA".
i thought i did something wrong man.
scared the living shit outta me.
my duty mates looked at me, and i was like, shit, am i in trouble or something?
then wey jian (i think) told me that i got
HIGH DISTINCTION for New South Wales English Competition.
i didnt know my eng was good. ._.
then had some briefing from mrs goh abt undergarments (again)..
blah blah.
then went back to class.
nothing interesting happened..
except that i found out..
that my mum, BRYAN YEO, cheated on my hamster dad.
she (he? she? seheeee?) married another guy, BRYAN TOH.
then my mum, married another guy, JIANWEN.
so now, my dearest mummy BRYANYEO,
WHO THE HELL IS MY DAD???!!!!and i declare that BRYANYEO, my mum, IS A SLUT.just like Cartman's mum. xDDafter sch i had amath trigo test..
then i think i finished it quite quickly.
i left to go see sun lao shi.
settled the dance stuff.
then went off for prac. (:
Monday, September 18, 2006
hiiii everyone. (:
tmr there's another stupid
i tell you, on the last one, i got
ahhh well.
dont harp on the past.
move on to the future. :D
tmr have tingxie and amathstest! rarrrr
okayy. dont care. x)
i become siao char bo all of a sudden.i have this sudden urge to...
what's wrong with me?
okayy the urge is gone.
i just feel like dancing to the music! xDD
some form.. of music. :)
i havent studied for EOYs yet.
dance pracs not confirmed.. camp not confirmed..
headache. ):
arent all these supposed to be handled by the
why are they all pushed to the p and vp now?
schedule for tmr:
- council meeting
- duty
- amaths test (either 1st period or after sch)
- see sun lao shi (to settle dance stuffs with minghui)
- go for SWT prac
so tired; mind's not thinking straight already.
shall go dance like a madwoman now!
byebye! :D
btw i can say the alphabet backwards!!
z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a
me with sing you wont time next, cba my know i now!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
you need to score 30 and below to be an angel.
1. -dunno go where leh!-
2. drunk alcohol b4 [x] well, DUH! x)
3. slept with someone of the opposite sex [x] When i was younger. i slept NEXT to wenbin during chalet. that was such a mortifying experience. ):
4. slept with someone of the same sex [x] mummy. (:
5. gotten into any fights [x] with siblings. :D
6. kissed someone of the opposite sex [x] dad.
7. kissed someone of the same sex [x] mum. and some friends. ._.
8. had someone in your room of the opposite sex [x] of course man!
9. scolded vulgarities [x] ._. doesnt every one? :D
10. bought porn [ ]
11. take drugs before [x] medicine are drugs.
12. hate going to the doctor's [ ]
13. lied to your parents [x] stupid ques. hahhaa.
14. lied to a friend [x] that was a few times. :D
15. snuck out of the house [x] of course man! who hasnt snuck out before? xD
16. done something illegal [x] hahaha u have NO idea. xD
17. cut yourself [x] accidentally. :D
18. hurt someone [x] both emotionally and physically.
19. wished someone to die [x] occasionally, i wish my parents, or siblings, but mostly teachers. :)
20. seen someone die [ ]
21. missed curfew[x] i
ALWAYS miss curfews. hahhaa
22. stayed up all night [x] a few nights counted right. LOLLL
23. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [x] i was like damn, sad lah, so i just ate, ONE carton. i still regret it till this day. ):
24. been to a therapist [x] primary sch lah can! hahahaa
25. been to a rehab [ ]
26. dyed your hair [ ]
27. received a ticket [ ]
28. been in a wreck [ ]
29. been to a club [x] dont ask.
30. been to a bar [ ]
31. been to a wild party [ ]
32. seen the Mardi Gras [ ]
33. had a fight [x] (:
34. had a spring break in florida [ ] in what way is this BAD?!
35. sniffed anything [x] sniffed a million and one things.
36. wore black nail polish [x] (: i dunno how to put properly, and it turned out damn bad
37. wore wristbands [x] hahaha. addiction. xD
39. wore black eyeliner [x] i always do.
40. own a 50 cent cd [x] x)
41. hugged someone of the opposite sex. [x] my family lorh. guy friends usually back off. ):
42. hugged someone of the same sex. [x] ._.
43. gone out with someone of the same sex. [x] (:
44. gone out with someone of the opposite sex [x] ((:
45. stole something [x]
46. been too drunk to remember anything [ ]
47. blacked out [x] dance man. just blacked out for a while.
48. fainted [ ]
49. had a crush on your neighbour [ ]
50. had someone else snuck into your room [ ]
51. snuck into someone else's room [x] :D
52. had a crush on someone of the same sex [ ]
53. had gone and watched movies with friends [x] what is WRONG with this?!
54. dry humped someone [ ]
55. been called a slut. [x] ... stupid fred.
56. called someone a slut [ ]
57. installed speakers in your car [ ]
58. broke a mirror [ ]
59. showered at someone of the opposite sex's house [ ]
60. brushed your teeth with someone else's brush [ ]
61. consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper [ ]
62. seen an R rated movie in theaters [x] hahahah snuck in. xDD
63. going out with friends to the mall [x] DUHHHH
64. skipped school [x] so many times liao. i just couldnt wake up xDD
65. had an eating disorder [x]
66. had hurt yourself b4 [x] fall down so many times before.
67. gone to court [ ]
68. walked out of a restaurant without paying [ ]
69. caught something on fire [x] forever one. got fire then sure play. :DD
70. lied about your age [x] i once said i was 4 years old. (:
71. owned an apartment [ ]
72. cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend[ ]
73. cheated with someone [x] hahha sounds wrong.
74. got in trouble with the police [ ]
75. talked to a stranger [x] that stranger talked to me first.
76. hugged a stranger [ ]
77. kissed a stranger [ ]
78. rode in the car with a stranger [ ]
79. been sexually harassed [ ]
80. been verbally harassed [x] totally man. that screwer.
81. met face to face with someone you met online [x] hahahha have lah.
82. stayed online for 12 hours straight [x] that was in PRIMARY sch k.
83. talked on the phone for more than 6 hours [ ] almost. 5 hours and 45 min to be exact. xD
84. watched TV for 12 hours straight [ ]
85. been to a fair [x] pri sch. xD
86. been called a bad influence [ ]
87. cursed [x] hahaha isnt that the same as swearing?
88. prank called someone [x] xDDDD HHAHAHAHAHA
89. laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex [x] JUST LIE DOWN HORH.
90. cheated on a test [x] ermmmmm. (:
91. cheated on homework [x] always. :D
92. held hands with someone of the opposite sex [x] yuppp.
93. wants to be dead [ ]
94. cut yourself b4 [x]
95. hate yourself [ ]
96. had a crush on someone 10 years older than you [ ] i know someone who did! xD
97. had a crush on someone younger than you[ ]
98. worn eyeliner [x]
99. skinny dipped [ ]
100. laughed at someone who was seriously hurt [x] HAHAHAH I ALWAYS LAUGH AT PHOEBE ONE. (:
I got
58/100. ZOMG.I finally passed a test! xD
Friday, September 15, 2006
After yesterday's incident,
I was thinking in my heart,
I doubt these 3 will ever change.
