Saturday, April 29, 2006
I got a new phone!
Plus a bluetooth thingie to go with it!
And we got a new bike! (((:
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
ENGLISH AND CHINESE PAPER ONEI love slashing away exam dates.
It just does my heart good. (:
Anyways, today was the funnest examination i've ever had.
During and after the exam, everyone was like damn high.
People were making noises, dragging their chairs, sprawling on their tables,
All the stuff that Mdm Sim Ah Lian hates.
Haha, keep kachiaoing her until she "jokingly" counted and recounted and recounted the papers. X)
Socks and Pris were like, "Mdm Sim! Urgent! I need to niao niao!!"
And she didnt let them go to the toilet. -.-
Then Socks said, "If i dont go toilet horh, later wet my pants leh! HAHAHA!!"
LOL. It was so entertaining man.
Mr Chen Hong Ming also.
Another funny lame guy.
He wanted to write the word "shi4" on the board,
Then anyhow write.
And his chinese words are like, weird.
... ...
Then he even raised both his hands up and exclaimed, "EXPRESS CHINESE ROCKS! IM PROUD TO BE IN EXPRESS CHINESE!"
-.- Leng dao.
Haha, examinations are
Shit man, tmr English and Chinese Paper Twos!
Hey Pris, thanks for the card and encouraging me yeah!Haha, dont worry, i wont let you down! ;)Loves, MamaNana!**After exams i treat everybody drink milk!**The milk thing is TOTALLLLLLY untrue. (:
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Exams are already here.
They're stepping on my toes.
My heart is racing like a bullet train.
Im really really scared.
And my mood's been affected.
I keep thinking of what i've learnt in class all these months,
And im damn scared i cant remember a single thing.
Im so damn scared now.
Im gonna fail this.
Im so gonna fail this.
Sorry mum, i misplaced the trust you put in me.
Sorry friends, i've let your encouragement letters go in vain.
Im so pessimistic.
Exams are all of what's in my head now.
not going school tmr.gonna pia for HCL tmr.):
Monday, April 24, 2006
3 days Nalina.
3 more days.What'chu waiting for?Hit the blardie books right now!!NOWWW SHITFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gahhhh.
Blardie MYEs start on Thurs.
And im still slacking on my lardbutt now.
Pffft. After all the encouragement from my dearest friends who gave me postcards,
I still cant bring myself to open the "book of knowledge" and bury my head in it.
Till now, im still fuming mad.
I dont understand why adults can get away with stuff that we, the so-called "kids", cant do.
You see, during a struggle, which was "my fault" supposedly,
My mum kept pulling the metal items, which my finger my caught in between.
She kept pulling and pulling, and that pain which grips your finger just fills your nerves.
And then the pain comes.
You try to pull your hand out, and it's just plain stuck.
And there's this bitch who keeps pulling and pulling like a dog fighting for a bone.
And your finger is caught in between the struggle.
I know it sounds exaggerated,
But it seriously hurts like crap.
And up till now, my mum still thinks she's right and im wrong.
LIKE WHAT THE FUCK LAH?!It's HER fault, HER error, i get hurt, and then she blames me.
FUCKING NEHNEH.I still feel damn bu fu qi,
I get injured and i get blamed,
I hate adults who deny their mistakes and make NO amends to it.
My dad, another one.
Always SCREAMING and SCOLDING me for not drying my hair every night before i slp.
Like, PLEASE, he goes on and on and on,
And i just wanna shut him up even though i know it's for my own good.
Worse thing is, my siblings are getting "adulty" too,
And the last thing i want is for them to start nagging at me.
Aahhhhh, the horrors of getting old!
You grow into someone you dont wanna be! :(
But anyway, on to something happy...
That big darling Swan Yee.
Gave me 3 free lessons to take dance lessons at Studio Wu.
Arghhh, im itching for real dance.
Man, i still feel guilty for taking dance lessons so near the MYEs.
Cant study yet. ):
Feel like im gonna plummet a million miles down the study ladder i painstakingly climbed up my 8 yrs of studying.
My hair's wet.
Gonna go dry it.
If not get migrain -> need $ to see doc -> if no money than damn pain -> cannot take the pain -> start throwing tantrum -> make everyone's life miserable (yay can make my mum miserable with good reason! (:) -> will die a miserable, fucked-up old hag.
Seriously, my dad tells me that if i dont dry my hair. -.-l
Except for the last part lah, of course not. :P
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Realisation is sinking in.
I realise that in 4 days, MYEs are gonna start.
I havent revised a freakin' subject yet.
And shit, im getting damn worried.
I mean, i dont wanna study.
Cos my heart hasnt settled down from the other stuff that are distracting me yet.
I keep thinking abt my new phone,
My birthday celebration,
The church camp,
My friendship,3C,
And recently im getting obsessed over my body.
I know most of you say im not fat and stuff..
But now i keep looking in the mirror telling myself im fat all the time.
So sick and tired of that bulging
THING,I always want it to just burst and disappear. x(
I always stare at my tummy in the mirror,
And then the next moment im gorging down 8 chicken wings.
How ironic.
I cant put my mind to the things i wanna do.
I feel so useless.
And im getting into mood swings all the time,
Shouting at my mum for no good reason.
And there's SS common test tmr.
Like, WTH.
I dunno what the shit is OCTPM.
Origin, Content, T...., P....., and M.....
I think im gonna fail it like crap.
I think im just gonna PointEvidenceExplanation.
Screw it lah.
Buck up darling, you know you love writing crap stuff for crap teachers to read your crap answers on the crap paper.SS, Hist, Lit.
Wheee, my fave answering subjs.
It's so easy to just crap around. (:
But, somehow i got this feeling im gonna fail the recent Hist paper.
And im gonna screw up tmr's SS paper.
Lit, i must say,
Im not exactly aceing it right now.
Guess Ms Koh's standard is higher than i think.
And on Tuesday, a freakin study day,
There's gonna be a Fire Drill Exercise.
Like OMFG.
Cant they put it on another day AFTER MYEs?
You're screwing up every teacher and every student!
Everyone's SO anxious abt MYEs and you go run a stupid drill.
Dont crap around that's it's MOE regulation.
MOE is not that STUPID.
Anyway, thanks to dearies who tagged my board.
Sorry, i have no time to go surf your blogs and tag back,
Cos some blogs take damn long to load,
So i just click the red "x" on the top right hand corner.
Eg, Shitbee and Yiyee's blog.
Tell you arhhh,
Your blogs are damn hard to ENTER!
And for the other dearies,
I dunno what to tag. :(
But when i find the time to blogsurf and think of stuffs to tag,
I promise i'll tag everyone's blog, alright?
Suddenly, iron jack-jack sits on my heart.
Then it changes to flames and burns it.
And now, the monster is tearing at my heart.
It's the trauma of losing your beloved phone i guess.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Im watching The Incredibles now.
WOOHOO! It's a very nice show.
Still can rmb i went to watch it with Riena jie i think.
:/ Cant really recall.
Just rmbed i was late for the movie. :D
There's this new blog that i checked out.
It's abt the relationship between 2 gay boys,
Colin and Kero.
Colin's a cutie.
Sad that they're gay.
Check them out at
http://colinandkero.blogspot.comJust dont freak out;
Dont drool;
Dont look at the tagboard.
You'll get dizzy.
So anyways,
Mum and I went phone shopping today.
I havent gotten the new phone cos my dad has to be there.
But i've laid my eyes on this real cutie:

:) Looks like Samsung right?
And it costs only $98!!
(If plus upgrading line then $198)
It has MP3, Cam, Bluetooth..
Those main 3 functions!
Haha, im damn happy i found such a nice phone!
Yay, im the
envy of everyone (Let me be BHB (X )!
LALALA!Shitbee sucks. (:
Friday, April 21, 2006
Im still quite sad over my phone,
But luckily i can still remember most of the stuff inside my phone,
And Char says she has some vids inside her phone also..
So now im alot happier. (:
My friends are really nice to me,
Ask them for hug they also hug me leh! ((X
Haha, thanks guys, for consoling me. (((:
Anyways, im online now looking for a suitable phone i wanna buy.
This time, i think i wanna pay for the new phone myself (or maybe half of it).
Yeah, i feel quite sad when i see my phone around the nokia website.
And my SIM card come liao!
People give me your numbers!
If not i REALLY cannot contact anyone at all. :P
So today school ended at 1.20pm.
Then after that i went to a half hour briefing abt some crap NE thingamagig.
Quite a waste of time.
But what to do? Kena force liao then must go.
When i went upstairs, i asked Shitbee for her phone.
And guess what?
The guys actually put her bag
on top of the screen thing and her handphone
on top of the speaker.
I was damn shocked.
I dunno how Shitbee can actually stand all these torment.
If i were her i'd be uber pissed lorh.
XP She can tolerate so many things man.
*pei fu pei fu*
After that, the guys decided to do something else.
They brought her bag to the guys toilet and hung it on top of the pipes above us.
HAHA, i went into the guys toilet and started laughing like mad.
Phoebe was like 0.0
It was real fun "torturing" her..