I was imagining, next year when we walk to our sec 4 class,
We pass by some of our 3C classmates,
And instead of coming into the same class as us,
They have to walk 2 more stories up.
It's kinda obvious what i mean right?I kinda lost my faith in them.
I thought that, i could never trust them again.
All those promises they made to me in the beginning of the year,
About how they were trying to change from their sec 2 life,
And become more mature sec 3s..
It just shattered at that instant when,
it came down,
hard.Also, yesterday i went to visit their blogs.
I wanted to tag "Jiayou! I'm always behind you! (:"
I just couldnt.
But today in class,
I saw them,
Writing down things,
Heads off their tables,
Copying stuff off the whiteboard,
Listening attentively to what the teacher said.
There were still distractions,
of course,But overall, it was so much better without the teacher stopping abruptly to shut us up.
I could feel my faith restoring,
And my trust in them just suddenly regained.
I feel so much happier than i did yesterday.
And my ears no longer remember the sound of that
horrible piece of shit.
Here's to you guys, Mike, Joel, Timo,
And generated a name for my penis. ._.
Your Penis Name Is... |
Prince Charming |
Penis Name Generator
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Things that happened recently:
1) Tests and more tests
2) Mdm Eio broke arm
3) Anorexia nervosa and bulimia talk was weird
4) Alot of hmk
5) Good hair day/Bad hair day
6) Long talk by Dr Boon, Ms Cheong, Mr Chua and Mrs Goh
6) Tucked in my PE shirt totally
7) Fell onto the ground after Phoebe pulled my chair behind
8) Played basketball and badminton
9) Realised that Getcha Head In The Game's dance isnt as easy as when not holding a ball.
10) Ms Cheong sat in for Chem
11) Timo, Mike and Joel got into trouble
12) My council tee design is one of the better ones. (:
That's all.
Not in much mood to elaborate and stuff.
(: Byebye.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Today's September 11th.
Surprisingly, it has been 5 long years since the World Trade Centre incident that shocked the world.
I could still rmb, switching on the news at home, and seeing the aeroplane just hitting into the building.
I was sitll young then, and i didnt know the significance of the WTC.
But still, i was shocked. And confused.
To tell u the truth, i started crying for those in the building.
For no reason.
I went to school the next day, and it was all over the papers.
My primary school friends brought newspapers to sch, all showing the horrifying picture of the aeroplane crashing into the building.
As we were in primary school, our principal didnt want us to worry abt anything.
So, all of us just brushed it off like it was just another terrorist bombing.
It was, but, look at the list of ppl that died.
I wanted to post the entire list of ppl out.But my com lagged on me and kept getting stuck. ):If you wanna see how many ppl died..Here's where i found out: http://trent.blogspot.comYupp.
Im feeling super solemn now. ):
I shall go study for a math trigo test tmr.
Heard Hari got nominated for PROM KING!
._. Hahhaa totally pwned.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
post #160!
Wow.. Time has passed since my old blog, -never-in-my-paradise.blogspot.com suddenly got accused of dunno what thing and was locked up by the blogger ppl. ._.
Then i set up this blog, and it's already post number 160!
shows how boliao i am to keep on blogging continuously.I am currently studying HCL for common test tmr.
Realised that it's rather easy once you put your heart into it. (:
Plus some extra comfortable music. :D
When you say nothing at all...Yesterday i woke up and decided not to go for ballet.
Cos my body was really aching and if i went i also wont be able to dance properly.
So might as well dont go and rest my body. :))))
Luckily my mum allowed.
I slacked the whole of yesterday.
Dunno what i was doing also.
*cough*watching smallville*cough*(:
Im starting to regret having such a fruitless studying week. ):
I studied NOTHING.
Except finish my trigo identity hol hmk.
Nothing else. ):
My willpower is damn weak lah can.
Haiii. Wasted week.
But, at least i learnt how to
SKIRT as well. :D
Anyway, yesterday
Something "if you dont send this msg within dunno what dunno what then your mum will die within 50 days. sorry i had no choice but to send this."
Lemme tell you..
You can scold me anything but leave my parents and my family and friends out of it.
There was one time this guy told me, "Kick your mother old shoe."
And i slapped him right there in TM. (:
Now when something like this comes out,
I SO FREAKING HATE IT.Curse anything but my mum.
Curse SIMI? Might as well just come and put a gun to my head and kill me.
So i was damn angry at phoebe for sending the msg to me.
But oh well, she had no choice either.
She didnt want her mum to get an accident. ._.
If i was irrational at that point of time,
I would just send to ALL my contacts and then chalk up a bill of a few
more hundred dollars. x)
Anyway, i just showed my mum that msg.
And i asked her whether i should send not.
Her reply was,
I was like, 0.0 okayyyy... ...
So, i deleted that msg.
You know, i think she might just die from exasperation.
Cos in 50 days, i think that's when we get our results back. xDD
Friday, September 08, 2006
Im using my sis' laptop now. (:
It's like, super fun to type and stuff.
Okayy, today i decided to slack and go
SHOPPING with my mum and sis.
So, we went to Bugis Street together.
There, i bought a top, a skirt and a bag! ((((X
So im like super duper happyyyyyyy!!!! :DDDD
Hahahahahhaa... Im damn high now.
Cos it's damn typing on her Macbook. :)
Oh well. Nothing much.
Except that my thighs, arms, calves, stomach etc are all aching.
So shopping was super painful. x(
And my stamina not good.
Shopped for only around 4 hours.
Gahhh. But Bugis Street also alot of ah-lian stuff.
So nothing much to buy also. :(
Anyway, i wore that
And my mum and sis said it was all nice and retro. :)
Hahaha.. Thanks LITING! Now i have a new fashion statement man. :D
Thursday, September 07, 2006
TODAY WAS PUBPUB OUTING! :DIn the morning, i went to Macs with my mum for breakfast.
I was scheduled to meet the entire pub there. (:
Then they came and we went off!
We walked to a pavillion and settled down.
Then, we started eating.
I brought seaweed chicken and
teriyaki chicken (?).Mine proved to be a hot fave. :)))))
You know, cos i like, rock. (((:Then after that we went off to rent rollerblades and bikes.
Well, today was the first time i rollerbladed. (:
At first i was like, damn friggin scared.
I was screaming for help from Ada and Edison.
Then went to Weyjian for help. ._.
1) Ada couldnt skate properly cos the skates SUCKED.
2) Weyjian couldnt save himself. HAHHAHAHA
3) Edison just skated off. That sucker. ._.
So like, i was dependent on myself.
And i succeeded!
Well, i thought, since i can iceskate, I CAN ROLLERBLADE.
And if you fall down, you learn, and you get up again. (:
I didnt fall down at all.See i so PRO. xDThe only time i
STUMBLED was when i was sitting down.
I was tilting my blades forward while sitting down on the bench and then i just fell and went on my knees. ._.
So retarded.
We skated to Big Splash.
After that i skated back and went back to the pavillion.
Cos i didnt bring my slippers there to play soccer, and it was a friggin sauna.
I went back to the pavillion and took off my blades.
I tell you, i felt
I slacked there with Liting, Yulin and Ka Hwee.
After that Yulin left, so Liting, Ka Hwee and i were left there.
Edison came to join us and we started talking crap. :D
Then the rest of them came back and we started playing
TRUTH OR DARE.My question was:
WHO IN COUNCIL ATTRACTS YOU SEXUALLY? Something like that.And i was like, WTF.
Obviously, i am kidding. (:
And pubpub is totally
SCANDALOUS!Couple No. 1: Reuben and Serene
Couple No. 2: Jinfeng and Ada
(Fake one lah! Dont angry horh guys. xD)
And cos i waited for Edison as his foot (toe? calf?) cramp..
We were proclaimed SCANDALOUS.
._. ...
Edison is from Pluto k, i dont like long distance relationships. (((((X
After Truth Or Dare Liting and i went off to continue cycling and rollerblading cos i didnt want to waste my
WHOLE FRIGGING TEN DOLLARS.So.. I rollerbladed for 1 hour straight.
Damn tired lah can.
There's like a small bruise on my right leg and my left foot keeps cramping up.
We went to the beach and played with sand.
Then took pics..
Before going to Parkway for dinner. (:
During dinner we talked abt
ETIQUETTE and were laughing our heads off.
After eating, Liting Reuben and Junle came to my house for Mahjong.
Apparently Junle came for fun cos he doesnt know how to play. ._.
So we played, and after that liting watched
Then they left at 11pm.
Junle is definitely home.
Reuben and Liting took the bus all the way to WOODLANDS.
I dunno what they're doing now.
Hope they're fine.
Oh well.
I'll call them later.
Im drained.
P.S pictures shall be up soon! once i ask the Edison aka ET, chilli bowl head, no-etiquette guy for the pics. (:
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I realised.
That whenever the topic of 1) BOOBS, 2) BREASTS, 3) BRAS are mentioned..
Im always included.
Is it just me?
Or am i right? ._.
During the hols,
I have been called different versions of dualiap.
1) Top-heavy.
2) Busty.
And those were said by 2 guys somemore. .__.
Then LIMHENGXIN call me somemore.
LHX: "Hello is this Miss Goh?"
Me: "Yes. Hi Hengxin. (:"
LHM: "EEEE not fun one!"
Me: "So bloody obvious. xDD"
And she proceeded to ask me to be a model in her newly opened lingerie shop.
And to think at that time she was supposedly "STUDYING" with Zoe.
Cos she called me with Zoe's phone.
Oh well.
And here's a msg to every guy i know who in any case needs to call me urgently:
And wow my maid picked up.
So now im stuck with a "boyfriend".
Lucky it wasnt my mum sia.
After 2 days of intensive dance practice..
I have a bigass blister on the friggin ball of my left foot.
Cannot walk properly. ):
My calves and thighs are aching too.
Bruised and battered.MUMMMMMIIEEEEEE!!! )X
So tired now.
I think cos just now i on the aircon too cold then i got a runny nose.
But nevermind, i managed to finish a trigo identity homework!! (((:
Uber yayness. :D
Im thinking of lots of stuffs now.
Including the frigging hmk.
): I didnt even know got so much.
And havent study CHINESE yet!!
Okayy. Gotta slp now.
Damn tired.
Bruised and battered by your words,
Dazed and shattered now it hurts.
Havent, you always loved me?
But when i need you, you're almost here,
And i know, that's not enough.
And when I'm with you,
I'm close to tears,
Cos you're only almost here.
When u wanted me, i ignored you.
When i need you now, you hit me with your words.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Over dinner, i was informed by my mum that
STEVE IRWIN DIED.Yes. The crocodile man.
Oh well.
Sad case.
He was stung by a stingray (how ironic) and died. .___.
God bless.
At least he helped, catch crocodiles, and reptiles.
And stuff.
Turn on Windows Media
you use and put it in shuffle . For every question,
press "next song". Enter title here to answer said
1. How does the world see me?Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes The World Go Round (.__.)
Im full of...
LOVE? ((:
2. Will I have a happy life?Shakira - Belly Dancing
I guess.. SO. x))
3. What do my friends really think of me?High School Musical - Start Of Something New
Hmmm. They think im.. NICE? xDD
4. Do people secretly lust after me?Black Eyed Peas - Dont Phunk With My Heart
... Welll. Maybe? HAHHAHAHA
5. How can you be happy?The All American Rejects - Move Along
6. What should I do with my life?Savage Garden - Two Beds And A Coffee Machine
Move on. Cos "Another ditch in the road, keep moving. Another stop sign, you keep moving on". Guess the songs are trying to tell me something. :)
7. Why must life be so full of pain?Josh Groban - Vincent (Starry Starry Night)
Because sometimes the world doesnt listen to you. So sad. "For they could not love you, but still your love was true. And when no hope was left in sight, on that starry, starry night, you took your life, as lovers often do. But I could have told you, Vincent, this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you".
8. Will I ever have children?Pink - God Is A DJ
Ermmmm. God is great! "If God is a DJ, life is a dancefloor, love is a rhythm and you are the music". ((: If i want children, God will give me children for He loves me. :)
9. Will I die happy?Wang Li Hom - Forever Love
I think so. Hahaha. Love is forever happy. SSSOOO.. I guess i will die happy. :D
10. What is some good advice for me?Christina Aguilera and Missy Elliot - Carwash
Live your life to the fullest! No matter what your job is. xDD
11. What is happiness?Pink - I'm Not Dead
How appropiate. Happiness is when you're not dead. .___.
12. What's my favorite fetish?Jessica Simpson - These Boots Are Made For Walking
13. How will I be remembered?Avril Lavigne - Freak Out
For freaking out all the time. :DDDD
14. What is your love life like?Justin Timberlake - Sexyback
15. What is sex with you like?Pink, Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim & Mya - Lady Marmalade
ZOMG.16. What's your life motto?Lindsay Lohan - Ultimate
Live your life to the ULTIMATE!!!!!
17. What do your parents think of you?High School Musical - Get'Cha Head In The Game
I think it means i have to concentrate more. .__.
18.What's your favorite hobby?The Black Eyed Peas - Pump It
Pumping car tires and bicycle tires. HAHAHAHHAHAA
19. What does your best friend really think of you?Brian McFadden & Delta Goodrem - Almost Here
That im almost there every single time. I apologise to all my friends right now: IM SORRY FOR NOT BEING THERE FOR ALL OF YOU ALL OF THE TIME. ):
IM SO DEPRESSED NOW.20. What's the worst thing about you?Nick Lachey - What's Left Of Me
"Will you take what's left of me". Leaving myself behind.