But eventually she got her hp down from the speaker and her bag too.
Then, the few of us went to canteen to slack.
Stupid Fred pon his detention.
Slack slack slack.
Then talk abt some crap stuff.
And Bryan Yeo blushed!
Like 3 times lorh!
HE BLUSHED!!!!!!!!!
His face turned totally RED.
Under all his blackness, you can still see red.
It was amazing.
Yiyee took a pic and you could see his pinkish face.
HAHA! Bryan sad life! X)
After that, when Bryan and Glen went down Chang Cheng,
Everyone like kinda went to do their own stuff,
So it got quite boring.
Then Joel Goh come pei wo.
I let him do the MM thing,
After that, i just went home.
And slacked.
And ate seaweed, nougat and bubble tea.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I wanna feel that heavyweight phone in my pocket again, to complain abt it.
I wanna be able to see through the spastic photos and videos, to laugh.
I wanna go through my precious messages of encouragement, sent to me by friends.
I wanna go through my contacts, seeing whose my next victim of chatting.
I wanna see my booklist, those books i wanna borrow.
I wanna see the Thai and Canto numbers that i've typed down.
I wanna look at the time and go, "OMG! So late liao!"
I wanna go through the calendar and see whose birthday is up next.
But now, they're all gone.
Someone pickpocketed me on the MRT.
I know i cant jump to conclusions,
But firstly, if my phone dropped, Charmaine was behind me, and she would have seen the phone drop or heard it.
Secondly, I would have heard the phone drop cos it's made of stainless steel.
Thirdly, there was this guy who kept pushing behind me and i thought he was just anxious to get into the train.
Fuck. I am so sad now.
It isnt abt the price of the phone, it isnt abt the SIM card and contacts in the phone,
It's abt the memories.
The pictures i've chalked up really meant alot to me.
And they all have a significance in my life.
That bastard took the memories away in that split second he took my phone.
He never thought of the heartbreak a person could face when their phone is lost.
To that bastard:I know you most probably wont read this,But, i just want to curse you.And not only you, but your family.First of all, if i ever catch you,I am gonna kick you so hard in the crotch you will NEVER reproduce again.Secondly, you will never have memories for the rest of your life. You took mine away, and i damn you to lose ALL of yours too.Your family is innocent, but they have borne someone who does not have a heart, Someone who thinks that pickpocketing someone is normal and doesnt have an impact.I CURSE YOUR FUCKING PENIS BALLS WILL ROT AND YOUR PENIS WILL ROT AND YOUR FACE WILL ROT AND YOUR HAIR WILL ROT AND YOUR BALLS AND NIPPLES AND OTHER VITAL ORGANS ALL ROT AND DROP OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FYI, I dont feel any better.
I am trying to recall everything in my phone,
Like all the pictures and videos.
I wanna tell everyone,
That they will never be replaced.
And nothing will ever replace what i've lost.
Im feeling depressed now.
Please, imagine that you've lost your phone with all your precious memories inside.
Now, that's me.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Dont actually feel like blogging.
There're like, so many things weighing down my heart,
I dont even know where to begin.
It's like, this feeling where you feel depressed and sad,
desolate feeling makes you feel like crying.
But i have no idea why i just cant cry.
I just cant think properly.
Perhaps it's cos of tired, or sick.
I've been sleeping the whole day, even skipping my first lesson of ballet intermediate.
My eyes are slightly swollen,
Not from crying, but from tearing.
Dont really feel like going school tmr.
But there's Elect Hist test and Chem SPA.
So, i cant skip school for nuts.
Sad right?
Im super desperate to just skip school tmr.
desperate.You know, thinking about what i've done to ******,
I feel kinda guilty.
Actually, i really feel guilty.
My actions really remind me of my primary school days,
Being outcasted and all.
I know that feeling, which isnt exactly what you call pleasant.
When i saw the book of poems, "
emotional help" or something,
I finally realised i had teased her for too long.
I mean, im not usually the one who makes up jokes abt her,
But the action of laughing of her is really mean.
Damn, but she's really laughable. x(
How long will it take for me to get out of immatureness and stop laughing at her?
Time will tell.
Today i gathered the guts to go to school with my ridiculous hairstyle.
It wasnt as bad as i thought ppl would react.
I thought i looked HORRENDOUS!
But my class actually thought i looked
(1) Retro - like an Agogo dancer. -.-lll
(2) Cute - i already am. ((X
Heyhey, they're just voicing their HONEST opinions.
And, today Hengxin became
3C IDOL.She was sent to see May Lan and the Noobenizer.
her blog for more details.
If you can figure out her password.
Damn. I feel so weird i just wanna curl up in bed and rot.
Havent eaten dinner yet.
Dont feel like anyway.
When someone said count your blessings nowFor they're long goneI guess I just didn't know how I was all wrongThey knew betterStill you said forever and everWho knewI'll keep you
locked in my headUntil we meet againAnd I won't forget you my friendWhat happenedIf someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and that last kiss I'll cherish
Until we meet again
And time makes it harder
I wish I could
rememberBut I keepYour memoryYou visit me in my sleepMy darlingWho knewMy darlingI miss youMy darling
Who knew
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hey ppl, sorry for not updating my blog as often as i used to (which was practically every day).
Recently school has been draining me of ALL my energy.
And now, as it draws closer and closer to MYEs,
Die man, havent started studying at all.
Actually, i dont even know what to study. :P
So anyway, a few days ago, our dear monitress ZHENGHAN showed us a powerpoint of 3C.
I was truly touched.
But apparently, all that was just temporary.
To Zhenghan: If you just give up this easily, you really dont have the perserverance to help make 3C the best class in the whole level.You give up on us so easily, but now it's nearing to the MYEs,And i can see that all of us are piaing.If you just wanna dont care abt 3C, dont act as though you dont care.Just by giving away the badge, it doesnt mean that you arent still our monitress.Like, even Socks seems quite pissed abt your behaviour.Sure, you can make a powerpoint and make everyone happy, but if you feel as though you cant make it, why bother to make the powerpoint in the first place?Zhenghan, sometimes you are either over-concerned with stuff, or you just dont care abt them.That's the wrong attitude. You should know when to let go and when to take back.Furthermore, you slp in class. Everyone is concerned abt you, so you really should wake up and pay attention. It's not abt contradicting yourself, it's abt doing well for your MYEs, like all of us are trying to.So Zhenghan, take back the badge, take back your post, take back your enthuness.It makes everyone pek chek to see you like this.Pffft. Everyone's so down nowadays.
I wish i could just bring everyone's spirits up.
But, my body and health just doesnt allow me to.
I feel really sick and tired in class every day.
Now, i also cut my hair like toot liddat.
Shit man. Tmr's gonna be interesting.
Song Dedication:
Jessica Riddle - Even Angels FallYou've found
hopeYou've found
Found how fast she could take it away.
Found true love,
Lost your heart.
Now you don't know who you are.She made it easy,
Made it free,
Made you hurt til you couldn't see.
Sometimes it stops,
Sometimes it flows,
But baby that is how love goes.
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.It's a secret no one tells;
One day it's heaven, one day it's hell.
It's no fairy tale;
Take it from me
That's the way it's supposed to be.
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.
You laugh, you cry, no one knows why
Behold the thrill of it all...
You're on the ride
You might as well
Open your eyes
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.
Even angels fall
Even angels fall
Friday, April 14, 2006
today was a boring day.
OH YAH RIGHT!Today, i went out with Shitbee, Yiyee, Huiling, Bryan Yeo, Mike, Timo and Fred.
We went to Jurong East to
First, we met at 10.30 at Eunos MRT.
Then, a 45 min ride to Jurong East MRT.
Then, we had breakfast at KFC.
And talked abt..
HER. (:After a few loud laughs and AA moments,
We made our way upstairs to the iceskating rink.
Im quite impressed with myself i must say.
Cant believe i can still iceskate after, 5 years?
Cant rmb. (X
I was the only one who didnt fall down!! (((:
There was one instance where SHITBEE kept talking abt my boobs.
And so i pushed her.
She balance forward, then backward, then forward, and then she fell.
X))) LOL!
She looked damn retarded.
There was also once when "Hey Mama" was playing.
Ya'll know there's one "tits" part right?
During that part, when the word "tit" was played,
I cupped SHITBEE'S BOOBS! (((X
LOL. She flat!
And then, Mike was just swinging Bryan's arms around.
And guess what?
He controlled his arms, and made them touch Shitbee's boobs again!
WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Bryan was traumatized.
And Mike was laughing like mad.
And for the whole day,
They were waiting for me to fall down and create
Papaya juice and
Banana juice.
Then Mike and Fred damn horny.
Always want to touch my boobs.
So, after iceskating for around 6 hours,
We headed out of the rink.
Then, we went to play ARCADE!
And that's when Shitbee went home..
So left the 7 of us. (:
Me and Huiling competed in DDR.
And guess what?
Yiyee joined in, and two more ppl joined in to help Huiling.
1 VS 4 CAN!!
But i still won!!!!!!!!!!! ((((X
Then, we went to EAT DINNER.