21. Describe your mind.Collin Raye - Love, Me
Hahaha. So depressing.
22. How will you die?High School Musical - Stick To The Status Quo
Being just plain ME. x)
23. How does your crush feel about you?Shakira - Hips Don't Lie
He reads my signs? LOL AHHAHAHAHAHA
24. What is your wedding going to be like?Goo Goo Dolls - Stay With You
"I'll stay with you, the walls will fall before we do. Take my hand now, we'll run forever, I can feel the storm inside you. I'll stay with you". ZOMMGG SO SWEET! (X
25. What about your honeymoon?Black Eyed Peas - Feel It
I can feel the LOVE in my body! xD
26. Describe the last day of your life.Nelly Furtado - I'm Like A Bird
I'll be free!!!!!!!
27. Why does life suck?Nickelback - Someday
"How the hell did we wind up like this, why weren't we able. To see the signs that we missed, and try to turn the tables" Well, cos of misunderstandings?
28. Why does life rule?Richard Marx & Donna Lewis - At The Beginning
Because friends will always be with you. (:
29. What will you be famous for?Lostprophets - Rooftops
Standing on the rooftop and screaming my heart out. ._.
30. What's the craziest thing you'll ever do?Greenday - Jesus Of Suburbia
Try to be Jesus. And cut myself and stuff like in the MV. That's creepy.
31. Will you achieve your goals?Halo Friendlies - Me Vs. The World
32. What will your future job be like?Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi
I'll be a SK8er CHICK! xDDDD
33. And your party life?Lindsay Lohan - Take Me Away
"Dont wanna grow up, just wanna get out" HEEHEEEHEEE IM GONNA NEVER EVER GROW UP!
34. Overall, will you be happy?Dou Yu OST - Till The End
"That you're the one, till the end" YES! I WILL! (:
35. Or will you just deal with it?Brooke Valentine Feat. Lil' Jon & Big Boi - Girlfight
36. How's your luck coming?T.A.T.U - Gomenasai
It's getting real bad. HAHHAHA "Gomenasai, for everything". WTH.
37. Do people have crushes on you?Ne-Yo - Sexy Love
38. Or do you have crushes on people more?The Veronicas - When It All Falls Apart
"Everything is effed up straight from the heart, tell me what do you do, when it all falls apart". HAHHHAAAHA, i guess i cant tell ppl that i have a crush.
39. Is there a 'someone special' in your life?BeeGees - How Deep Is Your Love
Well, what do you think? xD
40. How do you find your family?Shakira - Whenever, Wherever
OOOHHH. They're there for me.. WHENEVER and WHEREVER.
Im finally done!
Im done! :D
Sunday, September 03, 2006
YAY! I GOT A NEW COM!!!!Well, it's not exactly new,
It's my bro's old com which i think is totally fabu. ((:
It runs alot faster then my past one,
Which totally gave me headaches and heart attacks.
Now my mum is stuck with that disgusting old com. x))
this CHIOBUNALINAGOHJINGHUAY got a haircut!! (:
Im like so duper uber supersupersuper
HAPPY!Now i promise to study hard. X)
CHEM IS FUN! (:(Video from Mike's blog)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m55kgyApYrYAnd a couple of morons who put sodium into their school's toilet. .___.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anpps8sNZMYENJOY! :DBOBBY LEE VIDEOS!!Average Asian:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZeARelaPys (Hating His Dating Situation)
Can see the other videos other then this. ((:
Memoirs Of A Geisha:
Friday, September 29, 2006
I promised myself not to blog.
But today has been such a horrible day that it would be a pity not to blog. ):
First things first, i was damn tired the entire day.
Second, i got slapped
INTHEFACE twice by michael cheung siu hay
Then slapped in another
part TWICE by mike using sock's calculator cover.
All these during Bio.
No wonder my knowledge of
EXCRETION didnt increase.
Idiot Michael Cheung Siu Hay.
Then, after that, i went to wait for oral exam.
And the CHILDISH PPL (hahaha joking xD) went to play DIDIDIDIDIU!!
Stupid Hengxin (i think) came up with..
Then all those playing kept aiming me until i laugh like crazy and keep laughing.
And i had a dry and hoarse throat for oral. ):
Before we went into the exam hall,
Only 3C peeps, some 3D peeps, some sec 4 councillors, and my close friends will know.
>.< <- MY FACEUrgh. EMBARASSING EMBARASSING EMBARASSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then i kena miss lily koh for oral exam.
Wah piang she makes my english seem inferior can. ):
Then afterwards YaJing kena a super ASSHOLE teacher who made her cry.
After i went upstairs,
FREDERICK THE MORON come and kajiao me again.
He used Nicholson's book to hit my,
Thank you dearest eloise for helping me. ((:
And thank you Jianwen for promising to crush his -toot- tonight (i dont wanna know
whatever that means)
And thanks alot ah Victor, for laughing at me. ._.
I went to find Char..
And i used her pen to write on my hand.
Now my hand hurts like crazy.
It's like this, stinging feeling which totally sucks. ):
Never kena before leh.
Super suay day.
Go study liao.
Byebye! ))):
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I failed my chem paper. ):
That's for waking up at 4am in the morning.
I still dont have the mood to study.
I really must start tmr. X(
Im feeling so effing useless again. ):
Anyway, today i totally embarassed myself in TM today.
Only Charmaine and I shall know why.
Felt like just burying my tomato red face in a hole.
Tmr im gonna stay in sch and study before going for ballet. (:
Im hardworking! (yah right)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
tonight's final episode of singapore idol kinda sucks.
both jonathan and hady are screwing their songs up quite badly.
to be truthful,
i support... ...

HADY MIRZA!!!My money's on Dearest Hady Mirza. (:
I think his voice is so much better than Jonathan's cos i have no idea what Jonathan is mumbling about. x)
I LOVE Hady's slow songs. (((:
Anyway, today i went to study with Wong and Char.
Studied from 1pm tp 3pm..
Then went to eat.
Then shopping.
Then go my house slack.
Hahaha. What a fruitless studying attempt again.
Im so behind all my
hardworking friends. ):
Scared i wont do well for my EOYs.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
i just couldnt resist NOT putting this up.
hitting the poor croc. ):

cannot get free. awww sad person. x)


looks VERY wrong.
look at his hand. it's practically getting ripped off.

haahaha noob got pwned.
This retard was hitting the croc and the announcer was like "tai tai tai"..
So i think that he got his just desserts.
To watch the video for yourself..
Here's the link.
To watch the video with a theme song..
Here's the link.
To watch a bunch of ppl who SHOULD be eaten alive by crocs.
Here's the link.
In my opinion, only the great Steve Irwin can handle those crocs.
im coming back to the heart of worship~and it's all about youHavent blogged in such a long time.
Superbly tired every single day. ):
Sch has been entertaining these few days.
But the chem test, which i woke up at 4am to study, was effing hard.
Confirm fail. Test all the colours of the rainbow.
Yesterday after sch,
Char and i went to TM to do hmk at the air con
Kopitiam.Then the stupid cleaners kept looking at us cos we didnt buy anything then just stayed there for 3 hours.
Right behind me were Stefanie and Molestine, the disgusting people. xD
Tried to help me for my math papers.. Though they were hard.
Thanks alot guys. :D
Then, edi told me that have to do another proposal for the council tee.
Sigh, back to the photoshop.
Hopefully my 1st one will be accepted..
Cos my 2nd one was really shitty and i knew it.
But i still handed it in. ):
Haii. Havent studied at all.
Just keep doing math.
Hopefully my attention throughout this whole year can help me pass all my subjects.
Cos now the sch say if fail just
ONE paper then the trip to Chiang Rai will forfeited.
That time say
OVERALL FAIL then cannot go Chiang Rai.
Now they change their minds cos of the arsed bridging programme.
Super duper sian.
Here's to my friends in 3C:
Thanks guys, for making me look forward to going to sch every single day.Before the EOYs were coming, you all had too much fun that it was rather irritating.Now, you guys know when to have fun, and when to concentrate..And i really appreciate that. ((:You guys cheer me up when i feel down in class, when i feel like crying cos i keep thinking that i cant make it through my EOYs.Thank you. :)Let's enjoy ourselves after EOYs k?
ENJOYYYYY like crazy!
etc. (:
Dear God,
Please bless each and every one of my friends,
Bless them that they may concentrate and not sleep in class..
That they may understand what they're learning, Lord,
And i pray that they have the willpower and mental strength to divert their attention away from the computer, the tv and all other distracting items and onto their textbooks.
Let them absorb what they are reading and let them be able to do all the questions that they put their mind to doing.
Lord, i pray that every one will support each other in difficult times,
And whatever worries they have be drained away..
Whatever negativity they have will be drained away Lord.
Lord, i know you can do wonders,
Please, bless us all, and work your wonders on all of us.
In Jesus' most precious name i pray,
Meanwhile, i gtg sleep already.
My body clock is pretty screwed up. ):
Good night people! :D
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
amaths test finish already! :DD
trigo this week. (:
settled the hol dance prac already..
and the dance camp will be held between 18-22 dec..
depending on which days the other ccas are having camps also.
shiok sia!
alot of stuffs settled already!
now my biggest headache is still
1) council tee reredesign
2) study for EOYs
i shall talk abt today's sch life to bore the shit out of the innocent. (:
in the morning i had council duty.
and the stupid bus was late, AGAIN.
when i got to sch, i saw nien yuan and junle with their shirts fully untucked.
nien yuan was wearing a
PINK (ZOMG) hairband, no badges,
and they looked like they just walked out of a friggin tornado.
i guess their point was put across rather,
they really looked horrendous.
anyway, after i finished duty and was standing around to wait for dismissal,
i wasnt listening to mr yow say the achievements of the students (as per normal),
and suddenly i heard something like..
"3A, XXX. blahblahblahblah. 3C,
when i heard 3C, i immediately listened carefully to see who got a prize or something.
then i heard "Toh", i thought it was Bryan Toh.
then "Jia Hui".
who t h is JIAHUI?!!
then i heard, "NELEENAA".
i thought i did something wrong man.
scared the living shit outta me.
my duty mates looked at me, and i was like, shit, am i in trouble or something?
then wey jian (i think) told me that i got
HIGH DISTINCTION for New South Wales English Competition.
i didnt know my eng was good. ._.
then had some briefing from mrs goh abt undergarments (again)..
blah blah.
then went back to class.
nothing interesting happened..
except that i found out..
that my mum, BRYAN YEO, cheated on my hamster dad.
she (he? she? seheeee?) married another guy, BRYAN TOH.
then my mum, married another guy, JIANWEN.
so now, my dearest mummy BRYANYEO,
WHO THE HELL IS MY DAD???!!!!and i declare that BRYANYEO, my mum, IS A SLUT.just like Cartman's mum. xDDafter sch i had amath trigo test..
then i think i finished it quite quickly.
i left to go see sun lao shi.
settled the dance stuff.
then went off for prac. (:
Monday, September 18, 2006
hiiii everyone. (:
tmr there's another stupid
i tell you, on the last one, i got
ahhh well.
dont harp on the past.
move on to the future. :D
tmr have tingxie and amathstest! rarrrr
okayy. dont care. x)
i become siao char bo all of a sudden.i have this sudden urge to...
what's wrong with me?
okayy the urge is gone.
i just feel like dancing to the music! xDD
some form.. of music. :)
i havent studied for EOYs yet.
dance pracs not confirmed.. camp not confirmed..
headache. ):
arent all these supposed to be handled by the
why are they all pushed to the p and vp now?
schedule for tmr:
- council meeting
- duty
- amaths test (either 1st period or after sch)
- see sun lao shi (to settle dance stuffs with minghui)
- go for SWT prac
so tired; mind's not thinking straight already.
shall go dance like a madwoman now!
byebye! :D
btw i can say the alphabet backwards!!
z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a
me with sing you wont time next, cba my know i now!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
you need to score 30 and below to be an angel.
1. -dunno go where leh!-
2. drunk alcohol b4 [x] well, DUH! x)
3. slept with someone of the opposite sex [x] When i was younger. i slept NEXT to wenbin during chalet. that was such a mortifying experience. ):
4. slept with someone of the same sex [x] mummy. (:
5. gotten into any fights [x] with siblings. :D
6. kissed someone of the opposite sex [x] dad.
7. kissed someone of the same sex [x] mum. and some friends. ._.
8. had someone in your room of the opposite sex [x] of course man!
9. scolded vulgarities [x] ._. doesnt every one? :D
10. bought porn [ ]
11. take drugs before [x] medicine are drugs.
12. hate going to the doctor's [ ]
13. lied to your parents [x] stupid ques. hahhaa.
14. lied to a friend [x] that was a few times. :D
15. snuck out of the house [x] of course man! who hasnt snuck out before? xD
16. done something illegal [x] hahaha u have NO idea. xD
17. cut yourself [x] accidentally. :D
18. hurt someone [x] both emotionally and physically.
19. wished someone to die [x] occasionally, i wish my parents, or siblings, but mostly teachers. :)
20. seen someone die [ ]
21. missed curfew[x] i
ALWAYS miss curfews. hahhaa
22. stayed up all night [x] a few nights counted right. LOLLL
23. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [x] i was like damn, sad lah, so i just ate, ONE carton. i still regret it till this day. ):
24. been to a therapist [x] primary sch lah can! hahahaa
25. been to a rehab [ ]
26. dyed your hair [ ]
27. received a ticket [ ]
28. been in a wreck [ ]
29. been to a club [x] dont ask.