I got scammed of my money.
Fucking Beef Noodle aunties.
Then we talk there.
Talk talk talk..
Then take MRT home.
On the way to the MRT station,
We passed by the McDonalds playground..
And then HuiLing and Yiyee went in to play!!
I was damn surprised they even dared to go in.
After that, me and Timo also screw it lah.
We also followed them.
I dunno why, i suddenly got damn scared and kinda freaked out.
But i didnt show it.
I think i have some fear of mazes.
Scared i'll never go out.
I almost screamed man.
Lucky i got my way out.
After that we went to Popular for a while.
Gosh, Frederick got damn high.
Dunno why, when we just say "Fucking Nigger",
He'll start laughing like mad.
I also started laughing cos his laughter is damn contagious.
So, we went home in the MRT.
And he continued getting high in the MRT.
In the train, we kept talking abt
HER and her misadventures.
Like knocking her head against the PA box,
And tripping and falling on the soccer ball,
And alot more stuff.
Then Fred got high again and again and again.
Mad lah he.
Then i came up with the idea to prank call her.
Fred called her house using Timo's phone.
Fred: "
Hello, may i speak to ****** pls?"
Sister: "
Ok. JIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Fred: "
Hello, is this ******?"
******: "
Fred: "
- Timo snatches phone away and they struggle over the phone -
Fred: "
HELLO? HELLO? ******? Are you still there?"
- phone cut off -
Timo: "
It was a fun day altogether.
Haha, thanks guys.
Helped me feel better.
Bahh. My right foot is slightly swollen and my left foot hurts.
My stomach hurts.
My head hurts.
My heart hurts.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Shit man, i kinda screwed up the ballet exam.
I did wrong stuffs on those dances that werent graded.
Luckily they ARENT graded. (:
Heng shit.
But, i think it created a BAD impression on the examiner,
Which i dont give a fuck about. (X
My ballet leotard is very de PREEETY.
It's striking
I think it's THAT colour. ((:
It turned out better than i expected really.
So, after that Mr Nizam appeared at the CC.
And he gave me a math test.
It sucked really,
Gonna fail it.
And i got back my Chinese test.
Almost flunked it.
Got 25/50.
Heng shit (again).
After that, i went to Char's house.
She had an operation to extract her tooth from the upper palate of the mouth (
And when she came back, she was still bleeding profusely in the mouth.
The stitches were HORRIBLE.
I hate stitches.
The blood i dont care,
The stitches..
No way man.
Then, i received an sms from Slyballess, saying that we lost the debate.
And he was
best speaker.OMFG.
That sucks.
SLYBALLESS is best speaker.Fuck. I should really knock Mr Eugene Ong and Aurelia's head with a hammer.
Shit man.
Phoebe's blog,
I missed out a whole day of fun in school.
Sad life.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
FOOKY ZOE BOON.I dont care if im made to close this blog down.
Fuck it, i've already locked it anyway.
Those highlighted are my papers for each day.
I know they dont seem much,
And i dont really have much to complain abt the test schedules (they arent as bad as i thought they were gonna be).
But, all of them are like crammed together in 5 days.
Let's see.. 8 subjs - 2 (eng and hcl) = 6 subjs.
6 /5 = 1 1/5.
Ok lah, but last yr it was spread out on 6 or 7 days if im not wrong.
However, this is not the main prob.
Im fine with the packed test papers.
It's the
AFTER EXAM ACTIVITES that fuck me up.
NO MORE POST EXAM ACTIVITIES.OMG. Those are like relaxation methods. We cant survive without them.
Im not the only one who thinks this is absurd.
Practically EVERYONE (seriously) thinks this is absurd.
Isnt this serious then?
Wake up and smell the roses!!!!
AHS does not equal to..
Accomplished, Honorable SLAVES.
We need something called CHILLIN'.
I know AHS didnt do well in the O Levels last yr.
By forcing us to study like mad,
We have to learn in a happy environment, not in a forced one!
FUCK! I dont see why we shouldnt just go on strike!!!
Ballet sucked.
Tmr's gonna suck.
Have ballet exam then have maths test.
I hate all sorts of tests.
They fuck up my world.
Anyway, assembly today was damn fun.
I was sitting with Joween, Shitbee, Yiyee and the guys at the back.
They were damn noisy and horny.
Somehow they kept talking abt my boobs.
I wore a sports bra, but my boobs were still bigger than shitbee's and yiyee's.
WTF can?!!!!
I wanted mine to blend into the crowd.
Then i went for ballet,
And i was alone in the studio.
GOOD. (:
But then, i noticed that my boobs were still like normal.
I was damn pissed.
Cos i wanted my chest to get out of the way while im dancing.
Ok, those innocent minded ppl reading my blog,
Im sorry this post is abt boobs and horniness.
But oh well, the whole day was filled with crap. (X
Monday, April 10, 2006
STOP STARING AT MY BOOBS YOU SHIT PPL!Michael chases me after a cactus after i squeezed his nipples and he wants revenge by (1) smacking me on the boobs with the cactus, (2) hitting my boobs with his bare hands.
He loves to "Zi Muo".
He's sexually deprived and wants to have sex with Frederick by teasing him with his ass.
Kunwei cannot stop staring and drooling while seeing my boobs.
He thinks Yiyee and Phoebe's boobs are a wall and an airport runway respectively.
Phoebe loves to touch and smack my boobs.
I have a chinese test tmr.
Shit face.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
i ask mike abt friday can?this fucking artificial world. says:
okay(:this fucking artificial world. says:
say the cute phoebe is going
this fucking artificial world. says:
so its an honour to gothis fucking artificial world. says:
hahathis fucking artificial world. says:
jk- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
OMFG.this fucking artificial world. says:
u better no copy paste this i tell you- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
OH SHIT HOW U KNOW?!this fucking artificial world. says:
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
i was just abt to do that! ((X
this fucking artificial world. says:
idiotthis fucking artificial world. says:
nooooooooooooothis fucking artificial world. says:
i knw i am cute but- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
HAHAHAHAHAAHHAhA REVENGE IS SWEET.this fucking artificial world. says:
we must be modest abt it
this fucking artificial world. says:
this fucking artificial world. says:
*IDIOT- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
this fucking artificial world. says:
damn- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
HAhAHAHAHAHAhAHAHA- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
this is going on my blog! (X[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
she's known for her spasticness wad..
- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
she is!
- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
lol.- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
you also! ((X
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
you are too ok..
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
dun deny that..
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
hahas..- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
i am not.- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
i am chio, hear me roar!
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
oh yes you are..- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
THANK YOU![[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
...[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
oh my god!!!!!!!!!!- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
i meant tha tyou are spastic..- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
this is gonna be my last post on this template!
i've already finised the next one! (:
And it's really pretty.
The tagboard wont match the layout now, cos i need to change the entire thing,
Hope you guys dont mind.
Meanwhile, keep on tagging the oddly coloured tagboard!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
7 random facts abt me:
#1 guys call me she-male.
#2 im called nana in class.
#3 phoebe calls me c-cup nana.
#4 bryan toh likes to drink milk.
#5 socks is my gossip partner.
#6 i love chicken rice.
#7 im BEAUTIFUL. (:
7 celebrity crushes:
#2 Jessica Alba
#3 Kristin Kreuk
#4 Michael Rosenbaum
#5 Tay Ping Hui
#6 Jay Chou (SONGS PLS SONGS!)
#7 Allan Wu.
7 qualities i wan in a potential boyfren/gurllfren:
#1 RICH. $.$
#2 can cook.
#3 HUMOROUS but not spas.
#4 HAPPY. (:
#5 knows when my periods are so he knows when to brace himself for PMS.
#6 RICH.
#7 look something like TOM WELLING! (LOLLLL)
7 things that scare me:
#1 XM. She gives me goosebumps.
#3 Michael.
#5 Apes. (:
#6 Phoebe.
#7 Guys who cry suddenly and emotionally = Wusses.
7 random songs at the moment:
#1 KAOPEI rap. (:
#2 Ai Mei.
#3 Anglican High School Song.
#5 Pokemon Theme Song.
#6 Far Away - Nickelback.
#7 "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" by an INDIAN.
7 things i lyk/love most:
#1 APES. (:
#2 3C.
#4 HP.
#7 MAHJONG. (:
7 things i'll plan before i die:
#1 Get alot of money.
#2 Take over AHS and then burn it to the ground.
#3 Kill everyone.
#4 Join forces with ETs to kill everyone.
#5 Make myself TOUCH ape willingly.
#6 Torture ********* and then kill.
#7 Kill Shitbee.
7 things i say most:
#5 LOL.
#6 HAHA. Funny ah. My toes are laughing.
7 ppl who needs to do this:
#1 NOONE cos passing this around is a waste of time! (X
Friends thank me cos i saved ya'll from doing this AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.
I drew
BLOOD this
afternoon, and i must say it is something i will never forget.
The stupid needle felt like it was inside for 5 min when it was just a little while.
There's still the mark there, and a slight bruise, but it'll be fine.