30. been to a bar [ ]
31. been to a wild party [ ]
32. seen the Mardi Gras [ ]
33. had a fight [x] (:
34. had a spring break in florida [ ] in what way is this BAD?!
35. sniffed anything [x] sniffed a million and one things.
36. wore black nail polish [x] (: i dunno how to put properly, and it turned out damn bad
37. wore wristbands [x] hahaha. addiction. xD
39. wore black eyeliner [x] i always do.
40. own a 50 cent cd [x] x)
41. hugged someone of the opposite sex. [x] my family lorh. guy friends usually back off. ):
42. hugged someone of the same sex. [x] ._.
43. gone out with someone of the same sex. [x] (:
44. gone out with someone of the opposite sex [x] ((:
45. stole something [x]
46. been too drunk to remember anything [ ]
47. blacked out [x] dance man. just blacked out for a while.
48. fainted [ ]
49. had a crush on your neighbour [ ]
50. had someone else snuck into your room [ ]
51. snuck into someone else's room [x] :D
52. had a crush on someone of the same sex [ ]
53. had gone and watched movies with friends [x] what is WRONG with this?!
54. dry humped someone [ ]
55. been called a slut. [x] ... stupid fred.
56. called someone a slut [ ]
57. installed speakers in your car [ ]
58. broke a mirror [ ]
59. showered at someone of the opposite sex's house [ ]
60. brushed your teeth with someone else's brush [ ]
61. consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper [ ]
62. seen an R rated movie in theaters [x] hahahah snuck in. xDD
63. going out with friends to the mall [x] DUHHHH
64. skipped school [x] so many times liao. i just couldnt wake up xDD
65. had an eating disorder [x]
66. had hurt yourself b4 [x] fall down so many times before.
67. gone to court [ ]
68. walked out of a restaurant without paying [ ]
69. caught something on fire [x] forever one. got fire then sure play. :DD
70. lied about your age [x] i once said i was 4 years old. (:
71. owned an apartment [ ]
72. cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend[ ]
73. cheated with someone [x] hahha sounds wrong.
74. got in trouble with the police [ ]
75. talked to a stranger [x] that stranger talked to me first.
76. hugged a stranger [ ]
77. kissed a stranger [ ]
78. rode in the car with a stranger [ ]
79. been sexually harassed [ ]
80. been verbally harassed [x] totally man. that screwer.
81. met face to face with someone you met online [x] hahahha have lah.
82. stayed online for 12 hours straight [x] that was in PRIMARY sch k.
83. talked on the phone for more than 6 hours [ ] almost. 5 hours and 45 min to be exact. xD
84. watched TV for 12 hours straight [ ]
85. been to a fair [x] pri sch. xD
86. been called a bad influence [ ]
87. cursed [x] hahaha isnt that the same as swearing?
88. prank called someone [x] xDDDD HHAHAHAHAHA
89. laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex [x] JUST LIE DOWN HORH.
90. cheated on a test [x] ermmmmm. (:
91. cheated on homework [x] always. :D
92. held hands with someone of the opposite sex [x] yuppp.
93. wants to be dead [ ]
94. cut yourself b4 [x]
95. hate yourself [ ]
96. had a crush on someone 10 years older than you [ ] i know someone who did! xD
97. had a crush on someone younger than you[ ]
98. worn eyeliner [x]
99. skinny dipped [ ]
100. laughed at someone who was seriously hurt [x] HAHAHAH I ALWAYS LAUGH AT PHOEBE ONE. (:
I got
58/100. ZOMG.I finally passed a test! xD
Friday, September 15, 2006
After yesterday's incident,
I was thinking in my heart,
I doubt these 3 will ever change.
I was imagining, next year when we walk to our sec 4 class,
We pass by some of our 3C classmates,
And instead of coming into the same class as us,
They have to walk 2 more stories up.
It's kinda obvious what i mean right?I kinda lost my faith in them.
I thought that, i could never trust them again.
All those promises they made to me in the beginning of the year,
About how they were trying to change from their sec 2 life,
And become more mature sec 3s..
It just shattered at that instant when,
it came down,
hard.Also, yesterday i went to visit their blogs.
I wanted to tag "Jiayou! I'm always behind you! (:"
I just couldnt.
But today in class,
I saw them,
Writing down things,
Heads off their tables,
Copying stuff off the whiteboard,
Listening attentively to what the teacher said.
There were still distractions,
of course,But overall, it was so much better without the teacher stopping abruptly to shut us up.
I could feel my faith restoring,
And my trust in them just suddenly regained.
I feel so much happier than i did yesterday.
And my ears no longer remember the sound of that
horrible piece of shit.
Here's to you guys, Mike, Joel, Timo,
And generated a name for my penis. ._.
Your Penis Name Is... |
Prince Charming |
Penis Name Generator
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Things that happened recently:
1) Tests and more tests
2) Mdm Eio broke arm
3) Anorexia nervosa and bulimia talk was weird
4) Alot of hmk
5) Good hair day/Bad hair day
6) Long talk by Dr Boon, Ms Cheong, Mr Chua and Mrs Goh
6) Tucked in my PE shirt totally
7) Fell onto the ground after Phoebe pulled my chair behind
8) Played basketball and badminton
9) Realised that Getcha Head In The Game's dance isnt as easy as when not holding a ball.
10) Ms Cheong sat in for Chem
11) Timo, Mike and Joel got into trouble
12) My council tee design is one of the better ones. (:
That's all.
Not in much mood to elaborate and stuff.
(: Byebye.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Today's September 11th.
Surprisingly, it has been 5 long years since the World Trade Centre incident that shocked the world.
I could still rmb, switching on the news at home, and seeing the aeroplane just hitting into the building.
I was sitll young then, and i didnt know the significance of the WTC.
But still, i was shocked. And confused.
To tell u the truth, i started crying for those in the building.
For no reason.
I went to school the next day, and it was all over the papers.
My primary school friends brought newspapers to sch, all showing the horrifying picture of the aeroplane crashing into the building.
As we were in primary school, our principal didnt want us to worry abt anything.
So, all of us just brushed it off like it was just another terrorist bombing.
It was, but, look at the list of ppl that died.
I wanted to post the entire list of ppl out.But my com lagged on me and kept getting stuck. ):If you wanna see how many ppl died..Here's where i found out: http://trent.blogspot.comYupp.
Im feeling super solemn now. ):
I shall go study for a math trigo test tmr.
Heard Hari got nominated for PROM KING!
._. Hahhaa totally pwned.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
post #160!
Wow.. Time has passed since my old blog, -never-in-my-paradise.blogspot.com suddenly got accused of dunno what thing and was locked up by the blogger ppl. ._.
Then i set up this blog, and it's already post number 160!
shows how boliao i am to keep on blogging continuously.I am currently studying HCL for common test tmr.
Realised that it's rather easy once you put your heart into it. (:
Plus some extra comfortable music. :D
When you say nothing at all...Yesterday i woke up and decided not to go for ballet.
Cos my body was really aching and if i went i also wont be able to dance properly.
So might as well dont go and rest my body. :))))
Luckily my mum allowed.
I slacked the whole of yesterday.
Dunno what i was doing also.
*cough*watching smallville*cough*(:
Im starting to regret having such a fruitless studying week. ):
I studied NOTHING.
Except finish my trigo identity hol hmk.
Nothing else. ):
My willpower is damn weak lah can.
Haiii. Wasted week.
But, at least i learnt how to
SKIRT as well. :D
Anyway, yesterday
Something "if you dont send this msg within dunno what dunno what then your mum will die within 50 days. sorry i had no choice but to send this."
Lemme tell you..
You can scold me anything but leave my parents and my family and friends out of it.
There was one time this guy told me, "Kick your mother old shoe."
And i slapped him right there in TM. (:
Now when something like this comes out,
I SO FREAKING HATE IT.Curse anything but my mum.
Curse SIMI? Might as well just come and put a gun to my head and kill me.
So i was damn angry at phoebe for sending the msg to me.
But oh well, she had no choice either.
She didnt want her mum to get an accident. ._.
If i was irrational at that point of time,
I would just send to ALL my contacts and then chalk up a bill of a few
more hundred dollars. x)
Anyway, i just showed my mum that msg.
And i asked her whether i should send not.
Her reply was,
I was like, 0.0 okayyyy... ...
So, i deleted that msg.
You know, i think she might just die from exasperation.
Cos in 50 days, i think that's when we get our results back. xDD
Friday, September 08, 2006
Im using my sis' laptop now. (:
It's like, super fun to type and stuff.
Okayy, today i decided to slack and go
SHOPPING with my mum and sis.
So, we went to Bugis Street together.
There, i bought a top, a skirt and a bag! ((((X
So im like super duper happyyyyyyy!!!! :DDDD
Hahahahahhaa... Im damn high now.
Cos it's damn typing on her Macbook. :)
Oh well. Nothing much.
Except that my thighs, arms, calves, stomach etc are all aching.
So shopping was super painful. x(
And my stamina not good.
Shopped for only around 4 hours.
Gahhh. But Bugis Street also alot of ah-lian stuff.
So nothing much to buy also. :(
Anyway, i wore that
And my mum and sis said it was all nice and retro. :)
Hahaha.. Thanks LITING! Now i have a new fashion statement man. :D
Thursday, September 07, 2006
TODAY WAS PUBPUB OUTING! :DIn the morning, i went to Macs with my mum for breakfast.
I was scheduled to meet the entire pub there. (:
Then they came and we went off!
We walked to a pavillion and settled down.
Then, we started eating.
I brought seaweed chicken and
teriyaki chicken (?).Mine proved to be a hot fave. :)))))
You know, cos i like, rock. (((:Then after that we went off to rent rollerblades and bikes.
Well, today was the first time i rollerbladed. (:
At first i was like, damn friggin scared.
I was screaming for help from Ada and Edison.
Then went to Weyjian for help. ._.
1) Ada couldnt skate properly cos the skates SUCKED.
2) Weyjian couldnt save himself. HAHHAHAHA
3) Edison just skated off. That sucker. ._.
So like, i was dependent on myself.
And i succeeded!
Well, i thought, since i can iceskate, I CAN ROLLERBLADE.
And if you fall down, you learn, and you get up again. (:
I didnt fall down at all.See i so PRO. xDThe only time i
STUMBLED was when i was sitting down.
I was tilting my blades forward while sitting down on the bench and then i just fell and went on my knees. ._.
So retarded.
We skated to Big Splash.
After that i skated back and went back to the pavillion.
Cos i didnt bring my slippers there to play soccer, and it was a friggin sauna.
I went back to the pavillion and took off my blades.
I tell you, i felt
I slacked there with Liting, Yulin and Ka Hwee.
After that Yulin left, so Liting, Ka Hwee and i were left there.
Edison came to join us and we started talking crap. :D
Then the rest of them came back and we started playing
TRUTH OR DARE.My question was:
WHO IN COUNCIL ATTRACTS YOU SEXUALLY? Something like that.And i was like, WTF.
Obviously, i am kidding. (:
And pubpub is totally
SCANDALOUS!Couple No. 1: Reuben and Serene
Couple No. 2: Jinfeng and Ada
(Fake one lah! Dont angry horh guys. xD)
And cos i waited for Edison as his foot (toe? calf?) cramp..
We were proclaimed SCANDALOUS.
._. ...
Edison is from Pluto k, i dont like long distance relationships. (((((X
After Truth Or Dare Liting and i went off to continue cycling and rollerblading cos i didnt want to waste my
WHOLE FRIGGING TEN DOLLARS.So.. I rollerbladed for 1 hour straight.
Damn tired lah can.
There's like a small bruise on my right leg and my left foot keeps cramping up.
We went to the beach and played with sand.
Then took pics..
Before going to Parkway for dinner. (:
During dinner we talked abt
ETIQUETTE and were laughing our heads off.
After eating, Liting Reuben and Junle came to my house for Mahjong.
Apparently Junle came for fun cos he doesnt know how to play. ._.
So we played, and after that liting watched
Then they left at 11pm.
Junle is definitely home.
Reuben and Liting took the bus all the way to WOODLANDS.
I dunno what they're doing now.
Hope they're fine.
Oh well.
I'll call them later.
Im drained.
P.S pictures shall be up soon! once i ask the Edison aka ET, chilli bowl head, no-etiquette guy for the pics. (:
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I realised.
That whenever the topic of 1) BOOBS, 2) BREASTS, 3) BRAS are mentioned..
Im always included.
Is it just me?
Or am i right? ._.
During the hols,
I have been called different versions of dualiap.
1) Top-heavy.
2) Busty.
And those were said by 2 guys somemore. .__.
Then LIMHENGXIN call me somemore.
LHX: "Hello is this Miss Goh?"
Me: "Yes. Hi Hengxin. (:"
LHM: "EEEE not fun one!"
Me: "So bloody obvious. xDD"
And she proceeded to ask me to be a model in her newly opened lingerie shop.
And to think at that time she was supposedly "STUDYING" with Zoe.
Cos she called me with Zoe's phone.
Oh well.
And here's a msg to every guy i know who in any case needs to call me urgently:
And wow my maid picked up.
So now im stuck with a "boyfriend".
Lucky it wasnt my mum sia.
After 2 days of intensive dance practice..
I have a bigass blister on the friggin ball of my left foot.
Cannot walk properly. ):
My calves and thighs are aching too.
Bruised and battered.MUMMMMMIIEEEEEE!!! )X
So tired now.
I think cos just now i on the aircon too cold then i got a runny nose.
But nevermind, i managed to finish a trigo identity homework!! (((:
Uber yayness. :D
Im thinking of lots of stuffs now.
Including the frigging hmk.
): I didnt even know got so much.
And havent study CHINESE yet!!