Hey, how many ppl get to draw their blood man,
I should be honoured. (:
Went for ballet today.
I AM SO FREAKING SCREWED.I didnt feel like dancing today, especially ballet.
And im scared that i'll feel like that again on the day of exam.
That thought just frightens the wits outta me.
I wanna get 80 for Grade 8,
But i HIGHLY doubt so.
Who am i fooling?
I am SO not a dancer.
Socks scolded us on our class blog. And i feel guilty.
Cos im one of those who doesnt do duty.
I dont do it cos sweeping the floor and emptying the waste paper basket is so..
Not me.
But i just realised that im really pampered,
And i promise SOCKS from now on i'll do my duty.
You have this blog entry to prove it now. (:
Been blogsurfing around ppl's blogs,
And i see how some ppl can just blog out their feelings without being scared of the consequences.
Against teachers, talking abt friends, talking abt enemies and other stuffs.
But i dont know why im so cowardly.
A blog is for you to blog out your feelings right?
And im just keeping them all up in
HERE.And im gonna explode soon.
I dont know whether i should blog them out now,
And make this a really long post,
Or i should just save it for later..
if it comes.... ...
I should just blog it out now.
You know, i cant really talk things out with people nowadays.
You know why? Cos i wanna put on a
facade that i am emotionally strong,
And not somemore who needs pampering all the time and needs to be patted on the back and a shoulder to cry on.
Another reason why i cant talk things out is:
I DONT HAVE ANYONE TO TALK IT OUT WITH.The only person i've told some of my problems to is Sock Ling.
And thanks to her for hearing me out. (:
It is so obvious nowadays that me and Charmaine dont hang out anymore.
Those ppl who see us together are those who are only at the canteen.
After recess, i go to her class.
And i talk to her classmates, never to hear.
You know why?
Cos she's always sms-ing other ppl.
It's really getting on my nerves you know.
Who likes it when you're out with somemore and she keeps on ignoring you?
You might as well just dont go out at all.
Some 3C ppl might know that me and her went out one day right.
But guess what? We went off to her house,
And she went out of her room to talk to someone else on her hp.
She left me in her room alone for a long time.
And then later she rushes out and tells me that we need to hurry.
She makes me run, and then later, when she told me before that we were going out, just the 2 of us,
We'd be meeting another person.
I was so angry.
She doesnt know that that makes me feel as though im not as good a friend as before,Or that im getting boring and irritating that she needs someone to go out with the 2 of us cos with me, it's boring.I feel that way now.
And then later, after meeting her friend,
We go to Bugis with him.
And when it was time to go home,
She's rather wait for him and go home with him rather than me.
She made me WAIT for him until 9.30pm.
I didnt know that we were waiting for him, and when i found out,
I just went home myself.
And now we're just ppl who say hi and bye.
You keep things from me,
Your friend here, your friend there,
Your friend = Crystal,
Your friend = Bryan,
Your friend = Cherng Ru,
You think i dont know abt them?
When you talk on the phone you keep it from me,
Secrets you share with other ppl,
And then when you're talking with them you ask me to get go out first,
WHAT THE FUCK?I dont need this shit from any friend, especially not you.
All this started when we went to the YF camp, subsequently my Bangkok trip.
This is one of the fucking reasons i dont wanna go back.
I dont wanna be reminded that Christianity is one of the reasons of the failure of our friendship.
All this started when i came back, and realised you have no more time for me, cos you're always out with Bryan.
And then later, when school reopens, i had to stand up for you when rumours started going around.
And then i just got tired of defending you. So i just let it be.
When school reopened, you suddenly got sick of me, and you started hanging out with Crystal.
Fine then, i dont mind her,
But everytime you have something on with her i feel as though i have noone to hang out with.
Fine lah, this is my own problem.
But cant you make SOME time, like, A DAY, for me?
You only go out with me when she's busy and when she has something else on.
And sometimes during recess you JUST have to go find her.
If you have to find her, you dont need me to go what.
Find Boon Tiong also, you dont need me what.
It is
IRRITATING when you keep asking me to go with you.
I want to tell all these to your face,
But you always have your reasons which are full of bullshit.
Another thing is: Stop asking me if i am Christian.
I dont have an answer.
Why not?
1) Christianity is one of the reasons i have failed friendships.
2) I DONT wanna go back to CHC becos they suck (go on, sue me then, i have my fucking reasons).
3) I dont wanna sit in for boring stuff.
4) My faith wavers.
5) I dont deem myself worthy of being a Christian cos i once cursed God.
So there, here are the reasons.
One more: Inferior to my sis.
Ppl keep comparing me to my sis.
Those people, FUCK OFF.
Esp you,
MOTHER.1) She's a better dancer.
I have nothing to say.2) Her maths is better.
Do you ever look at my languages?3) She's slimmer than me.
Do you want me to dont eat anything except a pear for a whole day?4) She's prettier than me.
Fuck. Dont ppl always say DONT JUDGE BY SOMEONE'S LOOKS? Apparently everyone does.5) She's more mature than me.
She's 19! Im 15! Dont tell me she didnt rebel when she was my age. Please!6) She has better dress sense.
As you grow older, you have more dress choices. Right now, i only have IceLemonTee and other stupid ah lian clothes.There are SO many more things that i am compared to with my sister.
Most of you would think who would keep comparing us,
Well, it's
MY FAMILY.The ppl whom you depend on the most are making you feel inferior.
Is that what a family should do?
Most ppl would notice that i keep saying im fat. Im not faking it, i really think i am.
Well, thank FAMILY DEAREST for making me feel as though i am someone who is obese and ugly.
And, i took around 1 and a half hours to write this entry,
Not cos it's long,
Cos halfway, i ran back to my room to cry.
So be it.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
http://kevan.org/nohari?name=NALINA --> MY FLAWS
http://kevan.org/johari?name=NALINA --> MY GOOD POINTS.
Monday, April 03, 2006
I wanna know what you think of me!
I know im chio, beautiful, glam, intelligent blah blah blah chio blah blah blah pretty.
I know i know,
Who doesnt know that im like that?!!!
-girlish giggle-Joking lah,
Just answer honestly.
The more ppl, the merrier!!!!!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
He's cute!
No? ((((X

Big Boobed Bryan.

Me squeezing BBB's boobs. (((X
HAPPY!This guy arhhh..
Always calls me NAINAI.
Always want to drink MILK.
So i squeeze his own milk for him to drink!
I went off first and didnt see the KAZHUA get BB-ed.
But i went to the
class blog and i saw a cockroach with boob and nipples. (:

A cockroach with boobs and nipples.

Sideview! He's DAMN SEXY!!!

This is one sexy cockroach.
Me likey! (((X
We are a pervertic and horny class!!! (X
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Firstly, i just wanna say
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS to Dearest Joween..
I scammed her by saying that i went to a checkup at the docs and was found to have diabetes.
She was so worried and stuff,
So yah, SORRY GIRL, and be HAPPY!
Haha, noone played any April Fools joke on me besides my bro. x)
I went back to sch today to do the class noticeboard.
I left early so im not sure how it is now. (:
Anyway, it was just real fun there!
We were playing soccer and then we started playing monkey soccer.
Haha, Ape wasnt there so we didnt know who to choose.
I wasnt a MONKEY at all! ((X
And then, there was once where Mike sat on the packet of Chili.
LOL! There was this *pom*, and we were all looking around, seeing what happened.
Apparently, he just plonked his big patookee on the chili packet and he stained his shirt.
And claimed that he menstruated. X))))
We were sitting around talking abt boobs, tummies, who's chio, who's not, the APE, etc etc etc.
And the topic was always reverted back to BOOBS.
The uber tiko (Bryan Toh), kept talking abt mine.
So we asked him to stuff in 2 toilet rolls.
And WOAH! His was like, 0.0
I even SQUEEZED them! XP
Pictures were taken from various angles, showing his SEXINESS. (:
We slacked around quite ALOT, but we still managed to do the noticeboard nonetheless.
I wanna know how much has been done already.
Haha, 3C rocks man!
We are SLACKERS! (who are trying to get above 20 for our L1R5 and do our teachers proud)
Heyy guys!
Im so excited that im gonna be an auntie soon!
My bro's gf, Grace is pregs! :D
Happy happy!
Her monthly "auntie" is late for 6 weeks.
So yupp, my bro told me and my mum that she's pregs.
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!I got the rudest shock of my life cos she's only my bro's gf..
So yah, we got SCAMMED... ...
That piece of shit.
Let me end this stupid post off with a joke:
There were 4 babies in the hospital,
A German baby, a Jewish baby, a Siingaporean baby and a Filipino baby.
The blur blur nures accidentally mixed them all up, and she was panicking cos she had to differentitate the babies out.
So after much thought, she exclaimed, "HITLER ROCKS!"
The German baby did the Hitler salute,
The Jewish baby shit in its diaper,
And the Singaporean baby turned to the Filipino baby and said, "Clean that mess up."
Saturday, April 29, 2006
I got a new phone!
Plus a bluetooth thingie to go with it!
And we got a new bike! (((:
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
ENGLISH AND CHINESE PAPER ONEI love slashing away exam dates.
It just does my heart good. (:
Anyways, today was the funnest examination i've ever had.
During and after the exam, everyone was like damn high.
People were making noises, dragging their chairs, sprawling on their tables,
All the stuff that Mdm Sim Ah Lian hates.
Haha, keep kachiaoing her until she "jokingly" counted and recounted and recounted the papers. X)
Socks and Pris were like, "Mdm Sim! Urgent! I need to niao niao!!"
And she didnt let them go to the toilet. -.-
Then Socks said, "If i dont go toilet horh, later wet my pants leh! HAHAHA!!"
LOL. It was so entertaining man.
Mr Chen Hong Ming also.
Another funny lame guy.
He wanted to write the word "shi4" on the board,
Then anyhow write.
And his chinese words are like, weird.
... ...
Then he even raised both his hands up and exclaimed, "EXPRESS CHINESE ROCKS! IM PROUD TO BE IN EXPRESS CHINESE!"
-.- Leng dao.
Haha, examinations are
Shit man, tmr English and Chinese Paper Twos!
Hey Pris, thanks for the card and encouraging me yeah!Haha, dont worry, i wont let you down! ;)Loves, MamaNana!**After exams i treat everybody drink milk!**The milk thing is TOTALLLLLLY untrue. (:
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Exams are already here.
They're stepping on my toes.
My heart is racing like a bullet train.
Im really really scared.
And my mood's been affected.
I keep thinking of what i've learnt in class all these months,
And im damn scared i cant remember a single thing.
Im so damn scared now.
Im gonna fail this.
Im so gonna fail this.
Sorry mum, i misplaced the trust you put in me.
Sorry friends, i've let your encouragement letters go in vain.
Im so pessimistic.
Exams are all of what's in my head now.
not going school tmr.gonna pia for HCL tmr.):
Monday, April 24, 2006
3 days Nalina.
3 more days.What'chu waiting for?Hit the blardie books right now!!NOWWW SHITFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gahhhh.
Blardie MYEs start on Thurs.
And im still slacking on my lardbutt now.
Pffft. After all the encouragement from my dearest friends who gave me postcards,
I still cant bring myself to open the "book of knowledge" and bury my head in it.
Till now, im still fuming mad.
I dont understand why adults can get away with stuff that we, the so-called "kids", cant do.
You see, during a struggle, which was "my fault" supposedly,
My mum kept pulling the metal items, which my finger my caught in between.
She kept pulling and pulling, and that pain which grips your finger just fills your nerves.
And then the pain comes.
You try to pull your hand out, and it's just plain stuck.
And there's this bitch who keeps pulling and pulling like a dog fighting for a bone.
And your finger is caught in between the struggle.
I know it sounds exaggerated,
But it seriously hurts like crap.
And up till now, my mum still thinks she's right and im wrong.
LIKE WHAT THE FUCK LAH?!It's HER fault, HER error, i get hurt, and then she blames me.
FUCKING NEHNEH.I still feel damn bu fu qi,
I get injured and i get blamed,
I hate adults who deny their mistakes and make NO amends to it.
My dad, another one.
Always SCREAMING and SCOLDING me for not drying my hair every night before i slp.
Like, PLEASE, he goes on and on and on,
And i just wanna shut him up even though i know it's for my own good.
Worse thing is, my siblings are getting "adulty" too,
And the last thing i want is for them to start nagging at me.
Aahhhhh, the horrors of getting old!
You grow into someone you dont wanna be! :(
But anyway, on to something happy...
That big darling Swan Yee.
Gave me 3 free lessons to take dance lessons at Studio Wu.
Arghhh, im itching for real dance.
Man, i still feel guilty for taking dance lessons so near the MYEs.
Cant study yet. ):
Feel like im gonna plummet a million miles down the study ladder i painstakingly climbed up my 8 yrs of studying.
My hair's wet.
Gonna go dry it.
If not get migrain -> need $ to see doc -> if no money than damn pain -> cannot take the pain -> start throwing tantrum -> make everyone's life miserable (yay can make my mum miserable with good reason! (:) -> will die a miserable, fucked-up old hag.
Seriously, my dad tells me that if i dont dry my hair. -.-l
Except for the last part lah, of course not. :P
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Realisation is sinking in.
I realise that in 4 days, MYEs are gonna start.
I havent revised a freakin' subject yet.
And shit, im getting damn worried.
I mean, i dont wanna study.
Cos my heart hasnt settled down from the other stuff that are distracting me yet.
I keep thinking abt my new phone,
My birthday celebration,
The church camp,
My friendship,3C,
And recently im getting obsessed over my body.
I know most of you say im not fat and stuff..
But now i keep looking in the mirror telling myself im fat all the time.
So sick and tired of that bulging
THING,I always want it to just burst and disappear. x(
I always stare at my tummy in the mirror,
And then the next moment im gorging down 8 chicken wings.
How ironic.
I cant put my mind to the things i wanna do.
I feel so useless.
And im getting into mood swings all the time,
Shouting at my mum for no good reason.
And there's SS common test tmr.
Like, WTH.
I dunno what the shit is OCTPM.
Origin, Content, T...., P....., and M.....
I think im gonna fail it like crap.
I think im just gonna PointEvidenceExplanation.
Screw it lah.
Buck up darling, you know you love writing crap stuff for crap teachers to read your crap answers on the crap paper.SS, Hist, Lit.
Wheee, my fave answering subjs.
It's so easy to just crap around. (:
But, somehow i got this feeling im gonna fail the recent Hist paper.
And im gonna screw up tmr's SS paper.
Lit, i must say,
Im not exactly aceing it right now.
Guess Ms Koh's standard is higher than i think.
And on Tuesday, a freakin study day,
There's gonna be a Fire Drill Exercise.
Like OMFG.
Cant they put it on another day AFTER MYEs?
You're screwing up every teacher and every student!
Everyone's SO anxious abt MYEs and you go run a stupid drill.
Dont crap around that's it's MOE regulation.
MOE is not that STUPID.
Anyway, thanks to dearies who tagged my board.
Sorry, i have no time to go surf your blogs and tag back,
Cos some blogs take damn long to load,
So i just click the red "x" on the top right hand corner.
Eg, Shitbee and Yiyee's blog.
Tell you arhhh,
Your blogs are damn hard to ENTER!
And for the other dearies,
I dunno what to tag. :(
But when i find the time to blogsurf and think of stuffs to tag,
I promise i'll tag everyone's blog, alright?
Suddenly, iron jack-jack sits on my heart.
Then it changes to flames and burns it.
And now, the monster is tearing at my heart.
It's the trauma of losing your beloved phone i guess.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Im watching The Incredibles now.
WOOHOO! It's a very nice show.
Still can rmb i went to watch it with Riena jie i think.
:/ Cant really recall.
Just rmbed i was late for the movie. :D
There's this new blog that i checked out.
It's abt the relationship between 2 gay boys,
Colin and Kero.
Colin's a cutie.
Sad that they're gay.
Check them out at
http://colinandkero.blogspot.comJust dont freak out;
Dont drool;
Dont look at the tagboard.
You'll get dizzy.
So anyways,
Mum and I went phone shopping today.
I havent gotten the new phone cos my dad has to be there.
But i've laid my eyes on this real cutie:

:) Looks like Samsung right?
And it costs only $98!!
(If plus upgrading line then $198)
It has MP3, Cam, Bluetooth..
Those main 3 functions!
Haha, im damn happy i found such a nice phone!
Yay, im the
envy of everyone (Let me be BHB (X )!
LALALA!Shitbee sucks. (:
Friday, April 21, 2006
Im still quite sad over my phone,
But luckily i can still remember most of the stuff inside my phone,
And Char says she has some vids inside her phone also..
So now im alot happier. (:
My friends are really nice to me,
Ask them for hug they also hug me leh! ((X
Haha, thanks guys, for consoling me. (((:
Anyways, im online now looking for a suitable phone i wanna buy.
This time, i think i wanna pay for the new phone myself (or maybe half of it).
Yeah, i feel quite sad when i see my phone around the nokia website.
And my SIM card come liao!
People give me your numbers!
If not i REALLY cannot contact anyone at all. :P
So today school ended at 1.20pm.
Then after that i went to a half hour briefing abt some crap NE thingamagig.
Quite a waste of time.
But what to do? Kena force liao then must go.
When i went upstairs, i asked Shitbee for her phone.
And guess what?
The guys actually put her bag
on top of the screen thing and her handphone
on top of the speaker.
I was damn shocked.
I dunno how Shitbee can actually stand all these torment.
If i were her i'd be uber pissed lorh.
XP She can tolerate so many things man.
*pei fu pei fu*
After that, the guys decided to do something else.
They brought her bag to the guys toilet and hung it on top of the pipes above us.
HAHA, i went into the guys toilet and started laughing like mad.
Phoebe was like 0.0
It was real fun "torturing" her..
But eventually she got her hp down from the speaker and her bag too.
Then, the few of us went to canteen to slack.
Stupid Fred pon his detention.
Slack slack slack.
Then talk abt some crap stuff.
And Bryan Yeo blushed!
Like 3 times lorh!
HE BLUSHED!!!!!!!!!
His face turned totally RED.
Under all his blackness, you can still see red.
It was amazing.
Yiyee took a pic and you could see his pinkish face.
HAHA! Bryan sad life! X)
After that, when Bryan and Glen went down Chang Cheng,
Everyone like kinda went to do their own stuff,
So it got quite boring.
Then Joel Goh come pei wo.
I let him do the MM thing,
After that, i just went home.
And slacked.
And ate seaweed, nougat and bubble tea.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I wanna feel that heavyweight phone in my pocket again, to complain abt it.
I wanna be able to see through the spastic photos and videos, to laugh.
I wanna go through my precious messages of encouragement, sent to me by friends.
I wanna go through my contacts, seeing whose my next victim of chatting.
I wanna see my booklist, those books i wanna borrow.
I wanna see the Thai and Canto numbers that i've typed down.
I wanna look at the time and go, "OMG! So late liao!"
I wanna go through the calendar and see whose birthday is up next.
But now, they're all gone.
Someone pickpocketed me on the MRT.
I know i cant jump to conclusions,
But firstly, if my phone dropped, Charmaine was behind me, and she would have seen the phone drop or heard it.
Secondly, I would have heard the phone drop cos it's made of stainless steel.
Thirdly, there was this guy who kept pushing behind me and i thought he was just anxious to get into the train.
Fuck. I am so sad now.
It isnt abt the price of the phone, it isnt abt the SIM card and contacts in the phone,
It's abt the memories.
The pictures i've chalked up really meant alot to me.
And they all have a significance in my life.
That bastard took the memories away in that split second he took my phone.
He never thought of the heartbreak a person could face when their phone is lost.
To that bastard:I know you most probably wont read this,But, i just want to curse you.And not only you, but your family.First of all, if i ever catch you,I am gonna kick you so hard in the crotch you will NEVER reproduce again.Secondly, you will never have memories for the rest of your life. You took mine away, and i damn you to lose ALL of yours too.Your family is innocent, but they have borne someone who does not have a heart, Someone who thinks that pickpocketing someone is normal and doesnt have an impact.I CURSE YOUR FUCKING PENIS BALLS WILL ROT AND YOUR PENIS WILL ROT AND YOUR FACE WILL ROT AND YOUR HAIR WILL ROT AND YOUR BALLS AND NIPPLES AND OTHER VITAL ORGANS ALL ROT AND DROP OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FYI, I dont feel any better.
I am trying to recall everything in my phone,
Like all the pictures and videos.
I wanna tell everyone,
That they will never be replaced.
And nothing will ever replace what i've lost.
Im feeling depressed now.
Please, imagine that you've lost your phone with all your precious memories inside.
Now, that's me.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Dont actually feel like blogging.
There're like, so many things weighing down my heart,
I dont even know where to begin.
It's like, this feeling where you feel depressed and sad,
desolate feeling makes you feel like crying.
But i have no idea why i just cant cry.
I just cant think properly.
Perhaps it's cos of tired, or sick.
I've been sleeping the whole day, even skipping my first lesson of ballet intermediate.
My eyes are slightly swollen,
Not from crying, but from tearing.
Dont really feel like going school tmr.
But there's Elect Hist test and Chem SPA.
So, i cant skip school for nuts.
Sad right?
Im super desperate to just skip school tmr.
desperate.You know, thinking about what i've done to ******,
I feel kinda guilty.
Actually, i really feel guilty.
My actions really remind me of my primary school days,
Being outcasted and all.
I know that feeling, which isnt exactly what you call pleasant.
When i saw the book of poems, "
emotional help" or something,
I finally realised i had teased her for too long.
I mean, im not usually the one who makes up jokes abt her,
But the action of laughing of her is really mean.
Damn, but she's really laughable. x(
How long will it take for me to get out of immatureness and stop laughing at her?
Time will tell.
Today i gathered the guts to go to school with my ridiculous hairstyle.
It wasnt as bad as i thought ppl would react.
I thought i looked HORRENDOUS!
But my class actually thought i looked
(1) Retro - like an Agogo dancer. -.-lll
(2) Cute - i already am. ((X
Heyhey, they're just voicing their HONEST opinions.
And, today Hengxin became
3C IDOL.She was sent to see May Lan and the Noobenizer.
her blog for more details.
If you can figure out her password.
Damn. I feel so weird i just wanna curl up in bed and rot.
Havent eaten dinner yet.
Dont feel like anyway.
When someone said count your blessings nowFor they're long goneI guess I just didn't know how I was all wrongThey knew betterStill you said forever and everWho knewI'll keep you
locked in my headUntil we meet againAnd I won't forget you my friendWhat happenedIf someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and that last kiss I'll cherish
Until we meet again
And time makes it harder
I wish I could
rememberBut I keepYour memoryYou visit me in my sleepMy darlingWho knewMy darlingI miss youMy darling
Who knew
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hey ppl, sorry for not updating my blog as often as i used to (which was practically every day).
Recently school has been draining me of ALL my energy.
And now, as it draws closer and closer to MYEs,
Die man, havent started studying at all.
Actually, i dont even know what to study. :P
So anyway, a few days ago, our dear monitress ZHENGHAN showed us a powerpoint of 3C.
I was truly touched.
But apparently, all that was just temporary.
To Zhenghan: If you just give up this easily, you really dont have the perserverance to help make 3C the best class in the whole level.You give up on us so easily, but now it's nearing to the MYEs,And i can see that all of us are piaing.If you just wanna dont care abt 3C, dont act as though you dont care.Just by giving away the badge, it doesnt mean that you arent still our monitress.Like, even Socks seems quite pissed abt your behaviour.Sure, you can make a powerpoint and make everyone happy, but if you feel as though you cant make it, why bother to make the powerpoint in the first place?Zhenghan, sometimes you are either over-concerned with stuff, or you just dont care abt them.That's the wrong attitude. You should know when to let go and when to take back.Furthermore, you slp in class. Everyone is concerned abt you, so you really should wake up and pay attention. It's not abt contradicting yourself, it's abt doing well for your MYEs, like all of us are trying to.So Zhenghan, take back the badge, take back your post, take back your enthuness.It makes everyone pek chek to see you like this.Pffft. Everyone's so down nowadays.
I wish i could just bring everyone's spirits up.
But, my body and health just doesnt allow me to.
I feel really sick and tired in class every day.
Now, i also cut my hair like toot liddat.
Shit man. Tmr's gonna be interesting.
Song Dedication:
Jessica Riddle - Even Angels FallYou've found
hopeYou've found
Found how fast she could take it away.
Found true love,
Lost your heart.
Now you don't know who you are.She made it easy,
Made it free,
Made you hurt til you couldn't see.
Sometimes it stops,
Sometimes it flows,
But baby that is how love goes.
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.It's a secret no one tells;
One day it's heaven, one day it's hell.
It's no fairy tale;
Take it from me
That's the way it's supposed to be.
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.
You laugh, you cry, no one knows why
Behold the thrill of it all...
You're on the ride
You might as well
Open your eyes
You will fly and you will crawl;
God knows even angels fall.
No such thing as you lost it all.
God knows even angels fall.
Even angels fall
Even angels fall
Friday, April 14, 2006
today was a boring day.
OH YAH RIGHT!Today, i went out with Shitbee, Yiyee, Huiling, Bryan Yeo, Mike, Timo and Fred.
We went to Jurong East to
First, we met at 10.30 at Eunos MRT.
Then, a 45 min ride to Jurong East MRT.
Then, we had breakfast at KFC.
And talked abt..
HER. (:After a few loud laughs and AA moments,
We made our way upstairs to the iceskating rink.
Im quite impressed with myself i must say.
Cant believe i can still iceskate after, 5 years?
Cant rmb. (X
I was the only one who didnt fall down!! (((:
There was one instance where SHITBEE kept talking abt my boobs.
And so i pushed her.
She balance forward, then backward, then forward, and then she fell.
X))) LOL!
She looked damn retarded.
There was also once when "Hey Mama" was playing.
Ya'll know there's one "tits" part right?
During that part, when the word "tit" was played,
I cupped SHITBEE'S BOOBS! (((X
LOL. She flat!
And then, Mike was just swinging Bryan's arms around.
And guess what?
He controlled his arms, and made them touch Shitbee's boobs again!
WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Bryan was traumatized.
And Mike was laughing like mad.
And for the whole day,
They were waiting for me to fall down and create
Papaya juice and
Banana juice.
Then Mike and Fred damn horny.
Always want to touch my boobs.
So, after iceskating for around 6 hours,
We headed out of the rink.
Then, we went to play ARCADE!
And that's when Shitbee went home..
So left the 7 of us. (:
Me and Huiling competed in DDR.
And guess what?
Yiyee joined in, and two more ppl joined in to help Huiling.
1 VS 4 CAN!!
But i still won!!!!!!!!!!! ((((X
Then, we went to EAT DINNER.
I got scammed of my money.
Fucking Beef Noodle aunties.
Then we talk there.
Talk talk talk..
Then take MRT home.
On the way to the MRT station,
We passed by the McDonalds playground..
And then HuiLing and Yiyee went in to play!!
I was damn surprised they even dared to go in.
After that, me and Timo also screw it lah.
We also followed them.
I dunno why, i suddenly got damn scared and kinda freaked out.
But i didnt show it.
I think i have some fear of mazes.
Scared i'll never go out.
I almost screamed man.
Lucky i got my way out.
After that we went to Popular for a while.
Gosh, Frederick got damn high.
Dunno why, when we just say "Fucking Nigger",
He'll start laughing like mad.
I also started laughing cos his laughter is damn contagious.
So, we went home in the MRT.
And he continued getting high in the MRT.
In the train, we kept talking abt
HER and her misadventures.
Like knocking her head against the PA box,
And tripping and falling on the soccer ball,
And alot more stuff.
Then Fred got high again and again and again.
Mad lah he.
Then i came up with the idea to prank call her.
Fred called her house using Timo's phone.
Fred: "
Hello, may i speak to ****** pls?"
Sister: "
Ok. JIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Fred: "
Hello, is this ******?"
******: "
Fred: "
- Timo snatches phone away and they struggle over the phone -
Fred: "
HELLO? HELLO? ******? Are you still there?"
- phone cut off -
Timo: "
It was a fun day altogether.
Haha, thanks guys.
Helped me feel better.
Bahh. My right foot is slightly swollen and my left foot hurts.
My stomach hurts.
My head hurts.
My heart hurts.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Shit man, i kinda screwed up the ballet exam.
I did wrong stuffs on those dances that werent graded.
Luckily they ARENT graded. (:
Heng shit.
But, i think it created a BAD impression on the examiner,
Which i dont give a fuck about. (X
My ballet leotard is very de PREEETY.
It's striking
I think it's THAT colour. ((:
It turned out better than i expected really.
So, after that Mr Nizam appeared at the CC.
And he gave me a math test.
It sucked really,
Gonna fail it.
And i got back my Chinese test.
Almost flunked it.
Got 25/50.
Heng shit (again).
After that, i went to Char's house.
She had an operation to extract her tooth from the upper palate of the mouth (
And when she came back, she was still bleeding profusely in the mouth.
The stitches were HORRIBLE.
I hate stitches.
The blood i dont care,
The stitches..
No way man.
Then, i received an sms from Slyballess, saying that we lost the debate.
And he was
best speaker.OMFG.
That sucks.
SLYBALLESS is best speaker.Fuck. I should really knock Mr Eugene Ong and Aurelia's head with a hammer.
Shit man.
Phoebe's blog,
I missed out a whole day of fun in school.
Sad life.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
FOOKY ZOE BOON.I dont care if im made to close this blog down.
Fuck it, i've already locked it anyway.
Those highlighted are my papers for each day.
I know they dont seem much,
And i dont really have much to complain abt the test schedules (they arent as bad as i thought they were gonna be).
But, all of them are like crammed together in 5 days.
Let's see.. 8 subjs - 2 (eng and hcl) = 6 subjs.
6 /5 = 1 1/5.
Ok lah, but last yr it was spread out on 6 or 7 days if im not wrong.
However, this is not the main prob.
Im fine with the packed test papers.
It's the
AFTER EXAM ACTIVITES that fuck me up.
NO MORE POST EXAM ACTIVITIES.OMG. Those are like relaxation methods. We cant survive without them.
Im not the only one who thinks this is absurd.
Practically EVERYONE (seriously) thinks this is absurd.
Isnt this serious then?
Wake up and smell the roses!!!!
AHS does not equal to..
Accomplished, Honorable SLAVES.
We need something called CHILLIN'.
I know AHS didnt do well in the O Levels last yr.
By forcing us to study like mad,
We have to learn in a happy environment, not in a forced one!
FUCK! I dont see why we shouldnt just go on strike!!!
Ballet sucked.
Tmr's gonna suck.
Have ballet exam then have maths test.
I hate all sorts of tests.
They fuck up my world.
Anyway, assembly today was damn fun.
I was sitting with Joween, Shitbee, Yiyee and the guys at the back.
They were damn noisy and horny.
Somehow they kept talking abt my boobs.
I wore a sports bra, but my boobs were still bigger than shitbee's and yiyee's.
WTF can?!!!!
I wanted mine to blend into the crowd.
Then i went for ballet,
And i was alone in the studio.
GOOD. (:
But then, i noticed that my boobs were still like normal.
I was damn pissed.
Cos i wanted my chest to get out of the way while im dancing.
Ok, those innocent minded ppl reading my blog,
Im sorry this post is abt boobs and horniness.
But oh well, the whole day was filled with crap. (X
Monday, April 10, 2006
STOP STARING AT MY BOOBS YOU SHIT PPL!Michael chases me after a cactus after i squeezed his nipples and he wants revenge by (1) smacking me on the boobs with the cactus, (2) hitting my boobs with his bare hands.
He loves to "Zi Muo".
He's sexually deprived and wants to have sex with Frederick by teasing him with his ass.
Kunwei cannot stop staring and drooling while seeing my boobs.
He thinks Yiyee and Phoebe's boobs are a wall and an airport runway respectively.
Phoebe loves to touch and smack my boobs.
I have a chinese test tmr.
Shit face.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
i ask mike abt friday can?this fucking artificial world. says:
okay(:this fucking artificial world. says:
say the cute phoebe is going
this fucking artificial world. says:
so its an honour to gothis fucking artificial world. says:
hahathis fucking artificial world. says:
jk- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
OMFG.this fucking artificial world. says:
u better no copy paste this i tell you- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
OH SHIT HOW U KNOW?!this fucking artificial world. says:
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
i was just abt to do that! ((X
this fucking artificial world. says:
idiotthis fucking artificial world. says:
nooooooooooooothis fucking artificial world. says:
i knw i am cute but- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
HAHAHAHAHAAHHAhA REVENGE IS SWEET.this fucking artificial world. says:
we must be modest abt it
this fucking artificial world. says:
this fucking artificial world. says:
*IDIOT- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
this fucking artificial world. says:
damn- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
HAhAHAHAHAHAhAHAHA- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU! says:
this is going on my blog! (X[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
she's known for her spasticness wad..
- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
she is!
- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
lol.- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
you also! ((X
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
you are too ok..
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
dun deny that..
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
hahas..- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
i am not.- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
i am chio, hear me roar!
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
oh yes you are..- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
THANK YOU![[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
...[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
oh my god!!!!!!!!!!- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
[[wIshInG mE baCk to ThE tiMe\]] Here.Without.You. LaGGeR
i meant tha tyou are spastic..- l naL__ * [ nanagoesbananas.blogspot.com ]] SHIT YOU!
this is gonna be my last post on this template!
i've already finised the next one! (:
And it's really pretty.
The tagboard wont match the layout now, cos i need to change the entire thing,
Hope you guys dont mind.
Meanwhile, keep on tagging the oddly coloured tagboard!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
7 random facts abt me:
#1 guys call me she-male.
#2 im called nana in class.
#3 phoebe calls me c-cup nana.
#4 bryan toh likes to drink milk.
#5 socks is my gossip partner.
#6 i love chicken rice.
#7 im BEAUTIFUL. (:
7 celebrity crushes:
#2 Jessica Alba
#3 Kristin Kreuk
#4 Michael Rosenbaum
#5 Tay Ping Hui
#6 Jay Chou (SONGS PLS SONGS!)
#7 Allan Wu.
7 qualities i wan in a potential boyfren/gurllfren:
#1 RICH. $.$
#2 can cook.
#3 HUMOROUS but not spas.
#4 HAPPY. (:
#5 knows when my periods are so he knows when to brace himself for PMS.
#6 RICH.
#7 look something like TOM WELLING! (LOLLLL)
7 things that scare me:
#1 XM. She gives me goosebumps.
#3 Michael.
#5 Apes. (:
#6 Phoebe.
#7 Guys who cry suddenly and emotionally = Wusses.
7 random songs at the moment:
#1 KAOPEI rap. (:
#2 Ai Mei.
#3 Anglican High School Song.
#5 Pokemon Theme Song.
#6 Far Away - Nickelback.
#7 "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" by an INDIAN.
7 things i lyk/love most:
#1 APES. (:
#2 3C.
#4 HP.
#7 MAHJONG. (:
7 things i'll plan before i die:
#1 Get alot of money.
#2 Take over AHS and then burn it to the ground.
#3 Kill everyone.
#4 Join forces with ETs to kill everyone.
#5 Make myself TOUCH ape willingly.
#6 Torture ********* and then kill.
#7 Kill Shitbee.
7 things i say most:
#5 LOL.
#6 HAHA. Funny ah. My toes are laughing.
7 ppl who needs to do this:
#1 NOONE cos passing this around is a waste of time! (X
Friends thank me cos i saved ya'll from doing this AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.
I drew
BLOOD this
afternoon, and i must say it is something i will never forget.
The stupid needle felt like it was inside for 5 min when it was just a little while.
There's still the mark there, and a slight bruise, but it'll be fine.
Hey, how many ppl get to draw their blood man,
I should be honoured. (:
Went for ballet today.
I AM SO FREAKING SCREWED.I didnt feel like dancing today, especially ballet.
And im scared that i'll feel like that again on the day of exam.
That thought just frightens the wits outta me.
I wanna get 80 for Grade 8,
But i HIGHLY doubt so.
Who am i fooling?
I am SO not a dancer.
Socks scolded us on our class blog. And i feel guilty.
Cos im one of those who doesnt do duty.
I dont do it cos sweeping the floor and emptying the waste paper basket is so..
Not me.
But i just realised that im really pampered,
And i promise SOCKS from now on i'll do my duty.
You have this blog entry to prove it now. (:
Been blogsurfing around ppl's blogs,
And i see how some ppl can just blog out their feelings without being scared of the consequences.
Against teachers, talking abt friends, talking abt enemies and other stuffs.
But i dont know why im so cowardly.
A blog is for you to blog out your feelings right?
And im just keeping them all up in
HERE.And im gonna explode soon.
I dont know whether i should blog them out now,
And make this a really long post,
Or i should just save it for later..
if it comes.... ...
I should just blog it out now.
You know, i cant really talk things out with people nowadays.
You know why? Cos i wanna put on a
facade that i am emotionally strong,
And not somemore who needs pampering all the time and needs to be patted on the back and a shoulder to cry on.
Another reason why i cant talk things out is:
I DONT HAVE ANYONE TO TALK IT OUT WITH.The only person i've told some of my problems to is Sock Ling.
And thanks to her for hearing me out. (:
It is so obvious nowadays that me and Charmaine dont hang out anymore.
Those ppl who see us together are those who are only at the canteen.
After recess, i go to her class.
And i talk to her classmates, never to hear.
You know why?
Cos she's always sms-ing other ppl.
It's really getting on my nerves you know.
Who likes it when you're out with somemore and she keeps on ignoring you?
You might as well just dont go out at all.
Some 3C ppl might know that me and her went out one day right.
But guess what? We went off to her house,
And she went out of her room to talk to someone else on her hp.
She left me in her room alone for a long time.
And then later she rushes out and tells me that we need to hurry.
She makes me run, and then later, when she told me before that we were going out, just the 2 of us,
We'd be meeting another person.
I was so angry.
She doesnt know that that makes me feel as though im not as good a friend as before,Or that im getting boring and irritating that she needs someone to go out with the 2 of us cos with me, it's boring.I feel that way now.
And then later, after meeting her friend,
We go to Bugis with him.
And when it was time to go home,
She's rather wait for him and go home with him rather than me.
She made me WAIT for him until 9.30pm.
I didnt know that we were waiting for him, and when i found out,
I just went home myself.
And now we're just ppl who say hi and bye.
You keep things from me,
Your friend here, your friend there,
Your friend = Crystal,
Your friend = Bryan,
Your friend = Cherng Ru,
You think i dont know abt them?
When you talk on the phone you keep it from me,
Secrets you share with other ppl,
And then when you're talking with them you ask me to get go out first,
WHAT THE FUCK?I dont need this shit from any friend, especially not you.
All this started when we went to the YF camp, subsequently my Bangkok trip.
This is one of the fucking reasons i dont wanna go back.
I dont wanna be reminded that Christianity is one of the reasons of the failure of our friendship.
All this started when i came back, and realised you have no more time for me, cos you're always out with Bryan.
And then later, when school reopens, i had to stand up for you when rumours started going around.
And then i just got tired of defending you. So i just let it be.
When school reopened, you suddenly got sick of me, and you started hanging out with Crystal.
Fine then, i dont mind her,
But everytime you have something on with her i feel as though i have noone to hang out with.
Fine lah, this is my own problem.
But cant you make SOME time, like, A DAY, for me?
You only go out with me when she's busy and when she has something else on.
And sometimes during recess you JUST have to go find her.
If you have to find her, you dont need me to go what.
Find Boon Tiong also, you dont need me what.
It is
IRRITATING when you keep asking me to go with you.
I want to tell all these to your face,
But you always have your reasons which are full of bullshit.
Another thing is: Stop asking me if i am Christian.
I dont have an answer.
Why not?
1) Christianity is one of the reasons i have failed friendships.
2) I DONT wanna go back to CHC becos they suck (go on, sue me then, i have my fucking reasons).
3) I dont wanna sit in for boring stuff.
4) My faith wavers.
5) I dont deem myself worthy of being a Christian cos i once cursed God.
So there, here are the reasons.
One more: Inferior to my sis.
Ppl keep comparing me to my sis.
Those people, FUCK OFF.
Esp you,
MOTHER.1) She's a better dancer.
I have nothing to say.2) Her maths is better.
Do you ever look at my languages?3) She's slimmer than me.
Do you want me to dont eat anything except a pear for a whole day?4) She's prettier than me.
Fuck. Dont ppl always say DONT JUDGE BY SOMEONE'S LOOKS? Apparently everyone does.5) She's more mature than me.
She's 19! Im 15! Dont tell me she didnt rebel when she was my age. Please!6) She has better dress sense.
As you grow older, you have more dress choices. Right now, i only have IceLemonTee and other stupid ah lian clothes.There are SO many more things that i am compared to with my sister.
Most of you would think who would keep comparing us,
Well, it's
MY FAMILY.The ppl whom you depend on the most are making you feel inferior.
Is that what a family should do?
Most ppl would notice that i keep saying im fat. Im not faking it, i really think i am.
Well, thank FAMILY DEAREST for making me feel as though i am someone who is obese and ugly.
And, i took around 1 and a half hours to write this entry,
Not cos it's long,
Cos halfway, i ran back to my room to cry.
So be it.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
http://kevan.org/nohari?name=NALINA --> MY FLAWS
http://kevan.org/johari?name=NALINA --> MY GOOD POINTS.
Monday, April 03, 2006
I wanna know what you think of me!
I know im chio, beautiful, glam, intelligent blah blah blah chio blah blah blah pretty.
I know i know,
Who doesnt know that im like that?!!!
-girlish giggle-Joking lah,
Just answer honestly.
The more ppl, the merrier!!!!!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
He's cute!
No? ((((X

Big Boobed Bryan.

Me squeezing BBB's boobs. (((X
HAPPY!This guy arhhh..
Always calls me NAINAI.
Always want to drink MILK.
So i squeeze his own milk for him to drink!
I went off first and didnt see the KAZHUA get BB-ed.
But i went to the
class blog and i saw a cockroach with boob and nipples. (:

A cockroach with boobs and nipples.

Sideview! He's DAMN SEXY!!!

This is one sexy cockroach.
Me likey! (((X
We are a pervertic and horny class!!! (X
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Firstly, i just wanna say
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS to Dearest Joween..
I scammed her by saying that i went to a checkup at the docs and was found to have diabetes.
She was so worried and stuff,
So yah, SORRY GIRL, and be HAPPY!
Haha, noone played any April Fools joke on me besides my bro. x)
I went back to sch today to do the class noticeboard.
I left early so im not sure how it is now. (:
Anyway, it was just real fun there!
We were playing soccer and then we started playing monkey soccer.
Haha, Ape wasnt there so we didnt know who to choose.
I wasnt a MONKEY at all! ((X
And then, there was once where Mike sat on the packet of Chili.
LOL! There was this *pom*, and we were all looking around, seeing what happened.
Apparently, he just plonked his big patookee on the chili packet and he stained his shirt.
And claimed that he menstruated. X))))
We were sitting around talking abt boobs, tummies, who's chio, who's not, the APE, etc etc etc.
And the topic was always reverted back to BOOBS.
The uber tiko (Bryan Toh), kept talking abt mine.
So we asked him to stuff in 2 toilet rolls.
And WOAH! His was like, 0.0
I even SQUEEZED them! XP
Pictures were taken from various angles, showing his SEXINESS. (:
We slacked around quite ALOT, but we still managed to do the noticeboard nonetheless.
I wanna know how much has been done already.
Haha, 3C rocks man!
We are SLACKERS! (who are trying to get above 20 for our L1R5 and do our teachers proud)
Heyy guys!
Im so excited that im gonna be an auntie soon!
My bro's gf, Grace is pregs! :D
Happy happy!
Her monthly "auntie" is late for 6 weeks.
So yupp, my bro told me and my mum that she's pregs.
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!I got the rudest shock of my life cos she's only my bro's gf..
So yah, we got SCAMMED... ...
That piece of shit.
Let me end this stupid post off with a joke:
There were 4 babies in the hospital,
A German baby, a Jewish baby, a Siingaporean baby and a Filipino baby.
The blur blur nures accidentally mixed them all up, and she was panicking cos she had to differentitate the babies out.
So after much thought, she exclaimed, "HITLER ROCKS!"
The German baby did the Hitler salute,
The Jewish baby shit in its diaper,
And the Singaporean baby turned to the Filipino baby and said, "Clean that mess up."