Okayy. Gotta slp now.
Damn tired.
Bruised and battered by your words,
Dazed and shattered now it hurts.
Havent, you always loved me?
But when i need you, you're almost here,
And i know, that's not enough.
And when I'm with you,
I'm close to tears,
Cos you're only almost here.
When u wanted me, i ignored you.
When i need you now, you hit me with your words.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Over dinner, i was informed by my mum that
STEVE IRWIN DIED.Yes. The crocodile man.
Oh well.
Sad case.
He was stung by a stingray (how ironic) and died. .___.
God bless.
At least he helped, catch crocodiles, and reptiles.
And stuff.
Turn on Windows Media
you use and put it in shuffle . For every question,
press "next song". Enter title here to answer said
1. How does the world see me?Powerpuff Girls - Love Makes The World Go Round (.__.)
Im full of...
LOVE? ((:
2. Will I have a happy life?Shakira - Belly Dancing
I guess.. SO. x))
3. What do my friends really think of me?High School Musical - Start Of Something New
Hmmm. They think im.. NICE? xDD
4. Do people secretly lust after me?Black Eyed Peas - Dont Phunk With My Heart
... Welll. Maybe? HAHHAHAHA
5. How can you be happy?The All American Rejects - Move Along
6. What should I do with my life?Savage Garden - Two Beds And A Coffee Machine
Move on. Cos "Another ditch in the road, keep moving. Another stop sign, you keep moving on". Guess the songs are trying to tell me something. :)
7. Why must life be so full of pain?Josh Groban - Vincent (Starry Starry Night)
Because sometimes the world doesnt listen to you. So sad. "For they could not love you, but still your love was true. And when no hope was left in sight, on that starry, starry night, you took your life, as lovers often do. But I could have told you, Vincent, this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you".
8. Will I ever have children?Pink - God Is A DJ
Ermmmm. God is great! "If God is a DJ, life is a dancefloor, love is a rhythm and you are the music". ((: If i want children, God will give me children for He loves me. :)
9. Will I die happy?Wang Li Hom - Forever Love
I think so. Hahaha. Love is forever happy. SSSOOO.. I guess i will die happy. :D
10. What is some good advice for me?Christina Aguilera and Missy Elliot - Carwash
Live your life to the fullest! No matter what your job is. xDD
11. What is happiness?Pink - I'm Not Dead
How appropiate. Happiness is when you're not dead. .___.
12. What's my favorite fetish?Jessica Simpson - These Boots Are Made For Walking
13. How will I be remembered?Avril Lavigne - Freak Out
For freaking out all the time. :DDDD
14. What is your love life like?Justin Timberlake - Sexyback
15. What is sex with you like?Pink, Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim & Mya - Lady Marmalade
ZOMG.16. What's your life motto?Lindsay Lohan - Ultimate
Live your life to the ULTIMATE!!!!!
17. What do your parents think of you?High School Musical - Get'Cha Head In The Game
I think it means i have to concentrate more. .__.
18.What's your favorite hobby?The Black Eyed Peas - Pump It
Pumping car tires and bicycle tires. HAHAHAHHAHAA
19. What does your best friend really think of you?Brian McFadden & Delta Goodrem - Almost Here
That im almost there every single time. I apologise to all my friends right now: IM SORRY FOR NOT BEING THERE FOR ALL OF YOU ALL OF THE TIME. ):
IM SO DEPRESSED NOW.20. What's the worst thing about you?Nick Lachey - What's Left Of Me
"Will you take what's left of me". Leaving myself behind.
21. Describe your mind.Collin Raye - Love, Me
Hahaha. So depressing.
22. How will you die?High School Musical - Stick To The Status Quo
Being just plain ME. x)
23. How does your crush feel about you?Shakira - Hips Don't Lie
He reads my signs? LOL AHHAHAHAHAHA
24. What is your wedding going to be like?Goo Goo Dolls - Stay With You
"I'll stay with you, the walls will fall before we do. Take my hand now, we'll run forever, I can feel the storm inside you. I'll stay with you". ZOMMGG SO SWEET! (X
25. What about your honeymoon?Black Eyed Peas - Feel It
I can feel the LOVE in my body! xD
26. Describe the last day of your life.Nelly Furtado - I'm Like A Bird
I'll be free!!!!!!!
27. Why does life suck?Nickelback - Someday
"How the hell did we wind up like this, why weren't we able. To see the signs that we missed, and try to turn the tables" Well, cos of misunderstandings?
28. Why does life rule?Richard Marx & Donna Lewis - At The Beginning
Because friends will always be with you. (:
29. What will you be famous for?Lostprophets - Rooftops
Standing on the rooftop and screaming my heart out. ._.
30. What's the craziest thing you'll ever do?Greenday - Jesus Of Suburbia
Try to be Jesus. And cut myself and stuff like in the MV. That's creepy.
31. Will you achieve your goals?Halo Friendlies - Me Vs. The World
32. What will your future job be like?Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi
I'll be a SK8er CHICK! xDDDD
33. And your party life?Lindsay Lohan - Take Me Away
"Dont wanna grow up, just wanna get out" HEEHEEEHEEE IM GONNA NEVER EVER GROW UP!
34. Overall, will you be happy?Dou Yu OST - Till The End
"That you're the one, till the end" YES! I WILL! (:
35. Or will you just deal with it?Brooke Valentine Feat. Lil' Jon & Big Boi - Girlfight
36. How's your luck coming?T.A.T.U - Gomenasai
It's getting real bad. HAHHAHA "Gomenasai, for everything". WTH.
37. Do people have crushes on you?Ne-Yo - Sexy Love
38. Or do you have crushes on people more?The Veronicas - When It All Falls Apart
"Everything is effed up straight from the heart, tell me what do you do, when it all falls apart". HAHHHAAAHA, i guess i cant tell ppl that i have a crush.
39. Is there a 'someone special' in your life?BeeGees - How Deep Is Your Love
Well, what do you think? xD
40. How do you find your family?Shakira - Whenever, Wherever
OOOHHH. They're there for me.. WHENEVER and WHEREVER.
Im finally done!
Im done! :D
Sunday, September 03, 2006
YAY! I GOT A NEW COM!!!!Well, it's not exactly new,
It's my bro's old com which i think is totally fabu. ((:
It runs alot faster then my past one,
Which totally gave me headaches and heart attacks.
Now my mum is stuck with that disgusting old com. x))
this CHIOBUNALINAGOHJINGHUAY got a haircut!! (:
Im like so duper uber supersupersuper
HAPPY!Now i promise to study hard. X)
CHEM IS FUN! (:(Video from Mike's blog)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m55kgyApYrYAnd a couple of morons who put sodium into their school's toilet. .___.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anpps8sNZMYENJOY! :DBOBBY LEE VIDEOS!!Average Asian:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZeARelaPys (Hating His Dating Situation)
Can see the other videos other then this. ((:
Memoirs Of A Geisha: